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研究生(外文):Wei-Lun Jian
論文名稱(外文):Can Restaurants and Beverage Shops Located in Commercial Districts Established by the Government Have a Better Chance to Survive? An Empirical Study on Food and Beverage Industry in Tainan
指導教授(外文):Chien-Yuan Sher
外文關鍵詞:commercial districtsurvival analysislocation selectionstore locationfood and beverage industry
  • 被引用被引用:2
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In recent years, the government is committed to establish and promote commercial districts. Additionally, there are many demands of eat and drink in commercial districts, should managers of restaurants and beverage shops consider commercial districts established by the government as a primary selection of store location? Can shops located in commercial districts established by the government be better? Therefore, this study will use survival analysis method for analysis to discuss if restaurants and beverage shops located in commercial districts established by the government have better chance to survival. Our results indicate that shops located in the commercial districts do not have more survival rate before the commercial districts been established by the government; But after the commercial districts have been established by the government, shops located in the commercial districts have more survival rate. However, the interesting finding is that the true reason is that the government always choose the areas have more "old shop". In other words, the establishment of commercial districts is not really helpful to the local shops, because there are always many shops that are operated well and not easy to collapse in the areas selected by the government.
誌 謝 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
表次 v
圖次 vi
1.緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 2
1.2研究問題 10
2.文獻回顧 11
2.1商圈的探討 11
2.2餐飲業的存活分析 13
3.研究方法 17
3.1資料來源與處理 17
3.2分析工具 30
4.研究結果 35
4.1樣本存活概況及敘述統計 35
4.2基本分析結果 37
4.3進階分析結果 42
5.結論與建議 45
5.1研究結論 45
5.2研究建議與未來方向 47
參考文獻 49
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1. 建立適用於診斷複合式餐飲業 HACCP 系統成效之工具-以日式餐飲業為例
2. 餐飲產業差異化之經營策略與關鍵成功因素之研究─以大台中地區餐飲業為例
3. 健康早餐飲食涉入對與健康早餐飲食態度與意願影響之研究
4. 餐飲業服務品質、顧客滿意與再購意願關係之研究 - 以餐飲類型為干擾變數
5. 台灣餐飲業國際化-以台灣河邊餐飲集團與北京便宜坊集團的合資契約為例
6. 餐飲外場服務職能需求認知及專業課程與實習體驗落差之探討─以高屏區高職餐飲科建教班學生為例
7. 餐飲行業品牌形象對顧客滿意與顧客忠誠影響之研究-以王品餐飲集團為例
8. 台灣餐飲產業現況與區位探討—以好客餐飲為例
9. 探討餐飲微型創業服務創新之研究-以冰品咖啡複合餐飲為例
10. 來台旅客食物恐新症對餐飲選擇意願、餐飲體驗評價與可回憶性之相關性研究─以餐飲熟悉度為干擾變項
11. 餐飲業之顧客體驗分析 -以新天地餐飲集團為例
12. 外國遊客對台灣餐飲觀光的餐飲吸引力、 阻礙、真實性與滿意度之研究
13. 心理資本、轉換型領導、工作績效、幸福感與社會資本相互關係之研究—餐飲業與住宿服務業的餐飲部門之中高階主管
14. 探討使用餐飲業APP者離線餐飲消費行為意圖
15. 建置餐飲油煙PM2.5指紋資料以探討餐飲活動對周界PM2.5之貢獻比例