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研究生(外文):Lin, Li-Chen
論文名稱(外文):International Graduate Students’ English Communication Challenges and English Learning Needs: A Case Study in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lan, Shu-Wen
口試委員(外文):Liang, Jong-ShingChang, Mei-Mei
外文關鍵詞:internationalization of higher educationinternational graduate studentscross-cultural adaptationcross-cultural communication
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The internationalization of higher education has been emphasized gradually for the past few years. More international graduates (IGs) choose to study in Taiwan nowadays. IGs’ insufficient English proficiency poses challenges for their English communication in and outside of classroom. Additionally, universities do not provide specialized English courses like listening, speaking, reading and writing to prepare IGs for academic life in Taiwan.

There has been very little research related to English learning and conversational English of IGs in Taiwan. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore IGs’ study life with focus on their perspectives and experiences of English communication with the university community in and outside the classrooms in National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST).

The participants are three Burkina Faso IGs and three Vietnamese IGs. IGs were interviewed three times in two semesters of 2015 and 2016 academic year with the open-ended questions to explore their English learning situation and perspectives of communicating with others in English. The findings identify specific challenges IGs encounter in and outside the classroom communication in English, with focus on their conversational English with the NPUST community.

In findings, IGs felt disheartened when they attempted to have a conversation with others because of their lack of English oral practices and difficulty in comprehending diverse accents. Besides, African IGs met more challenges compare to Vietnamese IGs, especially the interpersonal interaction with the NPUST community.


1.1 Background and Motivation of the Study 1
1.2 Purpose of Study 7
1.3 Research Questions 7
1.4 Definition 8

2.1 Internationalization of Taiwanese Higher Education 9
Internationalization 9
Internationalization of higher education 10
Policies of government and universities 11
Scholarship offerings to international students in Taiwan 11
Set up English and Chinese learning program 13
Correlative facilities and services to international students 14
International students in Taiwanese higher education 15
2.2 Cross-cultural Adaptation and Cross-cultural Communication 17
Culture 18
Cross-cultural adaptation 18
Cross-cultural communication 19
Chinese learning programs in Taiwan 20
The language international students need in their study in Taiwan 21
2.3 Previous Studies of International Students in Taiwan 23

3.1 Research Design 25
Case study 26
Multiple case studies 26
Grounded theory 26
3.2 Participants 27
Purposive selection 28
Participants’ invitation 31
Participants’ information 33
3.3 Role of the Researcher 34
3.4 Data Collection 35
In-depth interview 36
Pilot interview 37
Formal interview procedure 38
Interview field notes 39
Recording data 39
3.5 Data Analysis 40
Transcriptions 40
Coding 40
Within-case analysis 42
Cross-case analysis 42
3.6 Trustworthiness of qualitative data 42
Triangulation 43
Thick description 43

4.1 Individual Case’s Story 45
Allen—Burkina Faso 45
Berry—Burkina Faso 50
Carry—Burkina Faso 54
Dana—Vietnam 59
Ella—Vietnam 65
Fanny—Vietnam 70
4.2 Common Themes and Categories across Six Cases 75
4.2.1 Expectations of Study in Taiwan 76
Reasons of study in Taiwan 76
High self-expectation 79
Academic expectation 80
4.2.2 English Communication Challenges and Its Influences 80
The lack of English proficiency 81
Difficulty in comprehending diverse accents or being understood 82
Struggles with academic demands 83
Conflicts with the NPUST community 85
4.2.3 Strategies to Deal with Communication Challenges 88
Help and guidance from the NPUST community 88
4.2.4 Participants’ Suggestions 90
Professional English course needs 90
English certification resources 91
Chinese training courses 92
Extra interaction courses 93
4.3 Summary of findings 93

5.1 Expectations of Study in Taiwan 96
5.1.1 Reasons of Study in Taiwan 96
People’s recommendations 97
Scholarship 98
School programs 99
Chinese learning environments 99
5.1.2 High Self-Expectation 100
5.2 Communication Challenges and Its Influences 100
5.2.1 The Lack of English Proficiency 102
5.2.2 Difficulty in Comprehending Diverse Accents or being understood 101
5.2.3 Struggles for Academic Demands 102
5.2.4 Conflicts with the NPUST Community 103
5.3 Strategies to Deal with Communication Challenges 105
5.4 Limitations 108
5.5 Suggestions 109

Appendix A 121
Appendix B 122
Appendix C 123
Appendix D 124
Appendix E 125
Appendix F 126

Table1 Overseas Taiwan Education Center 15
Table2 Overview of the Past 10 Years Studies on
International Students in Taiwan 24
Table3 Personal Profile of Participants 33
Table4 Outline of Data Collection 35
Table5 Personal Profile of Pilot Interviewees 37
Table6 The Example of Underlining the Important Statements 41
Table7 The Examples of Coding Process 41
Table8 IGs’ Reasons of Coming to Study in NPUST 77
Table9 IGs’ Self-expectation of Study in NPUST 79
Table10 IGs’ Academic Expectation of Study in NPUST 80
Table11 IGs’ English Learning and Training Experiences 81
Table12 Accent Challenges of IGs 82
Table13 IGs’ Positive and Negative Feelings of Academic Demands 84
Table14 IGs’ Relationship with NPUST Community 85

Figure1 The Number of International Students in Taiwan in the Past 5 Years (MOE, 2015) 2
Figure2 The Number of International Students from Each Continent in Taiwan in the Past 5 Years (MOE, 2015) 3
Figure3 Master’s Course for International Sudents in Taiwan 5
Figure4 Short-term Courses of Chinese Training Center
(NPUST, 2015) 14
Figure5 The Number of Asian International Students in Taiwan in the Past 5 Years (MOE, 2015) 16
Figure6 The Number of International Students in NPUST in Past 5 Years (MOE, 2015) 29
Figure7 The Number of Asian International Students in NPUST in Past 5 Years (MOE, 2015) 30
Figure8 The Number of African International Students in NPUST in Past 5 Years (MOE, 2015) 30
Figure9 Major Themes and Categories of IGs’ Study Life
in NPUST 76
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