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研究生(外文):Chen, Shui-Pin
論文名稱(外文):Design and Fabrication of an Electric Motorcycle Structure
指導教授(外文):Chen Yung-Chuan
口試委員(外文):Ye, Nan-MingHuang, Bo-WenHuang, Hsing-HuiChen Yung-Chuan
外文關鍵詞:Electric MotorcycleOptimization AnalysisStiffness AnalysisFatigue Life Analysis
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本論文主要是建立一電動摩托車車架結構輕量化設計分析之流程,此分析流程是結合拓撲最佳化分析、尺寸最佳化分析及有限元素分析。本研究所設計之車架結構是由主車架及後搖臂所組成,主車架結構設計目標重量必須低於20.8 kg,彎曲及扭轉剛性分別必須高於500 N/mm與2000 N.m/deg。後搖臂結構設計目標重量必須低於8.5 kg,彎曲、扭轉及側向剛性分別需高於1000 N/mm、400 N.m/deg及400 N/mm。
依照本文所建立的輕量化分析流程,所得主車架結構和後搖臂重量分別為11.1 kg和8.3 kg。分析結果得出,主車架彎曲剛性及扭轉剛性值分別為534.8 N/mm與2143 N.m/deg。後搖臂彎曲剛性、扭轉剛性及側向剛性分別為1000 N/mm、414.3 N.m/deg及526 N/mm。
將本研究設計之車輛後懸吊系統的彈簧剛性值設定為15、30、45以及60 N/mm四種不同剛性值時,其車架結構的疲勞壽命分別為 、 、 及 ,藉由結果得出後懸吊系統的彈簧剛性值對車架結構的疲勞壽命有其影響性,當剛性值達到一個定值後,在增加只會造成後懸吊系統失去避震之效果,降低車架結構的疲勞壽命。
The objective of this research is to set up process for electric motorcycle structure lightweight design. This process include topology optimization analysis, size optimization analysis and finite element analysis. In this research, the structure combine main frame and swing arm. The design weight of the main frame structure is set to be less than 20.8 kg. The bending stiffness and the torsion stiffness of the main frame structure are design to be greater than 500 N/mm and,2000 N.m/deg, respectively. The design weight of the swing arm structure is set to be less than 8.5 kg. The bending stiffness, torsion stiffness and, lateral stiffness of the swing arm structure are design to be greater than 1000 N/mm,400 N.m/deg and,400 N/mm, respectively.
In this research, the TOSCA optimization software is used for the lightweight analysis of the motorcycle structure. Build three dimensions elastic-plastic finite element models by using ABAQUS software. To analysis stiffness, strength and, fatigue life of the motorcycle structure.
According to the lightweight analysis process. Main frame and swing arm weight are 11.1 and 8.3 kg, respectively. The bending stiffness and the torsion stiffness of the main frame are 534.8 N/mm and 2143 N.m/deg, respectively. The bending stiffness, torsion stiffness and, lateral stiffness of the swing arm are 1000 N/mm, 414.3 N.m/deg and,526 N/mm, respectively.
When the spring stiffness values of the motorcycle rear suspension system design in this study are set to 15,30,45 and 60 N/mm for four different stiffness values. The fatigue life cycle of the frame structure is , , and , respectively. The result shows that the spring stiffness value of the rear suspension system has its influence on the fatigue life of the frame structure. When the spring stiffness reaches a fixed value. Continue increase the spring stiffness will only cause the suspension system lose the performance of the shock and reduce the fatigue life of the frame structure.
摘 要 I
Abstract III
謝誌 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
符號索引 XIX
第1章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.2.1最佳化設計之相關研究 2
1.2.2車架靜剛性之相關研究 4
1.2.3疲勞壽命評估之相關研究 4
1.3研究目的 6
1.4組織與章節 7
第2章 研究方法 8
2.1 ISO路面規範 11
2.2疲勞壽命理論 14
2.2.1應力-壽命法理論 14
2.2.2 Miner線性疲勞累積損傷理論 17
2.2.3雨流循環計數法 17
2.3最佳化設計理論 20
2.3.1拓撲最佳化設計理論 21
2.3.2尺寸最佳化設計理論 22
第3章 車架結構輕量化分析 24
3.1車架結構空間規劃 24
3.2拓樸最佳化分析 27
3.2.1拓樸最佳化分析模型建置 27
3.2.2拓樸最佳化分析設定 27
3.2.3拓樸最佳化分析結果 31
3.3尺寸最佳化分析 37
3.4最終概念設計 37
第4章 車架結構有限元素分析 45
4.1幾何模型 45
4.2有限元素模型 45
4.3邊界條件 55
4.3.1彎曲剛性分析 55
4.3.2扭轉剛性分析 55
4.3.3側向剛性分析 55
4.3.4全負載強度分析 56
4.3.5全負載剎車強度分析 60
4.3.6疲勞壽命分析 66
4.4收斂分析 72
4.4.1收斂分析之結果 72
4.5實驗量測 78
4.5.1實驗平台設計 78
4.5.2實驗設備 78
4.5.3實驗量測方法 78
4.5.4結構之實驗 83
4.6車架結構剛性分析結果 92
4.6.1彎曲剛性分析 92
4.6.2扭轉剛性分析 92
4.6.3側向剛性分析 93
4.7車架結構強度分析結果 93
4.8車架結構疲勞分析結果 100
第5章 車架結構實作 115
5.1零組件工程圖 115
5.2加工製作 115
5.2.1管件彎管製作 115
5.2.2管件切割備料及管件對接坡口處理 120
5.3車架結構製作 125
5.3.1銲接工作平台 125
5.3.2結構管件對位固定 125
5.3.3結構銲接 125
5.3.4懸吊、動力、控制系統與外殼組裝 133
第6章 結論 136
參考文獻 138
作者簡介 142
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