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研究生(外文):Chien-Ching Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Applications of data mining techniques to solar and electricity load forecast and analysis
指導教授(外文):Chenn-Jung Huang
外文關鍵詞:Solar forecastingloading forecastingrenewable energysupport vector machine (SVM)regression analysisData mining
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:574
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With the rapid industrialized development the energy for satisfying the needs of the people, and most of the electricity must be generated from Fossil fuels. However, the storage of the traditional fossil energy is decreasing by people did not treasure , and lead to the global warming phenomenon and greenhouse effects more and more serious. These environmental protection phenomena and question make the people to value the development of renewable energy, In many renewable energy ,the solar power are the most promising and rapidly developing renewable energy technologies that exist in our world today for the reason that solar power energy have the advantages of energy saving and not pollute the environment.
In this paper, the forecasting system is divided into two directions: solar energy forecasting and electricity load forecasting. In order to analyze the solar energy and weather’s parameter attribute this paper chooses to adopt data mining technology and put forward the method of grouping data according to the condition data day-ahead solar power and electricity load forecast. These processes include preprocessing, parameter selection, estimation of outliers, and the development of decision tree rules for the study;
Therefore, before the forecast, in order to reduce the accuracy of the data and increase the accuracy of the degree, the collected historical power output and weather data for pre-processing, make up the collection of information on the missing and abnormal values. The selection of the data often affects the output and the final prediction of the results, parameter selection is very important. In order to make the prediction results more accurate, according to different temperature and humidity characteristics of the decision tree to group the data. Finally, this paper compared with the original data to prove that the prediction after the group is better than the original data.
中文摘要 II
誌 謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 VIII
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景 1
第二節、 研究目的 3
第三節、 研究流程與方法 4
第四節、 論文架構 5
第二章、 文獻回顧與探討 7
第一節、 負載預測 7
第二節、 太陽能發電預測 9
第三章、 太陽能與負載預測系統 11
第一節、 系統架構概述 11
第二節、 資料前置處理 13
第三節、 參數特徵選擇 14
第四節、 異常值去除 17
第五節、 決策分類 18
(一) Decision tree選擇最佳參數組合 18
(二) 預測分析方法: 19
(三) 人工分群流程: 24
第四章、 測試結果與分析 25
第一節、 測試方法設定 25
(一) 異常值去除 25
(二) 參數選擇 26
(三) 使用的方法比較 26
第二節、 測試環境 27
第三節、 評估參數 27
第四節、 測試結果與分析 28
第五章、 結論與未來展望 33
第一節、 結論 33
第二節、 未來展望 34
參考文獻 35
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