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研究生(外文):Wei-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Microstructures and properties of nano-grain refined 304 stainless steel and ceramic-powder inserted Al processed by ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition treatment
指導教授(外文):Chih-Ching Huang
外文關鍵詞:surface mechanical attrition treatmentgrain refinementfine grain strengtheningultrasonic mechanical coating and armoringheat dissipation coating
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在此研究中,我們使用超音波珠擊設備做為研究工具,從事材料表面細晶化 (SMAT)及機械式鍍膜 (UMCA) 之研究,在論文中將分別進行敘述及討論。


以AISI 304不銹鋼作為實驗的材料,藉由改變鋼球大小及超音波馬達震幅為變數,導入簡諧運動、牛頓運動、碰撞公式等,推算出系統中鋼球施加於試片上的能量,並在詳細的微結構觀察、物理性質測量後,與模型作比較,從歸納整理後的結果來看,經由適當的製程參數(鋼球直徑 1-2 mm 鋼球速度 8-10公尺/秒 應變速率 4-5x102 1/秒 輸入能量 70-75 毫焦耳),利用表面微珠擊製程確實能造成晶粒細化進而使金屬的機械性質一定程度上的強化,若使用超過合適的製程參數作為加工條件,經由實驗證實在此情況下,無限制地提高加工量並無法讓強度不斷的提升,反而可能使材料在過高的加工情況下在內部產生空孔、裂縫等缺陷,也可能因為過高的加工能量造成材料表層溫度上升,晶粒無法進一步縮小,材料之硬度、強度不升反降。

In this research, we used Ultrasonic shot peening equipment as the tool, conducting nano-crystallization and surface mechanical coating experiments. Detailed experimental methods, results and discussion are presented separately as SMAT and UMCA parts in the manuscript.

For the first part, the analytic modeling and one experimental assess of the ultrasonic surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) are presented. The bombarding ball speed, induced energy, and the resulting sample hardness, experienced depth and grain size are incorporated into this model, based on harmonic longitudinal vibration motion of ultrasonic-wave-driven ball impact onto the sample surface. An experimental assessment by using a stainless steel flat sample is conducted, and the comparison of the model and experiment is reported. There appear some optimum SMAT working parameters for the best SMAT effect, locating within the ranges of 1-2 mm for the ball size, 8-10 m/s for the ball speed, 4-5x102 s-1 for the strain rate, and 70-75 mJ for the input energy. Beyond the optimum SMAT parameters, the sample surface would be subject to bombarding micro-cracking and the grain size would not be further reduced. Instead, the grain size becomes larger and the hardness becomes lower. The benefits from SMAT would become lower.

We used 1050 aluminum alloys, which often serve as heat sink in light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, are inherent with a high thermal conductivity, but poor thermal total emissivity. Thus, high emissive coatings on the Al substrate can enhance the thermal dissipation efficiency of radiation. In this study, the ultrasonic mechanical coating and armoring (UMCA) technique was used to insert various ceramic combinations, such as Al2O3, SiO2, graphite and carbon nanotube to enhance thermal dissipation. Analytic models have been established to couple the thermal radiation and convection on the sample surface through heat flow equations. A promising match has been reached between the theoretical estimations and experimental measurements. With the adequate insertion of ceramic powders, the heat can be transferred to thermal radiation and emitted. The temperature of the Al plates and heat sinks can be lowered by 5–11°C, which is highly favorable for applications requiring cooling components.
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract v
Contents vii
List of Tables xi
List of Figures xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) 1
1-2 Ultrasonic mechanical coating and armoring (UMCA) 2
1-3 Motivation 2
Chapter 2 Background and Literature Review 4
2-1 The development and applications of stainless steel 4
2-2 The characteristic of stainless steel 4
2-2-1 Contents of stainless steel 4
2-2-2 Austenitic stainless steels 5
2-2-3 304 stainless steel 6
2-2-4 Magnetism properties 7
2-3 Grain refinements 7
2-3-1 The characteristics of ultra-fine grain (UFG) materials 8
2-3-1-1 Size effect related to mechanical characteristics 8
2-3-1-2 Size effect related to corrosion characteristics 10
2-3-2 Grain refinement techniques 11
2-3-2-1 Through severe plastic deformation 11
2-3-2-2 Through rapid cooling 12
2-4 Electron back scattered diffraction 13
2-4-1 Advantages of EBSD 13
2-4-2 The basic principles and set-up of typical EBSD system 14
2-5 Surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) 18
2-5-1 Introduction of surface mechanical attrition treatment 18
2-5-2 Surface nanocrystallization mechanism 18
2-5-3 Mechanical properties 24
2-5-4 Corrosion properties 26
2-6 The characteristic and applications of 1050 aluminum alloys 27
2-7 Modes of thermal transfer 27
2-7-1 Conduction 27
2-7-2 Convection 28
2-7-3 Radiation 29
2-7-4 Thermal equilibrium 30
2-8 Infrared 30
2-9 Importance of heat dissipation in electronic devices 31
2-10 Heat sink 32
2-11 Highly emissive coatings 32
Chapter 3 Experimental Procedures 34
3-1 Surface mechanical attrition treatment 34
3-1-1 Raw materials 34
3-1-2 SMAT 34
3-1-3 Mechanical polishing and electropolishing process 35
3-2 Ultrasonic mechanical coating and armoring 36
3-2-1 Raw materials 36
3-2-2 UMCA 36
3-3 Property measurements and analyses 37
3-3-1 X-ray diffraction 37
3-3-2 Optical microscopy (OM) 38
3-3-3 Nanoindentation 38
3-3-4 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 38
3-3-5 Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) 39
3-3-6 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 39
3-3-7 Heat dissipation test 40
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 41
4-1 SMAT 41
4-1-1 X-ray diffraction analysis 41
4-1-2 SEM analysis 41
4-1-3 EBSD analysis 42
4-1-4 TEM analysis 42
4-1-5 Hardness measurements 43
4-1-6 Modeling 43
4-1-7 Relating SMAT input energy with ball natures 43
4-1-8 Relating SMAT rate/temperature with sample microstructure 46
4-1-9 Relationship between material responses versus SMAT parameters 48
4-2 UMCA 52
4-2-1 Model of heat loss 52
4-2-2 Thermal radiation and convection 52
4-2-3 Heat equation of conduction 55
4-2-4 Basic UMCA morphology 59
4-2-5 Effects of surface roughness on the thermal radiation 61
4-2-6 Effects of powder size on thermal radiation 62
4-2-7 Effects of UMCA Cycles on thermal radiation 63
4-2-8 Effects of heat input power on thermal radiation 64
4-2-9 Comparison of thermal radiation by different powder combinations 64
4-2-10 Comparison of the analytic model and experimental observations 66
4-2-11 Application to real heat sink fins 67
Chapter 5 Conclusions 69
Chapter 6 Suggestions for Future Research 72
References 73
Tables 83
Figures 97
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