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論文名稱(外文):Red-Colored Product and Attractiveness: Comparison between Indians and Taiwanese
指導教授(外文):HAN-YU LIN
外文關鍵詞:Red color productattractivenesscultural dependencygender difference
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The main motive of this paper is to find the influence of red color product on the individuals. Previous study shows that woman looks more attractive when she is having red colored product with herself i.e. woman carrying red laptop found to be more attractive in comparison to the same woman with other color laptop i.e. blue, black or silver (Lin, 2014). The color red is frequently associated with sex; many studies have shown that red enhances female sexual attractiveness. This study was designed in such a way so that we can find that is the previous study/finding was stable or not.
And the second reason of this study is to know whether the effect of red colored product is cultural dependent or independent, and for this we have performed experiment in two different culture/countries that is India and Taiwan.
In total, eight experiment were performed, two on Indian female participants, two on Indian male participants, two on Taiwanese female participants and another two on Taiwanese male participants. Participants were recruited for the study through online survey using Google form. The contemplate was hang out for around a month and an average of 140 usable responses were collected for each experiment (we have got different number of responses for different experiment). In each experiment the participants were asked to complete questionnaires which included photo of a male and female holding different color water bottle. In four experiments boy is holding a bottle of different color and in another four experiments girl is holding the bottle of different color. We tried to find the perception of Indian males, Indian females, Taiwanese males and Taiwanese females, on these questionnaires, and tried to know the influence/effect of red color on the Indian and Taiwanese participants. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20.

1. Taiwanese women find man with red colored product significantly more attractive, handsome, and romantic and having higher sex appeal.
2. Taiwanese men find woman with red colored product significantly more attractive, but in case of sex appeal, beauty and romantic look the mean score is higher although it is non-significantly higher.
3. We have not got any significant difference regarding attractiveness, sex appeal, romantic and beauty/handsome among the photo of boy or girl holding five different color bottles from the Indian participants, so we can say that influence of red colored product is cultural dependent.
Practical Implications
It is important to understand the product color, background color and its effects, because this may contribute to product design, architectural design. And, the findings may be also helpful for lighting designer who have the skill in controlling the light. Changing the color of the product is cheapest and most easy way to come up with new design.
For marketing and advertisement in a particular culture or country, it is important to know the influence of color in that country/culture. Our findings suggest that the influence of red colored product is culture depended, so we can’t not directly promote red colored product in every culture or country.
Red color product, attractiveness, cultural dependency, gender difference

Chapter 01 Introduction 1
1.1 Aim of the Study 1
1.2 Significance of the study 2
1.3 Reflection on the study 2
Chapter 02 Inspection of literature and Hypotheses 3
2.1 Color Defined 4
2.1.1 Color Corporation for Commodity and Purchasing Situations 4
2.1.2 Relation between Symbol and Color 5
2.1.3 End-user’s personality, feelings and the performance of Colors 7
2.1.4 Relation between colors and different cultures 7
2.2 Red color Defined 10
2.3 Red color in art, culture & history 10
2.4 Importance of red in Science 11
2.5 Red and Metaphor 12
2.6 Red in different cultures, traditions and religions 13
2.7 Red in Romance, Love and Attraction 16
2.7.1 Red and Women in romance, love and attraction 17
2.7.2 Red and Male in romance, love, attraction and self-confidence 20
2.8 Physiological Effects of Red Color 22
3 Hypotheses 24

Chapter 03 Methodology 25
3.1 Objects for Experiments 26
3.2 Experiment 1: - Indian Males’ Perception regarding woman 31
3.3 Experiment 2: - Indian Males’ Perception regarding man 36
3.4 Experiment 3: - Indian Females’ Perception regarding woman 43
3.5 Experiment 4: - Indian females’ Perception regarding man 48
3.6 Experiment 5: - Taiwanese Males’ Perception regarding woman 53
3.7 Experiment 6: - Taiwanese Males’ Perception regarding man 59
3.8 Experiment 7: - Taiwanese Females’ Perception regarding woman 64
3.9 Experiment 8: - Taiwanese Females’ Perception regarding man 69
Chapter 04 Discussion 75
4.1 Findings on Indian participants 75
4.2 Findings on Taiwan participants 80
Chapter 05 Conclusions and Future Research 86
5.1 Future Research Possible 87
5.2 Research Limitations 87



