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研究生(外文):Lai, Sheng-Yu
指導教授(外文):Hu, Hwai-Tsu
外文關鍵詞:Blind audio watermarkingdiscrete wavelet transformtime-spread echorational dither modulationlog coordinate mapping
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本論文提出在離散小波轉換 (discrete wavelet transform, DWT) 域之中,結合時間擴展回聲 (time-spread echo, TSE) 和有理抖動調變 (rational dither modulation, RDM) 及對數座標映射 (log coordinate mapping, LCM) 等技術來實現音訊盲浮水印。我們在原有DWT-RDM的高效能架構下於DWT高頻區域嵌入時間擴展回聲 (time-spread echo, TSE),俾用於偵測音訊信號的時間尺度是否遭到修改,如遭遇改變則反向恢復原有的時間尺度,讓浮水印嵌入和檢測的位置重回一致,如此也才能正確提取浮水印。在這之外,我們還探討了DWT-RDM中佈建時間擴展回聲的最佳配當,以使音訊浮水印強健性與不可察覺性達到一個平衡點。

在不影響浮水印強健性的條件下,我們釐清了估算量化步階所需的合宜時間。另外在嵌入回聲時,透過嵌入頻帶的挑選與回聲強度的調節使信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio, SNR) 與音質評分 (objective difference grade, ODG) 得到改善。實驗結果顯示,嵌入回聲後幾乎不會對音訊品質造成太大的影響,而且在加入時間擴展回聲後還能讓原本的DWT-RDM浮水印演算法架構進一步增強了抵抗播放速度修改的能力。

In the digital era, multimedia data appear everywhere in life. However, the easy manner by which digitized data can be stored, copied, and distributed, has led to numerous copyright infringement problems. To solve this issue, "digital watermarking" has been recently proposed as a copyright protection method, whereby proprietary information can be embedded into multimedia, and later extracted to prove ownership. This technology has the potential to settle copyright disputes and attain copyright protection.

This thesis proposes combining several techniques including discrete wavelet transform (DWT), time-spread echo (TSE), rational dither modulation (RDM) and log coordinate mapping (LCM) to achieve effective blind audio watermarking. To verify whether the time scale of a watermarked audio signal has been altered, we deliberately incorporate TSE into a competent watermarking framework called DWT-RDM. In case the playback speed was modified, the original time scale can be restored according to the gauge of TSE. In addition, the locations for watermark embedding and extraction can be aligned to enable correct watermark retrieval. We discuss the most suitable arrangement for deploying TSE inside the DWT-RDM algorithm. All efforts are meant to obtain a balance between robustness and imperceptibility for audio watermarks.

In the premise that the watermark robustness shall not be adversely degraded, we verify the adequate time duration for acquiring quantization steps. Both signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and objective difference grade (ODG) can be further improved by choosing suitable DWT subbands for watermarking and by progressively adjusting the embedding strength. Experiment results show that the embedded TSE hardly affects the resulting audio quality. The TSE actually empowers the primordial DWT-RDM algorithm to resist playback speed modification.

第一章 導論........................................1
1-1 研究動機.......................................1
1-2 浮水印介紹.....................................1
1-3 浮水印架構.....................................2
1-4 浮水印嵌入方式.................................3
1-5 現有抵抗去同步的播放速度攻擊技術...............5
1-6 論文架構.......................................6
第二章 背景知識....................................7
2-1 離散小波轉換...................................7
2-2 遮蔽效應.......................................8
2-3 有理抖動調變..................................10
2-4 Arnold轉換....................................11
2-5 離散傅立葉轉換................................12
第三章 改良之DWT-RDM盲浮水印演算架構..............13
3-1 前言..........................................13
3-2 浮水印嵌入流程................................13
3-2-1 同步碼嵌入..................................14
3-2-2 回聲嵌入....................................15
3-2-3 浮水印嵌入..................................16
3-3 浮水印提取流程................................18
3-3-1 偵測縮放因子................................18
3-3-2 偵測同步碼..................................19
3-3-3 浮水印提取..................................20
第四章 作為效能比較的其它代表方法.................21
4-1 Fan 與 Wang[23]...............................21
4-2 Kang等人[22]..................................23
4-3 三種浮水印方法差異比較........................25
第五章 實驗材料與實驗結果分析.....................26
5-1 效能評判標準..................................27
5-2 音訊處理攻擊類型..............................28
5-3 優化結果......................................29
5-3-1 回聲嵌入區域選擇與強度α修正................29
5-3-2 最佳參考過去L的選擇.........................31
5-4 實驗結果比較與討論............................34
5-4-1 十首歌遭受音訊攻擊的BER(%)總平均結果........35
第六章 結論與未來展望.............................38

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