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研究生(外文):Kai-Lin Hung
論文名稱:粉紅鸚嘴(Sinosuthora webbiana)聯絡叫聲是否涵蓋具有意義之超聲
論文名稱(外文):Is ultrasound a meaningful component in the contact call of Sinosuthora webbiana?
指導教授(外文):Yu-Cheng Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Sinosuthora webbianacontact callultrasoundplayback
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The vocal display of some birds include the ultrasonic frequency. However, it is still not clear if birds can perceive those stimulations. The contact call of vinous-throated parrotbill (Sinosuthora webbiana) has the component of ultrasound. When they hear the contact calls from normal speaker, their responses are less obvious than when they hear the sound from real bird. The component of ultrasound seems to be meaningful to the bird. The goal of this study is to figure out whether the vinous-throated parrotbill can perceive the ultrasound of their contact call. We recorded the response of bird when they hear the playback of the contact call of different frequency component. There are three types of the sound in playback and a control group. The playback including regular sound (whole frequency), non-ultrasound, and ultrasound. We found that vinous-throated parrotbill could discriminate ultrasound. More birds got closer to speaker when they heard regular sound. These results indicate that in vinous-throated parrotbill, the ultrasonic component of contact call seems to contain some information, which facilitate their short distance communication. This is the first study that proves bird can perceive ultrasound. More researches on physiology, anatomy and behavioral responses of ultrasound sense on birds are needed to reveal the mechanism and significance of ultrasound in avian communication.
1. 前言 1
1.1 動物聲音頻率的特性 1
1.2 蛙類與鳥類的超聲 1
1.3 高頻聲音的功能 3
1.4 粉紅鸚嘴 6
2. 研究動機與目的 7
3. 研究材料與方法 9
3.1 資料紀錄 11
3.2 統計分析 11
4. 結果 13
4.1 粉紅鸚嘴在不同回播類型下聲音的反應 13
4.1.1 是否發出聯絡叫聲 13
4.1.2 聯絡叫聲之起始時間 13
4.1.3 聯絡叫聲之持續時間 14
4.1.4 鳥群大小與鳥群一開始與聲源的距離對鳥群回應的影響 14
4.2 粉紅鸚嘴在不同回播聲音下距離的反應 15
4.2.1 是否靠近聲源 15
4.2.2 靠近聲源起始之時間 15
4.2.3 靠近聲源持續之時間 15
4.2.4 靠近聲源之個體百分比 16
4.2.5 最靠近聲源之距離 16
4.2.6 鳥群大小與鳥群一開始與聲源的距離對鳥群靠近的影響 17
4.2.7 是否接觸標本 17
5. 討論 19
6. 結論 23
7. 參考文獻 25
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