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研究生(外文):Wang, SZU-YING
論文名稱(外文):The relationships of chronotype and sleep quality with the risk of metabolic syndrome
指導教授(外文):CHOU, YU-CHING
外文關鍵詞:case-control studychronotypemetabolic syndromesleep quality
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研究結果:夜貓型罹患代謝症候群之危險性是中間型的1.31倍(95%信賴區間=0.56-3.08);整體睡眠品質差罹患代謝症候群之危險性是睡眠品質佳的1.11倍(95%信賴區間=0.76-1.61);而睡眠總時數小於6小時及超過9小時比睡7至8小時的人有較高的危險性罹患代謝症候群,分別為1.02倍(95%信賴區間=0.70-1.49)及2.22倍(95%信賴區間=0.79-6.21)。此外發現睡眠品質差的夜貓型有較高的危險性會罹患代謝症候群(OR=2.07, 95%信賴區間=0.75-5.70)。
Background: Mounting evidence from epidemiological studies has led to the hypothesis that one of the major changes in the modern society that contributes to the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) involves the introduction of artificial light and work into night time. Indeed, artificial light and work into night time will lead to circadian misalignment. Therefore, elucidation of the role of circadian rhythms in metabolic diseases has become critical in recent years.
Objectives: The study aims were to assess (i) the relationships between chronotype and the risk of MetS, (ii) to examine the association between sleep quality and the risk of MetS, (iii) to evaluate the combined effect of chronotype and sleep quality on the risk of MetS.
Methods: The study was a case-control study. Case and control subjects were recruited from the Show-Chwan Hospital in the Changhua area. Subjects fulfilled the diagnosis of MetS according to the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare guidelines were enrolled as the case group. Two control subjects matched to each case by age (±5 years), sex, and residential areas were selected from those attended the health examination center of the hospital. Global Sleep quality was measured using the validated Chinese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and chronotype was assessed by the Horne-Ostberg Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire.
Result: The result showed that evening type had a 1.31-fold [95% Confidence interval (CI)= 0.56-3.08] odds ratio for MetS as compared with intermediate type. In addition, poor sleep quality had a 1.11-fold (95% CI=0.76-1.61) odds ratio for MetS as compared with better sleep quality. There were 1.02 (95% CI=0.70-1.49) and 2.22-fold (95% CI=0.79-6.21) odds ratios for MetS is associated with short and long sleep durations. Furthermore, poor sleep quality in conjunction with the evening type have a higher risk of MetS as compared with better sleep quality combined with intermediate type (OR=2.07, CI=0.75-5.70).
Conclude: The evening type and poor sleep quality increased the risk of MetS. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms of chronotype and sleep quality in the pathogenesis of MetS.

第一章、 緒論...............................................................1
第一節、 研究背景與重要性....................................................1
第二節、 研究動機...........................................................3
第三節、 研究目的...........................................................4
第二章、 文獻探討...........................................................5
第一節、 晝夜節律與日韻律型態................................................5
第二節、 睡眠品質...........................................................8
第三節、 代謝症候群流行病學特徵、現況與危險因子...............................10
第四節、 睡眠障礙對於代謝症候群的影響........................................12
第三章、 材料方法..........................................................16
第一節、 研究設計..........................................................16
第二節、 研究架構..........................................................17
第三節、 研究對象篩檢條件...................................................18
第四節、 評估工具..........................................................20
第五節、 統計分析..........................................................22
第四章、 研究結果..........................................................23
第一節、 研究對象基本特性、生活型態及睡眠品質分佈情形.........................23
第二節、 病例組及對照組其基本特性、生活型態與睡眠品質分佈情形..................28
第三節、 性別分層其基本特性、生活型態與睡眠品質分佈情形.......................35
第四節、 整體睡眠品質及日韻律型態對於代謝症候群之危險性分析...................44
第五節、 性別分層其睡眠品質及日韻律型態對於代謝症候群之危險性分析..............47
第六節、 睡眠品質及日韻律型態之合併作用對於代謝症候群之危險性分析..............52
第五章、 討論.............................................................54
第一節、 影響代謝症候群之危險因素...........................................54
第二節、 影響日韻律型態之因素...............................................56
第三節、 睡眠品質和日韻律型態與代謝症候群之相關性.............................58
第四節、 研究限制..........................................................61
第六章、 結論..............................................................62

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