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研究生(外文):Di Wu
論文名稱(外文):Study of multiple doping emission layer in organic light-emitting-diodes
指導教授(外文):Li-Yin Chen
外文關鍵詞:co-hostspace charge limited currentcarrier mobilityelectron blocking layerorganic light-emitting diode
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This thesis analyzed the carrier transport properties of multiple doped organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) to optimize the efficiency of the devices. The first part is based on the analysis of an original co-hosted device structure provided by ITRI. The study showed the devices with different doping materials exhibited different carrier transport mechanisms. Single carrier (hole or electron) transporting devices were fabricated to estimate the carrier transporting capability. The carrier-trapping effect and the hole transporting capability of the OLEDs can be enhanced by doping DY001 (yellow phosphorescent guest material provided by ITRI). HT001 (the hole transporting material provided by ITRI) can be used as efficient electron blocking layers to confine electrons in the emission layers.
The second part is to optimize the device structure by modifying both the ratio of the two hosts in the emission layer and the thickness of the emission layer. The optimized device shows a maximum external quantum efficiency up to 14% and a reduced efficiency roll-off due to balanced electron and hole mobilities in the device and an adequate thickness of the emission layer.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
1.1 前言 1
1.2 OLED發展 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 5
1.4 各章提要 6
2.1有機發光二極體結構與發展 7
2.2有機發光二極體原理 9
2.2.1 OLED電激發光原理 9
2.2.2螢光與磷光發光原理 11
2.2.3 磷光發光系統 13
2.3 電荷注入機制 15
2.3.1 Richardson-schottky熱激發載子理論 15
2.3.2 Fowler-Nordheim載子穿隧 16
2.3.3 Langevin-Recombination 17
2.4 有機元件電荷傳遞原理 19
2.4.1材料本質電荷傳遞 19
2.4.2元件電流之限制 20
3.1元件製作流程 22
3.2元件製程 23
3.2.1基板前處理 23
3.2.2蒸鍍製程 23
3.2.3 元件量測 25
3.2.4 單載子元件分析 26
3.3材料簡介 27
3.4材料本質傳輸特性分析 28
3.5元件參考結構 31
4.1發光元件 32
4.2電洞傳輸元件 38
4.2.1 MoO3作為電洞注入層及電子阻擋層 38
4.2.2 HI001作為電洞注入層及MoO3作為電子阻擋層 40
4.2.3 HI001作為電洞注入層及電子阻擋層 41
4.2.4 SCLC傳輸特性分析 47
4.3 電子傳輸元件 50
4.4元件優化 54
參考資料 58
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