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研究生(外文):Shen-Chieh Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Data Hiding Schemes Using Image Interpolation Technique
指導教授(外文):Ching-Nung Yang
外文關鍵詞:data hiding (DH)reversible DHirreversible DHcover imagestego imageimage interpolation
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資訊隱藏 (Data Hiding; DH) 機制在密碼學與資訊安全中是一個重要的研究課題。資訊隱藏是將秘密資訊藏入封面影像 (Cover Image),而得到所謂的隱藏影像 (Stego Image)。好的資訊隱藏技術應該要能有好的隱藏影像品質,同時能抵抗隱藏分析攻擊(Steganalysis)。資訊隱藏可以分為兩大類:不可逆式資訊隱藏與可逆式資訊隱藏。一般的資訊隱藏技術大多是不可逆式的資訊隱藏,提取出秘密資訊後,封面影像會有損失。不同於不可逆式的資訊隱藏,可逆式的資訊隱藏從隱藏影像提取秘密後,可還原失真的封面影像。
近來,Jung和Yoo提出了一種影像插值運算的資訊隱藏技術 (Image Interpolation based Data Hiding; IIDH)。Jung和Yoo的IIDH機制是使用鄰近均值插值運算 (Neighbor Mean Interpolation; NMI),先得到一個擴張的封面影像。接下來,作者定計算像素值的差異,以隱藏秘密資訊。Jung和Yoo設計了可逆式與不可逆式的兩種IIDH機制。但是,Jung和Yoo的IIDH機制,作者只採用了簡單的方法,將秘密資訊的十進制的數值,直接加入封面影像的像素中。即使NMI運算是非常有效益的影像插值運算方法,但Jung和Yoo的IIDH機制並沒有得到非常高解析度的隱藏影像。在本篇論文中,我們一樣使用NMI技術,但是使用了最低有效位元隱藏技術 (Least Significant Bit; LSB),以及最佳像素調整處理 技術(Optimal Pixel Adjustment Process; OPAP),以改善隱藏影像的品質。
總結而言,本論文主要貢獻是:(1) 我們仍然使用NMI運算,但採用LSB 與OPAP來取代原本的簡單加法運算,以提高隱藏影像的視覺品質 (2) 理論證明我們的隱藏影像有更好的影像品質 (3) 我的IIDH的仍然適用於可逆式與不可逆式的資訊隱藏。
Data hiding (DH) scheme is an important research subject in cryptography and information security. Via embedding secret information into a cover image by DH technology, we may produce a stego image. A good DH technology should have high imperceptibility and may be against the steganalysis. In general, DH has two types: one is irreversible DH scheme (the original image cannot be obtained), and the other is reversible DH scheme (the original image can be obtained).
Recently, Jung and Yoo proposed a new image interpolation method, neighbor mean interpolation (NMI), on which they constructed image interpolation based data hiding (IIDH) schemes. There are two types of Jung and Yoo’s schemes: reversible IIDH scheme and irreversible IIDH scheme However, the authors only adopted a simple method by adding the decimal value of secret into pixels in cover image. Therefore, even though neighbor mean interpolation method is very cost effective, Jung and Yoo's IIDH scheme does not have very high-resolution stego image. In this thesis, we still use neighbor mean interpolation (NMI) to generate cover image, but adopt least significant (LSB) substitution and optimal pixel adjustment process (OPAP) instead of simple addition to improve visual quality of stego image.
The main contributions of this thesis are: (i) we still use NMI to generate cover image, but adopt LSB substitution and OPAP instead of simple addition to improve visual quality of stego image, (ii) we theoretically to prove that our IIDH schemes have the better stego image quality than Jung and Yoo’s IIDH scheme, and (iii) the new framework still can be used in both reversible and irreversible schemes.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
Chapter 2 Previous Work 5
2.1 Jung and Yoo’s IIDH Scheme 5
Chapter 3 The Proposed IIDH Scheme 9
3.1 The Proposed IIDH Scheme 9
3.1.1 The Proposed IIDH Scheme Using LSB 9
3.1.2 The Proposed IIDH Scheme Using OPAP 10
3.1.3 Theoretical Estimation of PSNR 11
Chapter 4 Experiment and Comparison 17
4.1 Experiment Result 17
4.2 Comparison 20
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 25
Appendix 27
References 33
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