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研究生(外文):Lu-chun Yu
論文名稱(外文):Study of Modulating Three-Dimension Photonic Liquid Crystal Band Gap Based on Optical and Electrical Tuning
指導教授(外文):Tsung-Hsien Lin
外文關鍵詞:bandgap modulationphotonicblue phase liquid crystalliquid crystal
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Blue phase liquid crystals are a self-aggregation three-dimensional photonic crystal. Blue phase liquid crystals exist in an extremely narrow temperature range which limits its use in applications. Although some researches has shown that with the help of monomers forming polymer stabilized blue phase liquid crystals(PSBP) could expand the existing temperature range, it sacrifices the photonic band gap tunable characteristic. In our previous researches, we’ve developed a method to control the photonic band gap of PSBP by ester functional groups which trap positive ions. After applying a DC voltage, the trapped ions would be attracted to negative electrodes causing polymers stretched leading to a change in blue phase liquid crystals’ lattice constant. This not only expands the existing temperature range but also provides an electrical field tuning property.
This dissertation investigated different parameters of polymerization that effects on the photonic band gap tunable characteristic of polymer stabilized blue phase liquid crystals. At different cell gaps and different concentration of photoiniators, polymers distribute differently. Therefore, after an applied voltage, polymers stretch differently causing differences in photonic band gap tunings. These differences could be classified into photonic band gap shifting and photonic band gap broadening. By doping photoniniators which ionizes after irradiating light and recombines after removing the light, could expand the tuning ranges. With could use both electrical and optical fields to tune the photonic band gap of PSBP. With these polymerizing condition results, we successfully demonstrated a selective photonic band gap shifted or broadened PSBP by the same materials of blue phase liquid crystals. The photonic band gap could be shifted 200nm and the bandwidth covers all the visible light range. We also developed a localized tunable effect by different shapes of optical fields. Since photonic crystals’ characteristics could be applied in devices such as lasers, waveguides, and fibers, the tunable properties appear to be more important. By different shapes of masks, we could easily change the tuning areas. This research is believed to have great potential in future developments.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖錄 vi
表錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 液晶簡介 3
2-1液晶的起源 3
2-2液晶的分類 3
2-3液晶的物理性質 8
第三章 藍相液晶簡介 17
3-1藍相的發現 17
3-2藍相的結構 18
3-3聚合物穩固型藍相(Polymer-Stabilized Blue Phase) 21
3-4藍相液晶的判別方法 22
3-5藍相液晶的光學特性和電光效應 25
第四章 理論介紹 29
4-1光子晶體 29
4-2液態光子晶體 31
4-3電場調控液態光子晶體之光子能隙 36
4-4電場和光場調控液態光子晶體之光子能隙 39

第五章 實驗方法及過程 41
5-1藍相液晶材料介紹 41
5-2藍相液晶的材料準備 44
5-3實驗觀察與量測 49
第六章 實驗結果與討論 53
6-1高分子單體照光引致相分離 53
6-2不同濃度的光起始劑對於電場調控光子能隙的影響 54
6-3不同液晶盒厚度對於電場調控光子能隙的影響 57
6-4水平配向對於電場調控光子能隙的影響 60
6-5聚合物受直流電場影響之理想模型 64
6-6光場和電場調控聚合物穩固型藍相液晶之光子能隙 67
第七章 結論與未來展望 78

參考資料 79
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