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研究生(外文):CHEN WEI HAN
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Educational Application of Virtual Reality in Nanotechnology - Photoelectric Effect of Liquid Crystal Display
外文關鍵詞:liquid crystal displaysphotoelectric effectnanotechnologyvirtual realitysituated learning3D liquid crystal glasses
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With its unique physical, chemical, and photoelectric characteristics, liquid crystal is often applied in compact display technologies. Liquid crystal’s phase changes can be categorized into three types – pressure, voltage, and temperature. Electric fields and magnetic fields have a great influence on liquid crystal’s phase transition; displays that combine liquid crystal and electric field operation have the advantages of being small in size, efficient in power consumption, requiring low operating voltages, and easily designed into multi-colored panels, and are therefore ideal for making televisions and computer screens. This study investigates liquid crystal’s photoelectric effects and develops teaching materials for college students including: controlling liquid crystal’s deflection and absorbance through voltage, color mixing and illumination principles of RBG color models in displays, and observing the relationship between liquid crystal’s deflection and the display’s coloring by manipulating the liquid crystal and controlling the applied voltage.
Virtual reality (VR) creates a three-dimensional simulated space with visual computing techniques for the users to obtain thoughts and cognition through experience simulation and rich interaction with the virtual environment. This study develops a VR system to introduce liquid crystal’s photoelectric effects by enabling learners to personally experience and operate the virtual liquid crystal unit, arrays, displays, and 3D liquid crystal glasses’ illumination principles to enhance their learning interest and understanding through interactive user interface and three-dimensional visual effects.
Through a teaching experiment, this study examines the learning effectiveness of applying the VR system in college nanotechnology courses and investigates learners’ attitudes and feedback after using the system. This study applied a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test and the samples were the freshman students from the science college of a university at Hsinchu. The students were divided into the “experimental group” and the “control group” to conduct the teaching experiment; the “experimental group” utilized the VR system while the “control group” used physical teaching aids and liquid crystal printed circuit boards for teaching. This study then discusses how different teaching aids lead to different learning results. Experimental results not only serve as a reference for the course designers, but can also become the basis of future improvement on the VR system.
According to this study’s research results, the learning method with the proposed VR system is better than the traditional learning method using physical teaching aids. It can be seen that the experimental group students underwent discussion and achieved learning goals during their operation, while the control group students only revealed who thought faster or had better problem-solving ability but were unable to motivate discussions. Therefore, using tablets and the VR system in teaching liquid crystal displays not only boosts learning motivation, but also enhances learning effectiveness through discussion.
摘要 I
目錄 II
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 2
第三節 研究範圍與限制 3
第四節 名詞釋義 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 液晶顯示器 5
第二節 虛擬實境 9
第三節 情境式學習 14
第三章 系統規劃與設計 16
第一節 開發工具與環境 16
第二節 系統設計 17
第三節 系統操作流程 18
第四節 系統介面與實驗設計 19
第四章 教學實驗與結果分析 33
第一節 實驗設計與流程 33
第二節 實驗對象 37
第三節 研究工具 37
第四節 實驗結果與數據分析 38
第五節 系統滿意度調查分析 42
第六節 實驗觀察紀錄 46
第五章 結論與建議 49
第一節 結論 49
第二節 建議 50
參考文獻 51
一、中文文獻 51
二、英文文獻 52
附錄一 前、後測成就測驗評量 53
附錄二 系統滿意度調查表 57
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