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研究生(外文):Peng Lee
論文名稱(外文):Preparation of Topological Insulator Bi2Te3 films by Spin Coating-Coreduction Approach(SCCA) and Laser Test.
指導教授(外文):Chao-Kuei LeeYuan-Yao Lin
外文關鍵詞:passive Q-switched laserssaturable absorbersTopological insulatorsSpin Coating-Coreduction Approachover-saturation propertypassive mode-locked lasers
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Recently, topological insulators (TIs) are discovered saturable absorption due to its unique band structure and particularly interesting for using as saturable absorber (SA) in varies wavelength of fiber laser and solid-state laser to realize pulsed lasers. In this thesis, using Spin Coating-Coreduction Approach(SCCA), high quality Bi2Te3 Topological Insulators saturable absorbers(TISAs) was prepared and realized as starter for solid state mode-locked laser.
First, using Spin Coating-Coreduction Approach (SCCA) method, high-purity few layers Bi2Te3 thin film saturable absorber was successfully prepared. Compare with the typical method of preparing SA, the SCCA method can prepare TISA with a high optical quality, large area consistency and controllable thickness, which is very important to pulsed lasers. To our best knowledge, the clear thickness dependent optical nonlinearity is observed and discussed for the first time. In addition, the Q-switched bulk Nd:YAG laser using the prepared TISAs as absorber are demonstrated and investigated. The stable pulse laser not only in timing jitter also in amplitude fluctuation indicate SCCA is an appropriate method to fabricate Bi2Te3 saturable absorber. Second, the transition from Q-switch to continuous wave operation of TISA based solid state laser as increasing pump power was discussed. Modulation instability was used to interpreted the behavior resulting from the low saturation absorption of TISAs. This is first time to our best knowledge that one can investigate the passive pulse laser dynamics variation of over-saturation not only theoretically but also in experimentally. In the last part, based on the nature of low saturation due to co-exist of bulk state and surface state for TIs, we tempt to engineer laser cavity for avoiding over-saturation as increasing pump power. The cw mode-locked solid-state laser was realized and studied for the first time. This also open the new window for investigating two dimensional materials and their application for pulsing solid-state lasers.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 研究動機 3
1.3 論文架構 8
第二章 甩膜-共還原法製備拓樸絕緣體奈米薄膜與其特性表徵 9
2.0 前言 9
2.1 甩膜-共還原法介紹與樣品製備 9
2.1.1 甩膜-共還原法介紹 9
2.1.2 樣品製備流程 11
2.1.3 Bi2Te3薄膜的合成機制 14
2.1.4 Bi2Te3薄膜初步分析 15
2.2不同厚度拓樸絕緣體奈米薄膜之製備 16
2.2.1樣品條件與參數與製程可重複性測試結果 16
2.2.2 實驗結果與分析 20
2.3 拓樸絕緣體奈米薄膜定性分析 24
2.3.1 X射線繞射圖譜 24
2.3.2 拉曼光譜 26
2.3.3 能量色散X-射線光譜 28
2.4 反射式拓樸元件製備 29
2.5 總結 30
第三章 不同厚度碲化鉍奈米薄膜之非線性飽和吸收特性及其雷射Q開關測試 31
3.0 前言 31
3.1 不同厚度碲化鉍元件非線性飽和吸收特性量測 31
3.1.1 非線性飽和吸收機制 31
3.1.2 實驗結果與討論 34
3.2 不同厚度穿透式碲化鉍薄膜一微米固態Q開關雷射實驗研究 42
3.2.1 被動Q開關技術 42
3.2.2 實驗結果與討論 46
3.3 總結 52
第四章 碲化鉍拓樸絕緣體固態雷射過飽和吸收行為探討 53
4.0 前言 53
4.1 過飽和吸收行為背景回顧以及實驗印證 53
4.2 透過數值模擬分析過飽和行為 57
4.3 甩膜共還原法樣品過飽和行為實測以及Cr:YAG晶體過飽和脈衝行為比較 64
4.4 空腔下雷射馳閾震盪行為分析 67
4.5 總結 70
第五章 碲化鉍奈米薄膜鎖模測試 71
5.0 前言 71
5.1 鎖模技術與碲化鉍鎖模雷射研製 71
5.2 被動鎖模共振腔設計 75
5.3 實驗結果與討論 77
5.4 總結 82
第六章 結論以及未來展望 83
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