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研究生(外文):Chung-Sin Lin
論文名稱(外文):To explore the management in the technology industryand its innovative R & D department
指導教授(外文):Bih-Shiaw Jaw
外文關鍵詞:R&DTech IndustryInnovative strategiesR&D processR&D management
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With the overall environmental changes, coupled with the progress of scientific and technological innovation and the evolving needs of the market, companies need to carefully observe the market trends, and invest heavily in R&D in order to gain a spot in the marketplace. Launching the right product at the right time can help sustain the companies longer. The past researches have been largely focusing on quantitive research, where they place an importance on specific people, events and circumstances without zooming in on a deeper level. Therefore, this research is to harness the qualitative research technique to explore further on the R&D procedure and management in the technology industry, turning away from the linear qualities centered on by the quantitive research to a holistic process, with the intention to facilitate companies in their R&D and technological efficiency in the future.
Leadership is not only the art of management from the top to subordinates to lead the team through different management methods, but also the way will affect the leadership style from the subordinate to the top management. The way of leader''s management and his capabilities are the good example for the subordinate learning. At the same time, leaders must also take control the situation of team personnel, the characteristics and capacity and assign appropriate work to guide the subordinates. In addition, leaders must have a vision to understand market changes to develop appropriate products in order to create a better future.
1 Introduction+1
1.1 General Background Information+2
1.2 Research Motive+3
1.3 Purpose of Research+5
1.4 Study Process+6
1.5 Overview of Dissertation+8
2 Literature review+9
2.1 Personality traits and Creativity+9
2.2 Leadership styles and situational Leadership+10
2.2.1 the type of leadership and the type of leadership style+13
2.2.2 the situation leadership+17
2.3 Organizational culture+22
2.3.1 Organizational culture+22
2.3.2 Organizational innovation+23
2.3.3 Organizational learning+24
2.3.4 Organizational learning culture and organizational innovation culture.26
2.4 Humanized management and Hierarchy of Needs theory+27
2.4.1 Humanized management+27
2.4.2 Maslow''s hierarchy of needs+33
2.5 Innovation strategy management+35
2.5.1 Technological innovation+35
2.5.2 The opportunity to enter+37
2.5.3 Innovative sources+39
2.5.4 Type of innovation +42
3 Methodology+46
3.1 Grounded Theory+50
3.1.1 Grounded Theory Analysis+51
3.1.2 Grounded Theory in the implementation of procedure+55
3.2 Theoretical sampling+58
3.3 Data collection+64
3.4 Data analysis+66
4 Result+82
4.1 Open coding+82
4.2 Axial coding+90
4.2.1 Ability to Develop, Team Atmosphere, Contribution and Enthusiastic Incentive+97
4.2.2 Manager Background, Leadership Style+99
4.2.3 Team R&D Capability, Team Composition, Engineer Personality +100
4.2.4 Products Selection, Innovative Content and Type, Time to Enter the Market+101
4.2.5 R & D centralization Model, Team Management & Operation, Work Distribution+101
4.2.6 Future Development, Personal Growth+103
4.3 Selective coding+105
4.3.1 Situational leadership+111
4.3.2 Leading follower+112
4.3.3 Team lineup+113
4.3.4 Innovative strategy+114
4.3.5 Team efficiency+114
4.3.6 Future expectations+115
5 Discussion+118
5.1 Conclusions+118
5.2 Suggestions+121
5.2.1 Suggestion for the company+121
5.2.2 Suggestion for future research+122
6 References+124
7 Appendix+131


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