Figure no Description Page No.
Figure 1 Photos of 10 females used to get mean attractive female face 27
Figure 2 Photos of 10 males used to get mean attractive male face 28
Figure 3 Mean attractive female judge by females 30
Figure 4 Mean attractive female judge by males 30 Figure 4 Mean attractive female judge by males 30
Figure 5 Mean attractive male judge by females 30
Figure 6 Mean attractive male judge by males 30
Figure 7 Woman holding red color water bottle 32
Figure 8 Bar Chart between colors and mean attractiveness (Ex 1) 34
Figure 9 Bar Chart between colors and look (beauty of woman) (Ex 1) 34
Figure 10 Bar Chart between colors and romantic look (Ex 1) 35
Figure 11 Bar Chart between colors and sex appeal (Ex 1) 36
Figure 12 Man holding red color water bottle 38
Figure 13 Bar Chart between colors and mean attractiveness (Ex 2) 40
Figure 14 Bar Chart between colors and looks (handsome) (Ex 2) 41
Figure 15 Bar Chart between colors and romantic (Ex 2) 42
Figure 16 Bar Chart between colors and sex appeal (Ex 2) 42
Figure 17 Woman holding red color water bottle 44
Figure 18 Bar Chart between colors and mean attractiveness (Ex 3) 45
Figure 19 Bar Chart between colors and look (beauty of woman) (Ex 3) 46
Figure 20 Bar Chart between colors and romantic look (Ex 3) 47
Figure 21 Bar Chart between colors and sex appeal (Ex 3) 47
Figure 22 Bar Chart between colors and mean attractiveness (Ex 4) 51
Figure 23 Bar Chart between colors and looks (handsome) (Ex 4) 51
Figure 24 Bar Chart between colors and romantic (Ex 4) 52
Figure 25 Bar Chart between colors and sex appeal (Ex 4) 52
Figure 26 Bar Chart between colors and mean attractiveness (Ex 5) 55
Figure 27 Bar Chart between colors and look (beauty of woman) (Ex 5) 56
Figure 28 Bar Chart between colors and romantic look (Ex 5) 57
Figure 29 Bar Chart between colors and sex appeal (Ex 5) 57
Figure 30 Bar Chart between colors and mean attractiveness (Ex 6) 61
Figure 31 Bar Chart between colors and mean looks (handsome) (Ex 6) 62
Figure 32 Bar Chart between colors and mean romantic (Ex 6) 63
Figure 33 Bar Chart between colors and mean sex appeal (Ex 6) 63
Figure 34 Bar Chart between mean attractiveness and colors (Ex 7) 66
Figure 35 Bar Chart between colors and looks (beauty) (Ex 7) 67
Figure 36 Bar Chart between colors and romantic (Ex 7) 68
Figure 37 Bar Chart between colors and sex appeal (Ex 7) 68
Figure 38 Bar Chart between colors and mean attractiveness (Ex 8) 71
Figure 39 Bar Chart between colors and looks (Handsome) (Ex 8) 72
Figure 40 Bar Chart between colors and romantic look (Ex 8) 73
Figure 41 Bar Chart between colors and sex appeal (Ex 8) 73
Figure 42 Bar chart between colors and attractiveness, handsome, romantic and sex appeal (Ex 1) 76
Figure 43 Bar chart between colors and attractiveness, handsome, romantic and sex appeal (Ex 2) 77
Figure 44 Bar chart between colors and attractiveness, handsome, romantic and sex appeal (Ex 3) 79
Figure 45 Bar chart between colors and attractiveness, handsome, romantic and sex appeal (Ex 4) 80
Figure 46 Bar chart between colors and attractiveness, handsome, romantic and sex appeal (Ex 5) 81
Figure 47 Bar chart between colors and attractiveness, handsome, romantic and sex appeal (Ex 6) 82
Figure 48 Bar chart between colors and attractiveness, beauty, romantic and sex appeal (Ex7) 83
Figure 49 Bar chart between colors and attractiveness, beauty, romantic and sex appeal (Ex8) 84


Table no. Description Page No.
Table 1 Association of color with different culture 9
Table 2 Red color in different religions 15
Table 3 Mean score on the woman holding five different colors bottle from male participants of India 33
Table 4 Mean score of man holding five different colors bottle from male participants of India 40
Table 5 Mean score of the woman holding five different colors bottle from female participants of India 45
Table 6 Mean score of the man holding five different colors bottle from female participants of India 50
Table 7 Mean score of the female holding five different colors bottle for male participants of 55
Table 8 Mean score of the man holding five different colors bottle from male participants of Taiwan 61
Table 9 Mean score of female holding five different colors bottle from female participants of Taiwan 66
Table 10 Mean score of the man holding five different colors bottle from Female participants of Taiwan 71
Table 11 Shows the comparisons between this thesis results and old results 85


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