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研究生(外文):Sun, Hao-Kai
論文名稱(外文):Passenger comfort in a cabin subjected to solar irradiance and ambient humidity
指導教授(外文):Leong, Jik-Chang
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chin-LungChang, Wei-JinLeong, Jik-Chang
外文關鍵詞:comfortDI indexTHI indexrelative humiditysolar irradiancetemperature
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本論文主旨為研究不同強度之陽光照射與環境濕度對車廂內乘員熱感受之影響。本研究利用計算流體力學軟體Fluent模擬車輛在行進時車廂內外氣流交換與車廂內人體模型的溫度變化。此模擬選用RNG K-紊流模型與DO熱輻射模組來運算紊流流場與太陽輻射狀況。環境的相對濕度經由濕度計算表推算出空氣中的水蒸氣質量後,再轉換成對應的容積比邊界條件。本研究也探討了其他參數,例如:車速、太陽因子、環境溫度、車廂通風方式等條件。模擬所得之結果經過計算後,以DI指數 (Discomfort Index)與THI 指數(Temperature- Humidity Index)兩種熱舒適指標呈現,評估車廂內乘員的舒適度情形。模擬結果證實DI與THI的熱舒適結論一致,且本研究所發展之方法可用於探討人員對不同環境溫度與濕度之感受程度。此外,由結果得知環境相對濕度超過80%時,乘員的不舒適情形將更加明顯。無論是晴天還是陰天,若環境濕度超過50%時,在車速為30km/hr的車廂內的駕駛或副駕駛其中一人將會感到不舒服。空氣局部溫度越高,代表該區域可容納的水蒸氣質量就越多,進而吸收更多的潛熱。因此,在判斷相對濕度對人體所造的不舒適情形時,也要考量到相對濕度會促使環境溫度降低。環境濕度的提升所產生的不舒適情況未必如預期般嚴重。雖然如此,太陽照射所造成的人體局部皮膚升溫現象應盡可能避免,因為溫度所引起的不舒適程度遠超過溼度的影響。
The objective of this thesis is to study the effect of different solar irradiance and atmospheric relative humidity on the comfort of passengers in a car cabin. This work uses Fluent, a computational fluid dynamics software, to simulate the interchange of air inside and outside of the cabin and the surface temperature variation of manikins in the cabin. The numerical simulation uses the RNG K- turbulence model and the DO thermal radiation module to model turbulent flows and solar irradiance effects. The mass of the vapor in the air is calculated based on the atmospheric relative humidity using the psychrometric chart. This mass is then converted to its corresponding boundary condition in terms of volume faction. This investigation also takes into consideration the speed of the car, the sun factor, the ambient temperature, the ventilation scheme of the cabin, etc. The DI (discomfort index) and THI (temperature-humidity index) are then calculated based on the computational results to evaluate the passenger comfort in the cabin. Current simulation results have proven that both DI and THI provide similar conclusions on human comfort. Furthermore, the methodology developed in this work is applicable to investigate human comfort subject to different ambient temperature and humidity levels. From the results, it can be found that the discomfort will be higher when the relative humidity is greater than 80%. Regardless of sunny or cloudy days, at least either the driver or the co-driver in the cabin traveling at 30km/hr will feel discomfort if the ambient relative humidity is over 50%. When the local temperature of the air is high, the air in this region will accommodate a greater amount of moisture, leading to the absorption of more latent heat. When judging the human discomfort caused by ambient humidity, it is remarkable to recognize that ambient humidity will also lower the ambient temperature. Hence, the increase in ambient humidity may not cause discomfort as terribly as expected. Even so, the direct solar irradiance on localized human skin should be avoided as much as possible because temperature factor has a greater effect on human discomfort than humidity factor.
摘要 I
Abstract III
謝誌 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
符號索引 XII
希臘字母 XIV
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 文獻回顧 2
第2章 研究方法 6
2.1 數學模型 6
2.2 統御方程式 6
2.3紊流模式 8
2.4 熱輻射模式 12
2.5 數值方法 15
2.6 人體排汗機制 16
2.7 舒適度 17
2.8 Discomfort Index (DI) 18
2.9 Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) 19
第3章 數值模型 21
3.1 數值模型建構 21
3.2 數值條件 24
3.3 數值計算設定 26
3.4 網格系統與收斂分析 27
第4章 結果與討論 29
4.1 環境濕度與人體舒適度的推算 29
4.2 不同的環境相對濕度分析 32
4.3 不同的行駛車速分析 38
4.4 不同的太陽因子光照分析 42
4.5 不同的環境溫度分析 44
4.6 不同的車廂進出風口及窗戶的開啟與關閉 46
第5章 結論 54
參考文獻 55
作者簡介 57
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