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研究生(外文):Meng-Chen Sie
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Bank Loan Contracting on IFRS Reconciliations: Evidences from Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Wei-Ren Yao
外文關鍵詞:IFRSreconciliationbank debt covenantsfinancial covenant
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本篇研究主要探討第一次轉換為國際會計準則對已向銀行融資的公司而言,是否為一個有利的機會,使公司可以透過第一次轉換時選擇對財務報表有利的會計政策來回應其銀行債務契約的條款。本篇假設當公司向銀行借款金額高時或銀行債務契約包括債務條款時,公司會有較大的誘因或動機透過第一次轉換國際會計準則,選擇對報表有利的會計政策來符合其債務條款的規定,然而本篇透過以下三個債務條款: (1)財務條款 (2)以績效衡量貸款利息的條款 (3)債務契約中是否有要求提供擔保品,來衡量是否這些債務條款會影響公司透過第一次轉換為國際會計準則的機會,選擇對報表有利的會計政策,而導致正向的國際會計準則調節數,本研究以台灣上市櫃公司的銀行貸款為樣本,本篇研究結果發現:公司借款金額的幅度與債務契約含有財務條款會是影響公司為了達到債務契約要求的動機,並透過第一次轉換選擇對財務報表有利的會計政策來增加報導數字,因此導致正向的國際會計準則調節數。
The purpose of this study is to examine whether a one-time and first-time transition to a new accounting standard, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is the scope for company that involve in financing from bank debt to change the accounting method for a favorable reporting to respond its provision of bank debt contracts. This paper hypothesizes that company with higher magnitude of deal amount on bank debt or bank debt includes covenants will have a greater incentive through accounting policy change for a favorable reporting number in order to comply with the debt covenants. In this paper utilizes three covenants: (1) financial covenant (2) performance pricing provision (3) requirement of providing collateral to measure whether these covenants will affect company through the flexibility under first-time adoption of IFRS to engage in choosing a favorable accounting policy which result in a positive reconciliation. The main testing sample is from Taiwan listed firms with bank debt contract, the financial data come from TEJ database, and bank debt data is stem from Dealscan database. The findings in this paper show that the magnitude of deal amount and bank debt contract with financial covenant will affect company to involve in choosing a favorable accounting policy which results in a positive reconciliation to increase the reporting number in order to comply with the bank debt contract.
Table of Contents i
List of Tables ii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 9
2.1 The effects of IFRS on stock markets 9
2.2 The effects of IFRS on debt markets 11
2.2.1 The information function of IFRS to debt market 11
2.2.2 The contracting function of IFRS to debt market 12
3. Hypotheses 17
4. Research Design 23
4.1 Data and Sample Selection 23
4.2 Model design 24
4.2.1 Testing Hypothesis 1 24
4.2.2 Testing Hypothesis 2 to 4 25
5. Empirical Results 27
5.1 Descriptive statistics 27
5.2 The effect of magnitude of deal amount on reconciliation (H1) 28
5.3 The effect of containing financial covenants on reconciliation (H2) 29
5.4 The effect of provision of performance pricing on reconciliation (H3) 30
5.5 The effect of provision of providing collateral on reconciliation (H4) 31
5.6 Further test of reconciliation of earnings before tax (H1-H4) 32
6. Conclusion 33
References 35
Appendices 41
Appendix A: Variable Definitions 41
Appendix B: Financial Covenants Definitions 42
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