With the recent rise of farmhouse in Taiwan, the original purpose of farmhouse usage has been manipulated rapidly on daily basis; this is particular true for farmhouse in Hualien due to development in tourism. The majorities of the farmhouses have violated the original definition which is temporary place for storage while operating agriculture activities, and temporary place for resting and have also violated the original intention of COA policy. In addition, turning farmhouse into Bed and Breakfast may perhaps cause environmental pollution, furthermore, more farms are not being used for agriculture purpose may also cause shortage in food supply and self-sufficient capability domestically
Therefore, this study combines decree analysis and real case study to explore the three major farmhouse issues in Ji'an Township, Hualien County, these issues are ‘Bed and Breakfast’, Luxury Villa Farmhouse’, and ‘Factory’, on agriculture district, and to point out the definition of farmhouse and bed and breakfast, and issue on farmhouse diversions by using the current regulation on agriculture land. In addition, to raise questions, recommendation and solution on the significance of farmhouse diversion in the area of Fuxing, Nanhua, Kanjo Ji'an Township.