Works Cited
Ahmed, Sara. “The Affective Politics of Fear.” The Cultural Politics of Emotion. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2015. 62-81. Alexandru, Maria-Sabina. “Towards a Politics of the Small Things: Arundhati Roy and the Decentralization of Authorship.” Authorship in Context: From the Theoretical to the Material. Ed. Kyriaki Hadjiafxendi and Polina Mackay. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 163-81. Baneth-Nouailhetas, Émilienne. “The Structures of Memory.” Tickell 142-54. Brandeis, Gayle. Fruitflesh: Seeds of Inspiration for Women Who Write. San Francisco: Harper, 2002. Cabaret, Florence. “Classification in The God of Small Things.” Froude-Durix and Durix 75-90. Durix, Jean-Pierre. “The ‘Post-Coloniality’ of The God of Small Things.” Froude-Durix and Durix 7-22. Froude-Durix, Carole, and Jean-Pierre Durix, eds. Reading Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. Dijon: Éditions Universitaires de Dijon, 2002. Kanaganayakam, Chelva. “Religious Myth and Subversion in The God of Small Things.” Literary Canons and Religious Identity. Ed. Erik Borgman, Bart Philipsen, and Lea Verstricht. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004. 141-49. Lanone, Catherine. “Seeing the World Through Red-Coloured Glasses: Desire and Death in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things.” Froude-Durix and Durix 125-43. Lyotard, Jean-François. The Postmodern Condition : A Report on Knowledge. Trans. Geoffrey Bennington and Brian Massumi. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1984. Mani, K. Ratna Shiela. “Narrative Devices in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things.” Indian Women Writers: Critical Perspectives. Ed. Jaydipsinh Dodiya and K. V. Surendran. New Delhi: Sarup, 1999. 143-55. Mortensen, Peter. “‘Civilization’s Fear of Nature’: Postmodernity, Culture, and Environment in The God of Small Things.” Beyond Postmodernism: Reassessments in Literature, Theory and Culture. Ed. Klaus Stierstorfer. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2003. 179-95. Mullaney, Julie. “The Novel.” Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. New York: Bloomsbury, 2002. 46. Outka, Elizabeth. “Trauma and Temporal Hybridity in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things.” Contemporary Literature 52.1 (2011): 21-53. Project Muse. 20 Dec. 2016. Roy, Arundhati. “The Doctor and the Saint.” Annihilation of Caste: The Annotated Critical Edition. London: Verso, 2014. 17-179. ---. “For Me Langauge Is a Skin on My Thought.” Interview by Alix Wilbur. The Week 26 Oct. 1997: 46. ---. The God of Small Things. London: Flamingo, 1997. ---. “Like Sculpting Smoke.” Interview. Kyoto Journal 1 Nov. 1998. ---. The Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire. London: HaperCollins, 2004. ---. “The Salon Interview: Arundhati Roy.” Interview by Reena Jana. Salon. Salon Media Group, 1 Oct. 1997. Web. 30 Oct. 2016. Sacksick, Elsa. “‘As Ye Sew, So Shall Ye Rip’: The Aesthetics of Stitching up in The God of Small Things.” Rewriting/Reprising in Literature: The Paradoxes of Intertextuality. Ed. Claude Maisonnat, Josiane Paccaud-Huguet, and Annie Ramel. New Castle: Cambridge Scholars, 2009. 66-76. Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Touching Feeling: Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity. Durham: Duke UP, 2003. Strehle, Susan. “Exiles and Orphans: Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things.” Transnational Women’s Fiction: Unsettling Home and Homeland. New York: Palgrave, 2008. 126-52. Tickell, Alex. Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. London: Routledge, 2007. Tomkins, Silvan S. Affect Imagery Consciousness: The Complete Edition. New York: Springer, 2008.