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研究生(外文):Chang, Chih-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Development of novel avian infectious bronchitis virus vaccine
指導教授(外文):Ke, Guan-Ming
口試委員(外文):Wu, Hung-YiChu, Pei-YuKe, Guan-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Infectious bronchitis virusinactivated vaccinesProventriculuscross-protectionlive vaccine
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禽傳染性支氣管炎 ( infectious bronchitis;IB ) 是由冠狀病毒所造成之雞急性呼吸道及生殖道傳染病,造成家禽產業嚴重經濟損失。台灣近年來所流行的分離株在S1基因上與疫苗株相似度不高,這會影響市售疫苗的保護效力,因此新型的疫苗開發是刻不容緩的。本研究目的是開發新型傳染性支氣管炎之疫苗,已將實驗室分離之病毒進行基因定序,以S1的基因片段與NCBI上的標準株進行比對後,確認其基因型別,並利用無特定病原菌之雞胚進行病毒的增殖及連續繼代,目前繼代10代後所測得之力價落在106.0~106.5 EID50 / 0.1ml。毒力試驗中,以十倍劑量施打後並無不良反應,解剖觀察腎臟、氣管等器官,無組織病理學上之病變,且第3週之中和抗體力價高於檢定標準。另一方面以福馬林( Formalin )不活化之死毒疫苗,其第三週之血清抗體力價未達標準。爾後將以BEI ( Binary ethylenimine ) 當作不活化劑測試是否為不活化劑影響免疫效力。並且,我們將以活毒方式免疫,來評估病毒適合的疫苗類型。綜合目前試驗結果,活毒疫苗較具開發之可能。
Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a member of the Coronaviridae family, replicate primarily in the respiratory tract and oviduct. It has a major impact on the poultry industry worldwide and causes severe economic losses. IBV was first described in the 1930s in the USA. Multiple IBV serotypes or genotypes have been identified worldwide. Although various attenuated and inactivated vaccines have been widely used in chicken farms, their efficacy is poor, and IB disease outbreaks occur frequently in vaccinated chicken flocks. Therefore, developing of a novel IBV strain vaccine is necessary. In this study, the S1 gene of isolated IBV strains were sequenced, as well as sequence analysis of the isolated IBV strains confirm genotype IBV strains. IBV isolates were propagated in SPF chicken embryos, and virus titers were determined by EID50 and Real-time PCR. After the 10th passage, titers of the allantoic fluids ranged between 106.0and 106.5 EID50 / 0.1 ml. In virulence test, SPF chickens were inoculated with ten dose of virus at 3 days of age. After the SPF chicken inoculated, none of the clinical signs or death was observed, and the neutralization indexes of serum were greater than 2. On the other hand, the inactivated vaccine used formalin inactivation, the neutralization indexes of serum were lower than 1. In the near future, we will use BEI inactivate IBV, and testing inactivants whether affects antigenicity and immunogenicity. Also, we will inoculate live virus to evaluate the suitable type of vaccine for virus. The above analysis shows that, the development of live vaccine is more likely.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 IV
目錄 V
圖表目錄 VIII
第1章 緒言 1
第2章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 雞傳染性支氣管炎簡介 4
2.1.1歷史背景 4
2.1.2 IB流行病學 5
2.1.3預防及控制 6
2.2 IBV之分類 7
2.3 IB病毒的型態及物理化學特性、結構及功能 7
2.3.1病毒的型態及物理化學特性 7
2.3.2病毒的結構及功能 8
2.4 IB之病毒株分型 10
2.4.1 IB之基因型別鑑定方法 10
2.4.2 IBV之血清型分型方法 10
2.4.3 IBV之病毒中和試驗 11
2.5 IB之診斷方法 12
2.5.1 IBV之分離 12
2.5.2 IB之血清學診斷方法 12
2.6疫苗研究發展 13
第3章 材料方法 15
3.1雞傳染性支氣管炎病毒來源及分離 15
3.1.1病材及組織來源 15
3.1.2 IBV病毒株分離 15
3.2病毒之純化、增殖及力價測定 15
3.2.1 IB病毒純化 15
3.2.2 IB病毒增殖 16
3.2.3 IB病毒力價測定 16
3.3病毒之檢測及定量 17
3.3.1病毒核酸之萃取 17
3.3.2增幅IBV-S1基因之引子 17
3.3.3聚合酶鏈連鎖反應 (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR) 18
3.3.4膠體電泳分析 18
3.3.5 PCR產物純化(膠體回收) 19
3.3.6 PCR產物之分子選殖 19
3.3.7質體之純化 20
3.3.8核苷酸序列及胺基酸序列比較、親源關係分析 20
3.3.9 Real-Time PCR (qPCR ) 20
3.3.10重組DNA萃取及鑑定 21
3.3.11病毒定量 21
3.4死毒、活毒疫苗配製 21
3.4.1不活化病毒(BEI、Formalin) 21
3.4.2疫苗配製 22
3.4.3活毒疫苗製備 22
3.5疫苗免疫動物實驗 22
3.5.1試驗雞隻及實驗動物物種來源 22
3.5.2毒力測試 23
3.5.3免疫試驗及實驗動物組別設定 23
3.5.4攻毒試驗 24
3.6酵素免疫分析法(Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay;ELISA) 24
3.7血清中和試驗 25
第4章 結果 26
4.1多重聚合酶鏈反應( Multiple PCR )野外病毒分離株之純潔度試驗 26
4.2 RT-PCR 26
4.3 IB病毒增殖 26
4.4序列比對及親緣關係分析 27
4.5 Multiplex PCR檢測各代QX-VM207病毒株之純潔度試驗 27
4.6 qPCR與蛋胚檢測病毒力價 27
4.7 IBV病毒力價( EID50 )與qPCR的定量曲線 28
4.8免疫血清之抗體力價分析 28
第5章討論 46
參考文獻 50
作者簡介 65
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