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研究生(外文):Kuan-Ting Lin
論文名稱(外文):Improved Fiber Sensor by Using a Double-MZI Structure
外文關鍵詞:single mode fiberoffsettaperMach-Zehnder interferometerfiber sensor
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We propose a double-MZI fiber sensor made by offset fusing and overlap fusing. They can be used for environment sensing, including temperature, refractive index, and strain. The fabrication method is very simple, containing only cutting and fusing. By introducing a taper in the middle of a MZI, we can increase the extinction ratio and free spectrum range of the interference spectrum. The largest extinction ratio is 20dB, which can improve the sensitivity of normal fiber MZI sensors.
By changing the parameters of environment, we can observe the variation of the spectrum of a double-MZI fiber sensor. Experiment results show that the sensitivities of temperature, refractive index, and strain of the double-MZI fiber sensor with offset fusing are 75.8pm/°C, -26.4nm/RIU, and 0.002dB/με, respectively. And the sensitivities of temperature, refractive index, and strain of the double-MZI fiber sensor with overlap fusing are 80pm/°C, -110nm/RIU, and -0.09dB/με, respectively. According to the experiment results, we can obtain a better sensing response for the double-MZI fiber sensor with overlap fusing. The proposed double-MZI fiber sensors have higher sensitivities when measuring temperature, refractive index, and strain than a single-MZI fiber sensor. In addition, the double-MZI fiber sensors can also improve the sensing accuracy and measurement range.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 光纖感測器 1
1-2 光纖干涉儀的種類 3
1-2.1 法不立培若光纖干涉儀(Fiber Fabry-Pérot interferometer) 3
1-2.2 馬赫-桑德光纖干涉儀(Fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer) 5
1-2.3 麥克森光纖干涉儀(Fiber Michelson interferometer) 7
1-2.4 薩格奈克光纖干涉儀(Fiber Sagnac interferometer) 8
1-3 研究動機 10
第二章 Mach-Zehnder光纖干涉儀 11
2-1 Mach-Zehnder光纖干涉儀 11
2-2 雙Mach-Zehnder光纖干涉儀 16
第三章 雙Mach-Zehnder光纖干涉儀之製作 19
3-1 錯位熔接雙Mach-Zehnder光纖干涉儀之製作 20
3-1.1 材料介紹 20
3-1.2 元件製作 21
3-2 推擠熔接雙Mach-Zehnder光纖干涉儀製作 25
第四章 錯位熔接結合taper之雙Mach-Zehnder光纖干涉儀感測器 28
4-1 基本特性量測 28
4-1.1實驗架設 28
4-1.2元件量測結果與討論 29
4-2 感測特性量測 31
4-2.1 溫度感測特性 31
4-2.2 折射率感測特性 35
4-2.3 應力感測特性 39
第五章 推擠熔接結合taper之雙Mach-Zehnder光纖干涉儀感測器 42
5-1 基本特性量測 42
5-1.1 實驗架設 42
5-1.2 元件量測與結果討論 43
5-2 感測特性量測 46
5-2.1 溫度感測特性 46
5-2.2 折射率感測特性 48
5-2.3 應力感測特性 50
第六章 結論 52
參考文獻 53
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