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研究生(外文):Cyril Sabelo Dlamini
論文名稱:廢棄菇蕈栽培介質抑制番茄幼苗猝倒病(Pythium aphanidermatum) 之效果
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Spent Mushroom Substrate on Damping-off Disease of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) caused by Pythium aphanidermatum
指導教授(外文):Lih-Ling Chern
口試委員(外文):Chang-Hsin KuoYi-Hsien LinLih-Ling Chern
口試日期:26 July 2017
中文關鍵詞:廢棄菇蕈栽培介質猝倒病病害抑制P. aphanidermatum
外文關鍵詞:damping-offdisease suppressivenessspent mushroom substrateP. aphanidermatum
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番茄生產受流行病害的影響,其中Pythium aphanidermatum所引起的猝倒病是番茄幼苗時期最重要的病害。本研究在溫室條件下測試並評估番茄幼苗在廢棄菇蕈栽培介質 (spent mushroom substrate, SMS) 的生長情形及幼苗猝倒病之發生率。測試番茄幼苗於含有100%,90%,75%,50%,25%,10%及0%SMS的田間土壤 (field soil, FS) 當作栽培介質的生長情形,結果顯示番茄苗在土壤中含有較高比例的SMS (>50% SMS)中生長較好,而在土壤中含有較低比例的SMS (≦50% SMS) 中生長較差,用相同配方的栽培介質來評估猝倒病之發生率;最低發病率(40%)是在有較高比例的SMS之FS,隨著SMS的含量遞減,發病率遞增,只含有FS的栽培介質發病率最高,達93%。為評估番茄幼苗株齡對猝倒病發病率之影響,將番茄種於含有不同比例之SMS栽培介質中,於不同株齡時接種,結果顯示在所有接種日期中,於100%SMS之栽培介質中接種九日齡的幼苗時發病率最低(13%),與FS處理的發病率相比降低76%。同樣是FS栽培介質中,接種九日齡的幼苗發病率只有53%,與三日齡的93%相比降低43%,顯示隨著幼苗老化對疾病的抗性增加。為降低SMS的施用量,測試只於植穴施用SMS,接種5天株齡的番茄幼苗,結果發現植穴中放入30和40克的SMS能有效降低75%發病率,
但10及20克的介質則無法降低發病率。用水萃取廢棄菇蕈栽培介質(WESMS),萃取液經0.22m濾膜過濾滅菌得無菌萃取液進行測試,發現對P. aphanidermatum的菌絲生長及游走孢子發芽分別抑制11%及9%。本研究顯示於FS中混入SMS能顯著增加番茄幼苗生長及減少由P. aphanidermatum引起的幼苗猝倒病。SMS的水萃液只能輕微的抑制病原菌的生長,其他抑病的機制有待後續的探討。
A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of spent mushroom compost (SMS) on growth and damping-off disease incidence in tomato seedlings grown in greenhouse conditions. Different potting media with varying proportions of SMS to field soil (FS) were formulated. Maximum values of plant growth were achieved in potting media containing the higher proportions of SMS to FS (>50% SMS). Whereas, lowest values of plant growth parameters were observed in potting media containing less proportions of SMS to FS (≦50% SMS). The same formulations of potting media were used in evaluating damping-off disease incidence; minimum disease incidence (40%) was achieved in potting media consisting the higher proportions of SMS to FS, and disease incidence increased with decreasing amounts of SMS resulting to a maximum disease incidence of 93% in potting media with only FS. Potting media formulations which showed the highest disease reduction were used in assessing disease incidence on seedlings
inoculated at different days after planting. Potting media with 100% SMS was more effective in disease suppression at all inoculation dates showing lowest disease incidence (13%) when seedlings were inoculated at 9-day-old, reducing disease incidence by 76%. Disease resistance as seedling get older was also observed as the disease incidence was reduced in FS control from 93% to 53% when seedlings were inoculated at 9-day-old. SMS application rates were also tested whereby 30g and 40g SMS in planting holes were found to be effective in reducing disease incidence by 75%. In vitro tests using sterile water extracts from spent mushroom substrates (WESMS) showed a slight inhibition on both radial growth and spore germination of P. aphanidermatum. In all cases, increasing the amount of SMS to FS significantly increased tomato seedling growth and significantly reduce damping-off disease caused by P. aphanidermatum.
Table of Contents

