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研究生(外文):Kuan-Ting Tseng
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Team Psychological Safety on Team Learning: The Mediating Role of Networking Behaviors
指導教授(外文):Shin-I Shih
外文關鍵詞:conscientiousnessteam exploitative learningagreeablenessteam exploratory learningexternal networking behaviorinternal networking behaviorteam psychological safety
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The purpose of this study was to investigate (1) the relationships between team psychological safety and team exploratory and exploitative learning, (2) the mediating role of networking behaviors, and (3) the moderating role of agreeableness and conscientiousness played in this relationship. Results from 68 teams consisted of students and employees supported our hypothesized model. The conditional indirect effect of team psychological safety on exploratory learning was significant among team members with relatively high agreeableness and conscientiousness, whereas the indirect relationships of team psychological safety on exploitative learning was not significant among team members. Furthermore, team psychological safety was positively related to external networking behavior with relatively high agreeableness, and external networking behavior was positively related to team exploitative with relatively key role conscientiousness. The findings contribute to understanding how and under what circumstances, organizational teams engage in networking behavior to promote team exploratory and exploitative learning.
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………….……vii
LIST OF FIGURES…………………...………………………………………….......viii
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION……………………………….……………………..1
Networking Behaviors……………...…………………………………………………6
Theoretical Development………………………………………………………..…6
Internal and External Networking Behavior (Team Level) ……………………..7
Internal and External Networking Behavior (Organization Level) ……………..8
Empirical Development……………………………………………………….……9
Antecedents of Networking Behaviors in Organizations………………..…..…..9
Outcomes of Networking Behaviors in Organizations ………………………...11
Antecedents of Networks and Networking Behaviors in Teams……………….13
Outcomes of Networks in Teams……..………………………………………...14
The Relationship of Internal/External Networking Behavior with Team Exploratory/Exploitative Learning……………...……………………….…..……16
Conscientiousness As a Moderator of Relationship between Internal/External Networking Behavior on Team Exploratory/Exploitative Learning..…………..20
The Relationship of Team Psychological Safety with Internal/External
Networking Behavior………..................................................................................22
Agreeableness As a Moderator of Relationship between Team Psychological Safety and Internal/External Networking Behavior……………………………25
Team Psychological Safety and Team Exploratory/Exploitative Learning….........27
Moderated Mediation…………………………………………………………......29
CHAPTER 3. METHODS…………………….…………………………………...…32
Procedure ……………………………………………………………………………32
Team Psychological Safety………………………………………………………..33
Internal and External Networking behavior…………………………………..…..34
Team Exploratory and Exploitative Learning………………….……………..…..35
Agreeableness and Conscientiousness……………………………………..……..35
Control Variables………………………………………………………..………...36
CHAPTER 4. RESULTS……………………………………………………………..37
Confirmatory Factor Analysis………………………..……………………………...37
Justification for Aggregation………………………………………………………...38
Tests of Hypotheses…………………………………………………………….....…42
The Relationship of Internal/External Networking Behavior with Team Exploratory/Exploitative Learning……………...……………………….…..……42
Conscientiousness As a Moderator of Relationship between Internal/External Networking Behavior on Team Exploratory/Exploitative Learning..…………..43
The Relationship of Team Psychological Safety with Internal/External
Networking Behavior……………………………………………………………..45
Agreeableness As a Moderator of Relationship between Team Psychological Safety and Internal/External Networking Behavior……………………………45
Team Psychological Safety and Team Exploratory/Exploitative Learning……….45
Moderated Mediation……………………………………………………………..47
CHAPTER 5. DISCUSSION………………………………………………………....52
Summary of Results………………………………………………………………….52
Limitation and Future Research………………………………………………….….55
APPENDIX FORMAL SURVEY A…………………………………....……..……...68
APPENDIX FORMAL SURVEY B………...…………………………….….………73
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