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研究生(外文):Shi-ee Leng
論文名稱(外文):All Optical-Addressing Laser Display Based on Azobenzene Liquid Crystal
指導教授(外文):Tsung-Hsien Lin
外文關鍵詞:azo dyelaser displayoptical switch
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現在的生活中顯示器為不可或缺的物品之一,也因此對於顯示器的要求也越來越高,其中目前研究最大的方向之一為高飽和度顯示器,也就是高演色性顯示器;由CIE 1931 色彩空間定義可了解,色彩空間越大演色性越高,顯示器的三原色色光紅、綠、藍中,當半高寬越窄的光源所計算出之色彩空間將會越大演色性越高,而擁有最好條件的光源就是雷射光源,因此高飽和度顯示器之光源可選擇使用雷射光源。


Since displays have become indispensable devices in today’s society, the requirement of displays has raised undoubtedly. Among all requirements, a high saturation has been playing a big role. From CIE1931, the larger the color area calculated from the full width at half maximum of primary colors, the higher color rendering index(CRI) of displays are. Therefore, lasers are the most ideal candidate for light sources to achieve high saturation displays.
The idea of laser displays could be traced back to 1980s. The main designs could be classified into laser array displays or laser scanning displays. However, these two concepts have lots of shortcomings for displays. For example, the amount of laser diodes needed in displays and a bulky size would cause laser displays becoming a complex manufacturing device; hence, this research will be focusing on a light controlled laser display concept and manufacturing a single pixel by the help of scattering layers and optical switchers controlled by light. After all, extending this single pixel to a light controlled laser display.
This dissertation would be discussing on designing and manufacturing a laser display. First of all, this work demonstrated a light controlled laser display. Second, by simulating different liquid crystal materials and transmitting materials to determine the ideal material used in this device. Later, based on the previous models to manufacture a single pixel of the display. The liquid crystal’s response time plays a big role in this laser display. At the end of this work would investigate on the effect of liquid crystals’ response time by irradiating intensity, the concentration of azo-dye, temperature, the concentration of monomers, and different parameters of polymerization to optimize the response time.
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 簡介 2
2-1液晶的起源 2
2-2液晶的介紹 3
2-3液晶的分類 3
2-4液晶的物理特性 6
2-5偶氮苯液晶 13
2-6 聚合物(Polymer Network Nematic Liquid Crystal) 16
第三章 理論介紹 17
3-1折射定律(Snell’s law) 17
3-2 Fresnel equations 19
3-3 反射率與穿透率 22
3-4 全反射(Total reflection) 24
3-5全光控雷射顯示器概念設計 25
第四章 實驗方法與過程 27
4-1材料介紹與材料配製 27
4-2稜鏡(條)元件製作過程 29
4-3 簡易雷射光切換開關製作 32
4-4 稜鏡條雷射內雕製作散射層 33
4-5稜鏡條的操作與模擬 34
4-6稜鏡反應速度量測 36
4-6.1稜鏡實驗架設 36
4-6.2稜鏡條實驗架設 37
第五章 結果與討論 38
5-1固定激發光時間反應速度之量測 38
5-2最佳化不同偶氮染料濃度對反應時間的影響 39
5-3不同聚合物濃度對反應時間的影響 42
5-4 不同固化光強度對反應時間的影響 43
5-5雷射顯示器的反應速度量測 45
5-6灰階的穩定性 46
5-7灰階的可調控性 48
5-8散射層效果測試 49
第六章 結論與未來展望 50
參考資料 53
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