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研究生(外文):Yong-Lun Lin
論文名稱:金線蛙(Pelophylax fukienensis)在臺灣花東地區的棲地利用與分布
論文名稱(外文):Habitat Use and Distribution of Pelophylax fukienensis in Hualien and Taitung
指導教授(外文):Yi-Ju Yang
外文關鍵詞:Green pond frog (Pelophylax fukienensis)Habitat useDistributionCommunity structurePopulation fluctuation
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In the northern, central and southern Taiwan, the green pond frog (Pelophylax fukienensis) population concentrates in small areas in a discontinuous distribution. On the contrary, the population of green pond frog is generally continuously distributed in Hualien and Taitung, the eastern part of Taiwan. Nonetheless, the increasing human influence, such as traffic construction, makes it imperative to further explore the green pond frog population’s status, community structure, habitat use and population fluctuation in Hualien and Taitung. This research aims to provide effective suggestions for the frog conservation.
Therefore, the researcher conducted distribution census of the green pond frog population in Hualien and Taitung. The researcher selected one sample area respectively from eight villages, covered by the existing frog population, in order to investigate the relationships among the other sympatric species of frog and habitat use of green pond frogs.
One of the highly researched areas, Dong Hwa sample area, focused on the fluctuation of the frog population. The census found that green pond frogs have the lowest rate of appearing in pond areas among different species of pond frogs. Green pond frogs are only observed in marsh areas, which indicates that the population of green pond frogs are relevant to habitat types.
The breeding season of the green pond frogs is mainly from March to August. The adult frogs mainly use permanent water areas, but juvenile frogs prefer two static water areas, temporary (47.37%) and permanent (42.11%) areas. The ratio that the female frogs use the permanent water shores is higher than that of the male frogs. The researcher employed regression and logistic regression to analyze different environmental factors, including temperature, water temperature, humidity, pH value, conductivity value, degree of cover, average slope and maximum water depth. The researcher discovered that the temperature is related to the number of the green pond frog population.
According to the results of this study, the researchers speculated that the key factors affecting the survival of green pond frog population may be related to the existence of permanent waters and the availability of aquatic plants. Hence, the future conservation or habitat construction need to consider whether there is a need to retain or create grass environment as the corridors to increase the connectivity of the metapopulation. Moreover, the habitat construction requires good condition of aquatic plants, so as to stabilize the population of green pond frog.
1. 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 6
2. 文獻探討 7
2.1 金線蛙相關文獻 7
2.1.1 金線蛙分類 7
2.1.2 金線蛙冬眠研究 7
2.1.3 金線蛙的族群生物學研究 8
2.1.4 金線蛙的食性研究 9
2.1.5 金線蛙的棲地利用與分布 9
2.2 蛙類棲地利用對分布的影響 11
2.3 環境因子對蛙類的影響 13
3. 材料與方法 15
3.1 金線蛙分布普查 15
3.1.1 樣區選擇 15
3.1.2 調查頻度、日期與時間 17
3.1.3 調查方法 17
3.1.4 資料分析 18
3.2 與金線蛙共域蛙類群聚研究 19
3.2.1 樣區選擇 19
3.2.2 調查頻度、日期與時間 23
3.2.3 調查方法、記錄方式及環境記錄 24
3.2.4 資料分析 25
3.3 東華樣區族群波動研究 26
3.3.1 樣區選擇 27
3.3.2 調查頻度 27
3.3.3 東華樣區金線蛙族群與環境因子的關係 27
4. 結果 29
4.1 分布普查結果 29
4.1.1 金線蛙的普查結果 29
4.1.2 離車道與族群續存關係 31
4.1.3 最近關聯族群的距離與族群續存關係 32
4.1.4 分布普查小結 35
4.2 與金線蛙共域蛙類群聚結果 35
4.2.1 各樣區蛙種組成 35
4.2.2 各月蛙類出現情況 37
4.2.3 各樣區群聚的指數分析 39
4.2.4 與金線蛙共域蛙類群聚結果小結 41
4.3 金線蛙棲地利用 42
4.3.1 各樣區蛙類棲地利用情況 42
4.3.2 金線蛙棲地利用情況 42
4.3.3 金線蛙在永久性水域的微棲地利用情況 43
4.3.4 繁殖季與非繁殖季差異 44
4.3.5 金線蛙棲地利用小結 45
4.4 族群波動結果 45
4.4.1 金線蛙適合的氣候因子範圍值 45
4.4.2 金線蛙族群與環境因子之關係 47
4.4.3 金線蛙族群波動小結 48
5. 討論 49
5.1 棲地對分布的影響 49
5.2 棲地利用 50
5.3 環境因子 52
6. 結論與保育建議 55
7. 參考文獻 57
8. 附錄 65
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