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論文名稱(外文):The magnetic and electric transport property research on diluted magnetic oxides semiconductor
指導教授(外文):Hsiung Chou
外文關鍵詞:weak localization effectKondo effectspin polarizationdilute magnetic semiconductordilute magnetic oxide
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自旋電子學是目前最引人注目和感興趣的領域之一,它不僅可以擴展現有半 導體元件的功能,還能提供全新的操作概念。稀磁性氧化物能在半導體的狀態下 能同時擁有自旋極化和磁性質的特性也讓它成為其中之一的候選材料。因此在自 旋電子元件的應用上,瞭解稀磁性半導體中自旋極化的電荷和侷域磁矩之間的交 互作用力是一項很重要的議題。
在本論文中,我們藉由氧化銦摻雜鉻金屬的非晶相稀磁性氧化物半導體薄膜, 來探討出現的近藤效應、磁性傳輸過程中產生的通用 s-d 散射效應,以及用於解 釋低溫下透明導電氧化物傳輸行為的 3D 弱侷域化效應。透過上述的效應,我們 可以用來結合並精確的解釋在低溫下載流子的傳輸行為。而在低於最小電阻率溫 度的溫度下,近藤效應則是主導了整個磁電阻行為,並且提高了電阻率。
Spintronic is one of the newest advanced and attracted wide ranges
interested technology for it can not only extend the functions of present semiconductor devices but also provide a brand-new operation concept. Dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS), combines spin-polarization and magnetic properties in semiconducting state, are one of the candidate materials. Understanding the interaction between spin charge carriers and local magnetic moments in DMS is an important issue for applications in spintronic devices.
For this study, we examines amorphous chromium (Cr)-doped indium oxide (In2O3) diluted magnetic oxide semiconductor thin films for the existence of the Kondo effect, general s-d scattering effect on the magneto transport, and the well-known 3D weak localization effect that explains the low temperature transport behavior of transparent conducting oxides. The carrier transportation behavior at low temperature can be accurately described and well fit by a combination of these effects. At temperatures lower than the minimum resistivity temperature, the Kondo effect dominates the magnetoresistance effect and is responsible for the enhancement of resistivity.
致謝--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
中文摘要--------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------vi
Figure List-------------------------------------------------------------------------viii
Chapter 1 - Introduction
1-1 What are diluted magnetic semiconductors? -------------------------1
1-2 Why diluted magnetic semiconductors are important? -------------2
1-3 The choice of diluted magnetic oxide semiconductor --------------3
1-4 Motivation----------------------------------------------------------------------5
Chapter 1 References------------------------------------------------------------9
Chapter 2 - Experimental details and background
2-1 Introduction of Indium Oxide --------------------------------------------11
2-2 Methodologies of fabrication and measurement--------------------13
2-3 Bound magnetic polarons model ---------------------------------------17
2-4 Variable range hopping model ------------------------------------------20
2-5 Weak localization ----------------------------------------------------------21
2-6 Kondo effect -----------------------------------------------------------------24
Chapter 2 References----------------------------------------------------------28
Chapter 3 - Results and Discussion
3-1 Electric transport properties --------------------------------------------29
3-2 Magnetic properties -------------------------------------------------------35
3-3 Magnetic transport properties ------------------------------------------37
Chapter 3 References----------------------------------------------------------43
Chapter 4 – Summary----------------------------------------------------------45
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