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研究生(外文):Azusa Iikubo
論文名稱(外文):The Design of Power Saving Control and Data Transmission Management for IoT Sensing Devices
指導教授(外文):Shou-Chih Lo
外文關鍵詞:Internet of ThingsPower SavingSleep SchedulingData CompressionIoT Sensing Device
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Due to the advance of Internet of Things (IoT), the service and application related to IoT has been integrated into people's living space, and the users can know the information about the surrounding environment. Thanks to the progress of open hardware, users can build their own low-cost IoT sensing devices and deploy them in the user’s living environment. However, these devices are usually equipped with battery power, and it is necessary to reduce the energy consumption of the device to extend its lifetime. Without efficient data transmission and management methods on these devices, users are hard to acquire environmental information. Therefore, in this thesis, we design and implement IoT sensing devices that support sleep scheduling and data compression to reduce energy consumption, and design a system that can effectively transmit the data and manage the device. The designed components are integrated into an IoT management platform developed by our lab such that users can manage and control devices on the web, and see the latest environmental information immediately.
誌謝 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
圖目錄 ix
表格目錄 xiii
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 研究背景 5
2.1 物聯網(Internet of Things) 5
2-1-1 簡介 5
2-1-2 架構 6
2.2 無線感測器網路(WSN) 7
2-2-1 ZigBee 8
2-2-2 XBEE 10
2.3物聯網線上管理平台 11
2.4 開放式硬體 12
2.5能量消耗 15
2-5-1低功耗的傳輸協定 15
2-5-2睡眠計畫 18
2-5-3資料壓縮 18
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1睡眠計畫 21
3-1-1微控制器的睡眠模式 21
3-1-2 感測器分類 22
3-1-3使用者自訂 23
3-1-4智慧睡眠周期 24
3.2資料壓縮 27
3.3異常偵測 30
3-3-1緊急模式 33
3-3-2回復模式 34
3.4系統架構 35
3.5系統流程 37
3-5-1 整體流程 37
3-5-2 感測節點與Sensor Gateway 指令流程 43
3-5-3 制動器與Sensor Gateway 溝通流程 44
3.6物聯網感測裝置設計 46
3-6-1 Sensor Gateway(感測器閘道器) 46
3-6-2 Sensor node(感測節點) 48
3-6-3 Actuator (致動器) 50
第四章 系統展示與實驗 53
4.1系統環境 53
4-1-1 Sensor Gateway設定 54
4-1-2 Sensor node & Actuator設定 57
4-1-3 XBee晶片設定 59
4.2系統展示 61
4-2-1 裝置發現 62
4-2-2 裝置管理與管理 64
4-2-3 感測資料傳送 65
4-2-4 裝置接線圖 66
4.3系統速度測試與分析 69
4-3-1 實驗環境 69
4-3-2 實驗結果 71
4-3-3 結論 72
4.4資料壓縮測試與分析 73
4-4-1 實驗環境 73
4-4-2實驗結果 74
4-4-3 結論 81
4.5資料遺失測試與分析 83
4-5-1實驗環境 83
4-5-2實驗結果 84
4-5-3結論 85
第五章 結論與展望 87
5.1 結論 87
5.2未來展望 87
第六章 參考文獻 89
第七章 附錄 93
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