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研究生(外文):Ming-yu Peng
論文名稱(外文):The Interwoven Memories and Feelings: William Wordsworth’s Sense of Identity
指導教授(外文):Lee, Chia-jung
外文關鍵詞:spiritual growthWilliam Wordsworththe poetmemoryfeelingssense of identity
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在威廉‧華茲華斯詩作中,經常呈現記憶與情感的自然迸發交融。詩中描述他回憶童年的事件,揭露他情感的轉變,並且說明了詩人精神成長之過程。為了檢視華茲華斯如何建構自己詩人之身份,本文嘗試輔以心理分析之方法探討華茲華斯的詩作—〈丁騰寺〉(“TinternAbbey”)、〈永生的信息〉(“Ode: Intimations of Immortality”),以及華茲華斯自傳詩—《序曲》(The Prelude)。本論文主要分為三個章節:第一章,透過剖析《丁騰寺》以及《永生的信息》,討論華茲華斯對於詩人的定義;第二章延伸前一章的主題,將進而審視詩人自我身份建構與其詩作創作過程的關聯性;第三章將探討詩人1805年版本之《序曲》,試圖從詩人的自傳詩中探究他如何持續追尋自我身份認同,以及詩人自我身份認同是如何建構在他矛盾情感的轉變之中,使得詩人駐足於童年的回憶裡。整體而言,本論文旨在深入詮釋記憶與情感交織的過程中,華茲華斯如何建構詩人身份認同。
Memory, inextricably interwoven with the spontaneous overflow of his feelings, plays a central role in the composition of William Wordsworth’s poetry. Looking back to the events of his childhood further reveals the transition of Wordsworth’s feelings and demonstrates the process of his spiritual growth. In order to examine how the poet composes the formation of the self, I turn to some practical psychological methods for the analysis of Wordsworth’s poems—“Tintern Abbey” and “Ode: Intimations of Immortality,” and more importantly, his autobiographical poem—the 1805 version of The Prelude. This thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter One attempts to examine Wordsworth’s viewpoints of being a poet from textual analyses of “Tintern Abbey” and “Ode.” Chapter Two extends the discussion in the previous chapter and proves that Wordsworth’s identity-formation parallels the process of his composition. Chapter Three explores the 1805 version of The Prelude, with the intention to find out what inspires the continuous location of his sense of identity. This chapter will discuss how Wordsworth’s sense of self is developed during the transitions of his ambivalent “feelings” that make him linger on the state of childhood experiences. In general, this thesis aims to offer an in-depth interpretation of how Wordsworth constructs his sense of identity during the process of interweaving his memories and feelings.
Acknowledgments ……………………………………………………….ii
Chapter One: Wordsworth’s Sense of Self in Memories…….…………...9
Chapter Two: Wordsworth’s Self-Affirmation…………………...……..23
Chapter Three: Developing the Sense of Self: Wordsworth and The Prelude.....39
Works Cited…………………………………………………..…………73
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