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研究生(外文):Yen-cheng Su
論文名稱(外文):Study of Sol gel-deposited ZnO Light Extraction Thin Films to Enhance the Efficiency in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
指導教授(外文):Mei-Ying Chang
外文關鍵詞:Organic Light-Emitting DiodesZnO thin filmsEQEInternal light extractionSol-gel
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最後本實驗成功的利用濃度為0.6 M所製作的氧化鋅薄膜製作出具有內部光萃取結構的藍光OLED元件,其外部量子效率在亮度為1000cd/m2時的增進約20%。並藉由提高烘烤溫度,大幅增加光萃取元件之再現性及穩定性,並且成功製作在PEN軟性基板上。
In this study, we fabricated organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with internal light extraction structure to reduce the Waveguide mode loss and increase the EQE by using the Sol–gel-deposited ZnO light extraction thin films. And successfully fabricated the organic light-emitting diodes on flexible plastic substrate.
First, we prepare different ratio of the zinc oxide (ZnO) sol-gel to form various thickness of ZnO thin films by using different spin rate. We investigated surface morphology and optical characteristics of the ZnO thin films, and then, design and fabrication of ITO anodes were performed.
The optimized standard blue OLED device structures were chosen to fabricate blue OLEDs with internal light extraction structure. The opto-electrical properties of the devices were measured and studied.
Finally, we successfully fabricated blue OLEDs with the Sol–gel-deposited ZnO light extraction thin films. Significantly, the blue OLEDs with internal light extraction structure have great light extraction efficiency which increase the external quantum efficiency (EQE) by 20% compared to standard OLEDs at 1000cd/m2. We can inprove the reality and stability of OLED with ZnO light extraction thin films by increasing the baking temperature. And successfully fabricated the organic light-emitting diodes on flexible plastic substrate.
中文審定書 i
英文審定書 ii
致謝 iii
中文摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 有機發光二極體的歷史進展 1
1-3 OLED元件的結構介紹 3
1-3-1 雙層A型 3
1-3-2 雙層B型 4
1-3-3 三層A型 4
1-3-4 三層B型 5
1-4 OLED元件的基本發光原理 6
1-4-1 有機與無機發光機制比較 6
1-4-2 有機發光二極體基礎理論 8
1-4-3 能量轉換機制 10
1-5 有機電激發光元件材料介紹 12
1-5-1 陽極 13
1-5-2 電洞注入層 13
1-5-3 電洞傳輸層 14
1-5-4 高分子發光層 14
1-5-5 小分子發光層 15
1-5-6 電子傳輸層 15
1-5-7 電子注入層 16
1-5-8 陰極 16
1-6 摻雜技術 16
1-7 濃度淬息效應 18
1-8 三重態自我毀滅現象 19
1-9 發光效率定義 19
1-10 光色鑑定 21
1-11 OLED光學損耗因素 22
1-12 研究動機 23
1-13 文獻回顧 24
第二章 實驗方法與流程 26
2-1 實驗架構 26
2-2 實驗材料 27
2-3 實驗設備 29
2-3-1 製程設備 29
2-3-2 量測設備 32
2-4 有機發光二極體實驗步驟 36
2-4-1 基板清潔 36
2-4-2 溶膠凝膠氧化鋅配製及成膜 36
2-4-3 濺鍍圖案化ITO(Sputter-pattenred ITO)製程 37
2-4-4 有機薄膜與金屬薄膜蒸鍍製程 38
2-4-5 OLED元件之封裝製程 40
2-4-6 OLED元件之量測 41
第三章 結果與討論 42
3-1 配製0.4 M之氧化鋅薄膜 42
3-1-1 薄膜穿透率分析 42
3-1-2 薄膜光學特性分析 43
3-1-3 薄膜表面形態分析 44
3-1-4 製程元件數據分析 45
3-1-5 結論 47
3-2 配製0.6 M之氧化鋅薄膜 47
3-2-1 薄膜表面形態分析 47
3-2-2 製程元件數據分析 48
3-2-3 結論 50
3-3 提升0.6 M烤乾溫度之氧化鋅薄膜 50
3-3-1 薄膜穿透率分析 50
3-3-2 薄膜表面形態分析 51
3-3-3 製程元件數據分析 52
3-3-4 結論 54
3-4 配製0.8 M之氧化鋅薄膜 54
3-4-1 薄膜穿透率分析 54
3-4-2 薄膜表面形態分析 55
3-4-3 製程元件數據分析 56
3-4-4 結論 58
3-5 軟性基板元件製程 58
第四章 總結 61
參考文獻 62
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