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研究生(外文):Si-Yuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):The impact of stock day trading to the market: A study of New Policy in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Pei-Shih Weng
外文關鍵詞:Day tradingBid- ask spreadPrice depthVolatilityTaiwan stock market
  • 被引用被引用:5
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本文研究探討當日沖銷交易對台灣股市的市場品質造成何種影響,分別從買賣價差、價格深度,以及波動度三個面向來觀察。使用面板迴歸分析(Panel Regression)檢驗396家可進行雙向當沖的上市櫃公司,樣本時間為2015年6月至2016年10月,橫跨約350個交易日。根據迴歸結果顯示,當日沖銷交易會使買賣價差增加、提高價格深度及使股票波動度變大,換言之,當沖交易會使得投資人的交易成本及交易風險提高,但卻也提高市場吸收價格衝擊的能力。本研究進一步利用兩階段迴歸分析,或觀察「擴大開放當沖」此一外生事件的影響來降低內生性問題,兩者的分析皆呈現一致的結論。台灣股市自2014年陸續開放當沖交易後,市場雖受惠於交易量的成長,但本研究的發現指出,其對於市場品質的影響可能不全然為正面的。
This study examines the impact of day trading activities on market quality of the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE). We measure market quality by bid-ask spread, price depth, and volatility. The sample companies consist of 396 public-listed firms which have allowed unlimited day trading. The sample period is from June 2015 to October 2016; almost 350 trading days are included in the analysis. The regression results show that day trading volume tend to enlarge bid-ask spread, increase price depth and stock volatility. The findings indicate that more day trading activities cause investors to bear higher trading costs and risks when they trade, but also make the market more liquid to absorb price impact. We further adopt two-stage regression analysis and observe the changes in the market around an external shock for day trading; both results are consistent with previous findings. Since the TWSE started to remove day trading restrictions from 2014, the stock market has enjoyed the benefits of growing trading volume; our results, however, suggest that the impact of day trading on market quality is not always beneficial.
第一章 緒論.................................. 1
第二章 文獻回顧與探討......................... 5
第三章 樣本選取及研究方法..................... 7
第一節 樣本期間及選取標準..................... 7
第二節 變數定義與衡量......................... 8
第三節 研究方法............................. 11
第四章 實證結果與分析........................ 13
第一節 敘述統計量 ........................... 13
第二節 相關係數統計 ......................... 13
第三節 實證結果分析.......................... 14
第五章 結論................................. 19
參考文獻.................................... 21
附錄........................................ 23
Abhyankar, A., Ghosh, D., Levin, E., and Limmack, R. J. (1997). “Bid‐ask Spreads, Trading Volume and Volatility: Intra‐day Evidence from the London Stock Exchange.” Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 24(3), 343-362.

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Barber, B. M., Lee, Y. T., Liu, Y. J., and Odean, T. (2004). “Do individual day traders make money? Evidence from Taiwan.” University of California, Berkeley, working paper.

Chung, J. M., Choe, H., & Kho, B. C. (2009). “The impact of day‐trading on volatility and liquidity.” Asia‐Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 38(2), 237-275.

Koski, J. L., Rice, E. M., & Tarhouni, A. (2008). “Day trading and volatility: evidence from message board postings in 2002 vs. 1999.” University of Washington, Unpublished working paper.

Chou, R. K., Wang, G. H., & Wang, Y. Y. (2015). “The impacts of individual day trading strategies on market liquidity and volatility: Evidence from the Taiwan Index Futures Market.” Journal of Futures Markets, 35(5), 399-425.

Corwin, S. A., & Schultz, P. (2012). “A simple way to estimate bid‐ask spreads from daily high and low prices.” The Journal of Finance, 67(2), 719-760.

Tai, V. W., Chen, M. H., & Tseng, C. H. (2015). “Return Volatility and Day Trading.” Journal of Financial Studies, 23(2), 19-54.


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