摘 要 I
Abstract III
Acknowledgements V
Table of Contents VI
List of Tables X
List of Figures XI
Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Statement 3
1.2 Objectives 4
1.2.1 Specific Experimental Objectives 4
Literature Review 5
1.3 Tomato Propagation 5
1.4 Damping-off Diseases 6
1.5 Features of Pythium aphanidermatum 7
1.6 Spent Mushroom Substrate 8
1.6.1 Physical and Chemical Properties of SMS 9
1.6.2 Biological Agents Associated with SMS 11
1.6.3 SMS as Organic Manure 12
1.6.4 SMS in Disease Management 13
Material and Methods 17
1.7 Establishment of Damping-off Disease 17
1.7.1 Pathogen 17
1.7.2 Inoculum Preparation 17
1.7.3 Seedling Preparation 18
1.7.4 Inoculation 18
1.7.5 Re-isolation 19
1.8 Effects of SMS on Growth of Tomato Seedlings 19
1.9 Effects of SMS on Damping-off Disease Incidence Caused by P. aphanidermatum. 20
1.10 Effects of SMS on Disease Incidence in Plants Inoculated at Different Days After Planting. 20
1.11 Effects of SMS Application Rates on Damping-off Disease 21
1.12 In vitro Tests 22
1.12.1 Effects of Filtrates of Water Extracts from Spent Mushroom Substrates (WESMS) on Radial Growth of P. aphanidermatum. 22
1.12.2 Spore Germination Tests 22
1.13 Statistical Analysis 23
Results 24
1.14 Disease Establishment and Re-isolation of P. aphanidermatum 24
1.14.1 Disease Level 24
1.14.2 Re-isolation 25
1.15 Effects of SMS on Tomato Seedling Growth 26
1.15.1 Plant Height of Tomato Seedlings 26
1.15.2 Leaf number of tomato seedlings 27
1.15.3 Leaf Length of Tomato Seedling 30
1.15.4 Leaf Width of Tomato Seedling 31
1.15.5 Root Length 32
1.15.6 Shoot Weight 32
1.15.7 Root Weight 33
1.16 Effect of SMS on Damping-off of Tomato Seedlings 33
1.17 Damping-off Disease of Tomato Seedlings Inoculated at Different Days After Planting. 35
1.18 Effects of SMS Application Rates on Disease Incidence 37
1.19 Effects of WESMS on the Radial Growth P. aphanidermatum and on spore germination 38
Discussions 40
Conclusions 45
References 46
Bio-sketch of Author 55

List of Tables
Table 1. Treatment descriptions for effects of SMS on disease incidence in plants inoculated at different dates after planting 21
Table 2. Disease incidence in tomato seedlings inoculated with different zoospore concentrations 24
Table 3. Plant height (cm) of tomato seedlings and the average number of leaves/plant of tomato seedlings as influenced by potting media 29
Table 4. Different growth parameters of tomato seedlings as influenced by potting media at harvest (4 Weeks After Planting). 31
Table 5. Effect of seven potting media on the growth and the disease incidence of damping-off in tomato seedlings. 34
Table 6. Effects of spent mushroom substrate on damping-off disease of tomato seedlings inoculated at different dates with P. aphanidermatum 35
Table 7. Effects of spent mushroom substrate application rates on damping-off disease of tomato seedlings caused by P. aphanidermatum. 37

List of Figures
Figure 1. left) Tomato seedling infected with damping-off disease caused by P. aphanidematum, right) healthy tomato seedling. 3
Figure 2. A) P. aphanidermatum isolated from diseased tomato roots and cultured in water agar media, B) P. aphanidermatum isolates at 3 days after sub-culturing on PDA media. 25
Figure 3. Tomato seedlings in potting media containing different proportions of SMS and FS, a) 100%SMS, b) 90:10, c) 75:25, d) 50:50, e) 25:75, f) 10:90, and g) 100%FS. 26
Figure 4. Tomato seedlings grown in planting hole filled with SMS at different rates a) 40g, b) 30g, c) 20g, d)10g, and e) 0g SMS 38
Figure 5. A) P. aphanidermatum showing 11% radial growth inhibition after 3day incubation in PDA containing 10% WESMS, B) P. aphanidermatum after 3day incubation in PDA (control) 39
Figure 6. A) 9% inhibition on P. aphanidermatum spore germination in WESMS after 8 hours’ incubation, B) P. aphanidermatum zoospores in sterile distilled water (control). 39
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