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研究生(外文):Ming-Hui Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Promoting Success Factors and Performance of Digital Finance in Domestic Financial Institutions
指導教授(外文):Chie-Bein Chen
中文關鍵詞:金融科技決策實驗室分析法分析網路程序法DANP (DEMATEL基於ANP) 法組織改造銀行轉型人才培育新價值鏈競合聯盟新科技應用差異化服務
外文關鍵詞:FinTechDEMATELANPDANPorganization renewal and bank transformationtalent-trainingnew value chain competing alliancenew technology application in different services
  • 被引用被引用:6
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Domestic financial institutions face the rapid expansion of global FinTech industry, many emerging Internet innovation companies use FinTech to get into the financial industry, traditional service items of financial institutions are being eroded. In order to survive and sustain business in this huge business competitive pressure and impact, it should be committed to the customer centric thinking of the strategic planning. In this study, the domestic financial institutions facing the impact of the financial turmoil and using the four aspects of “the progress of organizational renewal and bank transformation,” “growth rate of talent-training,” “executive situation of new value chain competing alliance” and “executive situation of new technology application in different services” and twelve attributes in order to explore the domestic financial institutions promoting innovative digital technology influence of aspects, importance of attributes and their operational performances ranking order and analyses. Through the questionnaires survey, and the use of DANP which is combined with DEMATEL technology and ANP method is used to analyze the collected data. DANP method is used to determine attributes’ influent weighs for operational performances of those financial institutions promoting innovative digital financial technology and to analyze the attributes’ averaging performance values of their satisfaction for promoting innovative digital financial technology. The attributes’ averaging performance values are compared with the benchmark averaging performance value, and the ideal and non-ideal conditions of averaging performance of satisfaction of promoting innovative digital financial technology are differentiated. This can figure out the eight sampling financial institutions on the satification of above attributes’ averaging performances of what? And this can be used to decide whether the needs to strengthen the improvement or not? Therefore, the conclusions of this study can make suggestions to improve the operational performances of those financial institutions.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究動機
1.3 研究問題與目的
1.4 研究流程
1.5 研究大綱
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 數位銀行的定義
2.2 創新數位金融營運績效
2.3 組織改造銀行轉型進度
2.3.1 組織改造銀行轉型進度之定義
2.3.2 組織改造銀行轉型的歷程
2.4 人才培育佔比(成長率)
2.4.1 人才培育佔比(成長率)的定義
2.4.2 人才培育的計畫重點
2.5 新價值鏈競合聯盟執行情形
2.6 新科技應用差異化服務執行情形
2.7 混合式多屬性決策模式
2.7.1 DEMATEL決策實驗室分析法
2.7.2 ANP網路層級分析法
2.7.3 DANP決策實驗室分析基礎之網路層級分析法
2.8 彙整
第三章 研究方法
3.1 研究構面與屬性
3.2 研究架構
3.3 資料分析法
3.3.1 依DEMATEL技術建立影響網絡關係圖(Influential Network Relationship Map, INRM)
第四章 數位金融推動成功因素與營運績效分析結果
4.1 運用DEMATEL分析結果
4.1.1 DEMATEL 問卷之基本資料
4.1.2 DEMATEL 對構面相互影響度之分析
4.2 ANP之分析結果
4.2.1 ANP 問卷整合
4.2.2 運用 Super Decisions 軟體建立ANP架構
4.2.3 運用 Super Decisions 軟體計算 ANP 權重
4.4 推動創新數位金融各屬性滿意度平均績效值分析
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論
5.2 建議
5.3 研究限制
附錄B 推動創新數位金融各屬性滿意度平均績效值
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