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論文名稱:以Kutambaru, Langkat North Sumatera, Indonesia 為例的石灰岩調查
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Limestone Potential in Kutambaru, Langkat North Sumatera, Indonesia
指導教授(外文):Shyang-Woei Lin
外文關鍵詞:KutambaruLandsatLimestoneScanning Electron Microscope
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Langkat Regency, is located in North Sumatera, Indonesia, has many natural resources including petroleum and limestone, as the raw material for cement production. In Kutambaru, is one of sub-district of Kutambaru regency, limestone was estimated to be in karst areas. Limestone is demanded by humans for cement production. Karst landscapes are the product of dissolution of soluble of limestone. Karst landscape has conical hills, dry vallies, and thick vegetation. Much, mapping of geological structure use modern methods including remote sensing. Remote sensing uses an electromagnetic spectrum from satellite to record the lithology of earth. Remote sensing provides a variety data to help investigations. In this research, I used Landsat 7 ETM+ to investigate the geological features in Kutambaru, Langkat Regency. Estimation of geological features used the Maximum Likelihood Supervised classification method where this method can predict geological features after training with objects in each category. Quality assessment of limestone used Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry analysis. Geological classification in this area had five classes: limestone, tuff, sandstone, slate and Sibayak volcano product. The distribution of limestone was estimated as 16% (43,635 Ha) and located mostly in karst and protected area. Scanning Electron Microscope assessment revealed limestone was > 90% pure carbonates. Ford and William (2007) reported that the best quality of karst rock are more than 70% pure carbonates. We conclude that limestone in Kutambaru has good quality.
ABSTRACT ...................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................ii
CONTENTS ...................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................vi
LIST OF TABLES .............................................vii
LIST OF APPENDIX ..............................................viii
CHAPTER I ..................................................1
1.1. Research Background ................................1
1.2. Objective ..........................................4
1.3. Research Limitation ................................5
CHAPTER II .................................................7
2.1. Limestone .............................................7
2.1.1. Classification of Limestone .........................10
2.1.2. Physical and Chemical properties of Limestone .......12 Physical Properties ...............................12 Chemical Properties ...............................13 Impurities ........................................13
2.2. Karst .................................................14
2.3. Remote Sensing ........................................15
2.4. Landsat Satellite Images ..............................17
2.5 Scanning Electron Microscope ...........................21
CHAPTER III ................................................23
3.1. Study Site ............................................23
3.2. Data Collection .......................................26
3.3. Data Analysis .........................................28
3.4. Data Interpretation ...................................31
CHAPTER IV .................................................35
4.1. Result of Landsat Assessment ..........................35
4.2. Result of Scanning Electron Microscope Assessment .....43
4.3. Discussion ............................................43
CHAPTER V ..................................................51
5.1 Conclusion .............................................51
5.2. Recommendation ........................................52
REFERENCES .................................................53
APPENDIX ...................................................58
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