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研究生(外文):Lin, Chang-Yu
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Different Media on the Growth of Lactuca sativa in an Aquaponic System
指導教授(外文):Yu, Wu-Chou
外文關鍵詞:AquaponicLactuca sativaOverflowSiphoning
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本研究目的為探討魚菜共生系統之流量對植株影響,以及不同栽種模式下,培育植株並觀察生長最佳生長數值,一個為室外溢流式之介質栽培床與深水栽培床,另一個為室內虹吸式介質床與發光二極體(Light-emitting diode,LED)人工光源。
With the vigorous development of Taiwan's economy, the improvement of people's living standards, the rise of environmental protection and consumer awareness, and then change the type of agricultural production. The aquaponic is symbiotic aquaculture and aquaculture cultivation, the use of fish with the fish feces by nitrification reaction, the supply of plants to absorb nutrients, aquaculture fishery wastewater without changing the water, vegetables do not have a lot of fertilization, for the environment is very friendly, with the future sustainable development trend.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the flow rate of the aquaponic system on the plants, and to cultivate the plants under the different planting patterns and to observe the best growth of the growth values, one for the outdoor overflow medium cultivation beds and deep water cultivation beds, and the other for the indoor Siphon medium culture bed and light-emitting diode artificial light source.
Outdoor aquaponic in ammonia and nitrite nitrogen in water were significantly improved, before planting, the average ammonia nitrogen was 0.12mg/L, the nitrite nitrogen was 8mg/L, experiment 1 of ammonia nitrogen average 0.01mg/L, nitrite nitrogen average 4mg/L; experiment 2 of ammonia nitrogen average 0.01mg/L, nitrite nitrogen average 3mg/L; experiment 3 of ammonia nitrogen average 0.01mg/L, nitrite nitrogen average 3mg/L; experiment 4 of ammonia nitrogen average 0.09mg/L, nitrite nitrogen average 2mg/L. While the main plant nitrate nitrogen nutrition to enhance the role, nitrate nitrogen before planting experiment of average 1.8mg/L, experiment 1 of nitrate nitrogen average 2.5mg/L; experiment 2 of nitrate nitrogen average 2.8mg/L; experiment 3 of nitrate nitrogen average 3.0mg/L; experiment 4 of nitrate nitrogen average 3.0mg/L.
From the results of experiment 1 to experiment 4, the best effect of this plant yield was the deep-water cultivation of overflow, the total weight of the plant under the deep-water cultivation of overflow and the Akadama soil was higher than that of the medium cultivation and the general soil tillage, especially when the cultivated inlet was 2,000 mL / min yield the most.
摘要 I
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第1章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4研究架構 4
第2章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 無土栽培 5
2.1.1無土栽培歷史 5
2.1.2無土栽培分類 5
2.1.3固體介質栽培 6
2.1.4非固體介質栽培 8
2.2水耕栽培 10
2.2.1營養液各元素對植物體生長之重要性 10
2.2.2營養液的管理 22
2.2.3水耕與土耕之比較 24
2.2.4植物工廠 27
2.2.5蕹菜與萵苣短期葉菜類生育與營養元素含量特性 31
2.3魚菜共生歷史與發展 32
2.3.1魚菜共生 33
2.3.2魚菜共生形式架構 35
2.3.3硝化作用 36
第3章 材料與方法 37
3.1實驗儀器 37
3.2實驗材料 39
3.3實驗設施 46
3.4實驗架構 51
3.4.1實驗流程 51
3.4.2魚菜共生系統建構 52
3.5水質之參數分析 54
3.6實驗方法 56
第4章 結果與討論 62
4.1室外魚菜共生水質基本性質分析 62
4.2室外魚菜共生系統之探討與分析 64
4.2.1實驗一 64
4.2.2實驗二 72
4.2.3實驗三 80
4.2.4實驗四 90
4.3室內魚菜共生水質基本性質分析 98
4.4室內魚菜共生系統之探討與分析 102
4.4.1實驗五 102
4.4.2實驗六 110
第5章 結論與建議 117
參考文獻 123
作者簡介 135
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