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研究生(外文):Shuo-Ting You
論文名稱(外文):Growth of GaN thin film and AlGaN-based quantum well structure by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy for optoelectronics application
指導教授(外文):Ikai Lo
外文關鍵詞:AlGaNLiGaO2molecular beam epitaxyquantum wellZnOnon-polar planeGaNlight emitting diode
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本篇論文主要探討以電漿輔助分子束磊晶術成長氮化鎵薄膜與氮化鋁鎵量子井結構及其應用。首先於成長氮化鎵磊晶薄膜方面,我們嘗試成長非極性面氮化鎵薄膜於合適基板上。我們成長氮化鎵薄膜於氧化鋅微米柱上調變成長條件從N-rich到 Ga-rich,其中確認於Ga-rich的成長環境下可成功成長M面氮化鎵磊晶層於M面氧化鋅微米柱,其結果可由TEM與PL量測獲得確認。由TEM與PL的分析,發現在氮化鎵與氧化鋅微米柱的交接面有一異質相ZnGa2O4產生,其會造成M面氮化鎵產生錯位堆疊缺陷。由此項研究我們確認M面氧化鋅微米柱可被當成基板,成長M面氮化鎵磊晶層。我們將M面氮化鎵磊晶層成長於鋰酸鎵基板(0001)面上,並推導M面纖維鋅礦結構的虎克定律。利用TEM與虎克定律,成功推算M面氮化鎵磊晶層異向應力與缺陷。
在成長氮化鋁鎵量子井結構部分,首先我們成長氮化鋁鎵作為barrier 層與氮化鎵主動層形成量子井結構於氮化鎵templat基板上,由表面形貌分析確認成長多層量子井結構可做為緩衝層改善氮化鎵的磊晶品質。我們亦成長AlxGa1-xN/AlyGa1-yN 多層量子井結構於氮化鎵template基板上,且發現先行成長低溫氮化鋁層於於氮化鎵template基板再成長AlxGa1-xN/AlyGa1-yN 多層量子井結構,可有效減少量子井的缺陷與提高發光效率
In this dissertation, we discuss growth of GaN thin film and AlGaN-based quantum well structure by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy for optoelectronics application. At the first, we grow non-polar plane GaN thin film on the low lattice mismatch substrate. We grow M-plane GaN on ZnO micro-rods (1010) under Ga-rich growth condition which was confirmed by TEM and polarization-dependent photoluminescence. We found that the ZnGa2O4 compound was formed at the M-plane hetero-interface which induce stacking fault defect in the epilayer. We demonstrated that the M-plane ZnO micro-rod surface can be used as an alternative substrate to grow high quality M-plane GaN epi-layers. We also grow M-plane GaN on the -LiGaO2 (100) and derive M-plane GaN Hooke’s law. By the TEM and Hooke’s law, we estimate anisotropic stress in the M-plane GaN epilayer.

In the growth of AlGaN-based quantum well, at the first, we grow AlxGa1-xN/GaN multi-quantum wells on the GaN template substrate. We find that growth of AlxGa1-xN/GaN multi-quantum wells as buffer layer can improve GaN epilayer quality. We also grow AlxGa1-xN/AlyGa1-yN multi-quantum wells on the GaN template. We find that the interlayer LT-AlN layer can avoid AlxGa1-xN/AlyGa1-yN multi-quantum well structure cracking and improve AlxGa1-xN/AlyGa1-yN multi-quantum wells structure.

Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1.1 III-Nitride semiconductor 1
1.2 optoelectronic of GaN-based semiconductor 4
Chapter 2 8
Epitaxial growth of M-plane GaN on ZnO micro-rods by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy 8
2.1 Background 8
2.2 Growth procedure 11
2.3 Results and discussion 14
2.4 Summary 28
Chapter 3 29
Strain of M-plane GaN epitaxial layer grown on -LiGaO2 (100) By plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy 29
3.1 Background 29
3.2 Growth procedure 32
3.2.2 Substrate Processing method 33
3.3 Results 35
3.3.1 Results of sample growth 35
3.3.2 Result of anisotropic stress in M-plane GaN on LiGaO2 (100) 41
3.4 Summary 55
Chapter 4 56
AlxGa1-xN/GaN multi-quantum wells grown on GaN template by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy 56
4.1 Introduction 56
4.2 Growth procedure 58
4.3 Result 60
4.4 Summary 76
Chapter 5 77
AlxGa1-xN/ AlyGa1-yN multi quantum well grow on the GaN template by PA-MBE system 77
5.1 Background 77
5.2 Growth procedure 79
5.3 Results 85
5.4 Summary 117
Chapter 6 118
Conclusion 118
Reference 121
Publications List: 129
Conference paper: 130
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