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研究生(外文):Tzu-Heng Wei
論文名稱(外文):An examination of the associations between competitive dynamics and firm performance among smartphone companies
指導教授(外文):Hao-Chieh Lin
外文關鍵詞:Competitive Dynamics PerspectiveAction Repertoire DiversityAction DissimilaritySmartphone IndustryAction Volume
  • 被引用被引用:1
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本研究運用動態競爭理論檢視蘋果、三星、LG、華為與聯想等五大智慧型手機廠商在全球的競爭互動及這些競爭互動的績效意涵。研究樣本來自五家廠商發布的公開訊息,並利用新聞媒體報導進行驗證。根據結構內容分析法對 4,516 則訊息/新聞進行資料編碼的結果,最後的統計分析包含九類行動的 941 個競爭事件。
研究發現,智慧型手機產業的行動密度在 2014 年達到最高峰;技術聯盟和推出新服務兩類行動呈現顯著正相關;蘋果公司的行動和其他競爭者有顯著差異,其他四家公司的行動則無顯著不同。更重要地,市場成長性和廠商的行動多樣性有顯著正相關,而行動多樣性對廠商績效有正向影響;同時,行動差異性及行動數量與市場成長性和廠商績效無顯著關聯。
This study applies the competitive dynamics perspective to examine the global competitive interactions among five key smartphone companies, i.e. Apple, Samsung, LG, Huawai, and Lenova and their performance implications for focal firms. Research data were collected from the news released by the studied firms and validated by newspaper reports during 2012-2016. By applying the structural content analyses approach to code 4,516 news events, 941 moves were classified into 9 types of actions and then put into final analyses.
The research results show that action density in the whole smartphone industry achieves the highest in 2014, and the action volume between technical alliance and new service offerings is positively correlated. Also, Apple’s action characteristics are significantly from other companies while no significant differences were found among the other four companies. More importantly, although no significances were found with regard to the relationships between action dissimilariry (and volume) and firm performance and market growth, market growth is indeed positively related to action repertoire diversity, which in turn exerts a positive effect on firm performance. The study contributes to the competitive dynamics perspective by extending its research context from prior local, traditional industries to a global, hi-technology industry and explicating the competitive dynamics among various types of competitive moves and those among key competitors. Implications for business practices and directions for future research are also discussed.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 動態競爭理論 5
2.2 動態競爭的本質 7
2.3 競爭性行動 9
2.4 察覺、動機及能力(AMC)觀點 13
2.5 產品生命週期 15
2.6 假說推導 18
第三章 智慧型手機產業概述 21
3.1 智慧型手機的定義 21
3.2 智慧型手機市場的生命週期 22
3.3 研究對象概述 26
第四章 研究方法 42
4.1 研究架構 42
4.2 研究對象與資料搜集方法 43
4.3 變數衡量工具 48
4.4統計分析法 50
第五章 統計分析與發現 51
5.1 競爭行為數量統計 52
5.2 各類競爭行為的實施概率 53
5.3 競爭行為的實施密度 56
5.4 相關性分析 59
5.5 差異性檢定 69
5.6 迴歸分析與假說檢定 71
第六章 結論 76
6.1 研究結論 76
6.2 研究貢獻 78
6.3 研究限制 78
6.4 研究建議 79
參考文獻 80
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