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研究生(外文):Hoang Thi Hoa Huong
指導教授(外文):Ying-yu Chen
外文關鍵詞:Employee LoyaltyAcademic PerformanceSelf-EsteemProfessional Service Firms (PSFs)Accounting firm
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Employee loyalty is becoming an increasing concern in the professional industry. Professionals nowadays have more options to change firms every few years in pursuit of better opportunities. That is why professional service firms (PSFs) have to try their best to increase employee loyalty and keep most talent workers. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between employee’s academic performance in college and loyalty at work from the perspective of self-esteem, which has rarely been investigated in any previous research. 256 data samples were from employees of Deloitte Vietnam Company Limited – one of the Big Four accounting firm in Vietnam. Research findings show that academic performance is positively related to employee loyalty and self-esteem has a partial mediate effect on the relationship between academic performance and employee loyalty. Theoretically, this study extends the knowledge in self-esteem and employee loyalty from the research setting of professional industry. Furthermore, the managerial implication indicates the PSF has to take the positive relationship between academic performance and employee loyalty into consideration while recruiting and maintaining their talents’ loyalty to itself.
1.1. Motivation and Background 1
1.2. Research Gap and Purpose 2
1.3. Research scope and procedure 4
1.3.1. Research scope 4
1.3.2. Research procedure 5

2.1. Theoretical background 7
2.1.1. Employee Loyalty 7
2.1.2. Self-esteem and related theories 8
2.2. Hypothesis development and conceptual framework 10
2.2.1. Academic Performance, Self-esteem and Employee Loyalty 10 Academic Performance and Employee Loyalty 10 Academic Performance and Self-esteem 11 The mediating effect of Self-esteem on the relationship between Academic Performance and Employee Loyalty 12
2.2.2. The moderating role of staff levels on the relationship between academic performance and employee loyalty 14

3.1. Sampling method and procedure 17
3.2. Measurement development 17
3.2.1. Academic Performance 17
3.2.2. Self-esteem 18
3.2.3. Employee Loyalty 19
3.2.4. Staff Levels 21
3.3. Pilot test result 22
3.4. Statistical methodology 23
3.4.1. Descriptive statistical analysis 23
3.4.2. Reliability and Validity analysis 24
3.4.3. SEM and hypothesis testing 24
4.1. Descriptive statistical analysis 27
4.1.1. Descriptive statistics of sample structure 27
4.1.2. Descriptive statistics of measuring items 28
4.2. Reliability and validity analysis 30
4.2.1. Cronbach’s α test 30
4.2.2. Exploratory factor analysis 31
4.2.3. Confirmatory factor analysis 32
4.3. Structural equation modeling 34
4.3.1. Measurement model assessment 34
4.3.2. Structural model assessment 34 Collinearity Assessment 35 Path-Coefficients 36 Assessing R2 values and Q2 values 37 Assessing f2 values 38
4.4. Mediation Analysis 38
4.5. Moderation Analysis 41


6.1. Theoretical Implications 45
6.2 Managerial Implications 46
6.3 Limitation and future research 48

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