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論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Motivation and Job Satisfaction in China Steel Corporation
指導教授(外文):Bih-Shiaw Jaw
外文關鍵詞:employee motivationextrinsic motivation factorsintrinsic motivation factorsjob satisfactionChina Steel Corporation
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收集的數據包括195個有效樣本,其由SPSS 22.0版軟體處理以通過克隆巴赫係數來測試標度的可靠性以移除不匹配的變量。然後使用探索性因素分析進一步處理數據,並且去除不合格的變量。這些剩餘的因素包括在回歸分析中,以確定影響工作滿意度的重要因素。調查結果顯示,被調查的CSC員工的動機和工作滿意度之間存在高度相關性。調查結果顯示,於中鋼集團公司內接受調查,工作積極性和員工工作滿意度之間有高相關性。此外,工作業績識別(JPR)和員工激勵之間的關係,在研究中得到了支持。調查結果還顯示,工作環境和員工的積極性之間的高相關性。調查結果顯示,是影響中國鋼鐵公司(CSC)工作滿意度員工的積極性的因素,包括:(1)工作表現的認可;(2)工作環境。經理和主管使用的工具,如獎勵,員工發展和培訓計劃,激勵員工實現其潛能。無論是工人和公司都受惠於推動和改進上述因素在組織工作滿意度。研究人員希望雖然不是真正的完美措施和建議,將有助於激發和提高組織工作滿意度,並成為一個有競爭力的公司。
Motivation and work satisfaction amongst staff live influence the bottom line of any organization. It is one of the important factors in modern human resource management. Aim of this research is analyze the perception of the employee motivation, job satisfaction, and determine whether there are links between job satisfaction and motivation of employees in the Corporation China steel (CSC).
Data collected includes 195 valid samples, which are processed by SPSS version 22.0 software to test the reliability of scale by coefficient Cronbach''s Alpha to remove the variables that do not match. The data are then further processed using Exploratory Factor Analysis and the variables disqualified are also removed. These remaining factors are included in the regression analysis to identify important factors that affect job satisfaction. These findings show that there is a good correlations middle motivation and work satisfaction of employees in CSC being inspected. In addition, the relationship between job performance Recognition (JPR) and labor motivation was supported in the research. These findings show that has a good correlation between the work environment and employee motivation. Manager and monitoring use stuff like the staff development, rewards and education programs to inspire employees to achieve their potential. Both the worker and the company benefit from an effort to motivate and improve job satisfaction in the organization on the above factors. The researchers hope the measures and proposals outlined, though not perfect, will help motivation and improve job satisfaction in the organization help it be a competitive corporation.
Chapter One : Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Problem Discussion 1
1.3 Statement of the Research questions 3
1.4 Research Objectives 3
1.5 Research Scope 4
1.6 Organization of the Paper 4
Chapter Two : Literature Review 6
2.1 Employee motivation 6
2.1.1 Definition 6
2.1.2 Theory of employee motivation 8
2.1.3 Employee motivation factors 14

2.1.4 Relationship between extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors with employee motivation 17
2.2. Job satisfaction 19
2.2.1. Definition 19
2.3. Relationship between employee motivation and job satisfaction 23
2.4. Conceptual framework 25
Chapter Three: Research Methodology 27
3.1. Research process 27
3.2. Research sampling method 30
3.3. Measurement scales 30
3.4. Data collection procedure 35
3.5. Data analysis method 35
Chapter Four: Data Analysis and Findings 39
4.1. Descriptions of samples 39
4.2. Evaluation and refinement of measurement scale 42
4.2.1 .Cronbach''s Alpha Reliability Analysis 42
4.2.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 44
4.3 Hypotheses testing 48
4.4. Summary of hypotheses testing results 55
4.5 Discussion of the findings 56
Chapter Five: Conclusions and Implications 58
5.1. Conclusions of Research 58
5.2. Implications of this research 58
5.3 Research limitations and implications for future research 60
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