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研究生(外文):Yu-Yan Lu
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Ta2O5 optical waveguide resonator with high thermal stability
指導教授(外文):Ann-Kuo Chu
外文關鍵詞:electron beam lithographyFabry-Perot resonatorOptical waveguide filtersTa2O5RF-magnetron sputtering
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本論文中,我們以五氧化二鉭(Ta2O5)薄膜備製光波導濾波器及波導共振器。Ta2O5薄膜由射頻磁控濺鍍法成長於具3m thermal oxide的矽基板上,再經由多道電子束微影技術及電漿蝕刻所研製而成。首先我們選定波導濾波器的中心波長,再依此波長計算波導濾波器與波導共振器的結構。在元件製作上,我們以CHF3電漿蝕刻形成Ta2O5核心,再分別使用spin-on glass (SOG)以及PECVD SiO2當作光波導的覆蓋層,探討不同覆蓋層的光波導元件特性。在元件量測上,我們自行架設實驗量測系統,以紅光光源輔助對準,再將可調式光源(1480-1610nm)打入波導進行特性量測,最後再由光譜分析儀來分析光波導濾波器及共振器的穿透反射頻譜圖的熱穩定性。
在實驗結果部分,我們成功地做出了反射率大於90%的光波導濾波器,並量測到當波導長度為650μm時的插入損耗(insertion losses)為7.2 dB,也用致冷晶片來量測光波導濾波器,並發現使用SOG覆蓋層的光波導濾波器在25度至80℃的中心波長隨基板溫度改變量為 -16.88 pm/℃,而使用SiO2覆蓋層的改變量為7.4 pm/℃。
另一方面,我們在兩組光柵結構間加入200μm長度的波導做成波導共振器,並量測到波導共振器在stopband內的穿透波長為1537nm,Free spectrum range為1.59nm,光柵反射率為80%。最後,波導光損失為30dB/cm,品質因子(Quality Factor)超過9000。
In this thesis, we fabricated waveguide filters and waveguide resonators useing tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) thin films. The Ta2O5 films were prepared using the RF-magnetron sputtering system on silicon substrates with 3μm thick thermal oxide.The waveguide devices was obtained by e-beam lithography for patterns definition and for ridge formation after reactive ion etching. After defining the Bragg wavelength of the waveguide filter, we can therefore obtain the physical structures of the grating using theoretical simulation. The waveguide devices were fabricated by first forming the Ta2O5 core using CHF3 plasma etching. Different cladding layers, such as SOG and SiO2, were then deposited onto the core layer. Optical properties of the devices with different cladding layers were investigated. The spectrum responses of the Ta2O5 waveguide filter and resonator were measured using a home-made optical system with a tunable ligth sourse. The spectrum ranges of light sourse are from 1480nm to 1610nm.
As a result, the reflectivity of waveguide filter of larger than 90% was obtained. The insertion loss of the 650μm length waveguide filter was 10.6 dB. In addition, the thermal stability of the waveguide devices was measured using a thermoelectric cooler. The center wavelength-to-temperature shift of the waveguide filters with the SOG cladding and the SiO2 cladding was -16.88 pm/℃and 7.4pm/℃, respectively, in a temperature range from 25oC to 80oC.
On the other hand, for the waveguide resonator with a waveguide length of 650 m, the transmitting wavelength of 1537 nm, the free spectrum range of 1.59 nm, and grating reflectivity of 80% were obtained. Finally, quality factor of the resonator of larger than 9,000 was achieved with an waveguide optical loss of 30 dB/cm.
中文審定書 i
英文審定書 ii
致 謝 iii
摘 要 iv
目 錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 光纖與光波導 2
1-3 儀器介紹 3
1-3.1 射頻磁控濺鍍 3
1-3.3 電子顯微鏡 6
1-3.4 電子束 7
1-3.5 反應式離子蝕刻機 9
1-3.6 紫外光臭氧清洗機 9
1-3.7 晶圓切割機 10
1-3.8 研磨機 11
1-3.9 量測系統 12
1-4 研究動機 15
第二章 製成材料備製 16
2-1 Thermal Oxide 16
2-2 五氧化二鉭 (Tantalum Pentoxide – Ta2O5) 17
第三章 製程材料與儀器步驟 21
3-1 製程步驟 21
3-1.1 Ta2O5薄膜濺鍍 21
3-1.2 電子束微影 22
3-1.3 Ta2O5乾蝕刻 27
3-1.3 上層cladding覆蓋 27
3-1.4 UV 膠黏著石英層 29
3-1.5 切割 29
3-1.6 研磨 30
3-2量測方式 30
3-2.1波導插入量測損耗 30
3-2.2 Fabry-Perot共振器品質因子 31
3-3 實驗流程 32
第四章 結果與討論 33
4-1 長直波導傳輸損耗 33
4-2 光柵濾波器 34
4-3 Fabry-Perot共振器 37
第五章 結論 41
參考文獻 43
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