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研究生(外文):Wen-wei Liu
論文名稱(外文):Homo politicus vs. The Social:Hannah Arendt''s Political Thought
指導教授(外文):Roy Tseng
外文關鍵詞:political freedomactionthe social
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Arendt’s great contribution to contemporary political thought is her conceptualization of political action as a distinct category of philosophical enquiry. In this paper, the concept of "the social" is intended to explain how modern society limits our freedom and emphasizes that "political freedom" is an irreversible part of modern society.
Modern political philosophy is faced with new situation: There is tension between the "the social" and politics. For modern liberalism or socialism, society is regarded as an autonomous organism and political became a kind of governance function. What is more important is that "freedom" has lost its condition as a state of collective action, replaced by the definition and expression of the free from the political which constitutes the governance model of modern society.
In response to this phenomenon, then this article attempts to discuss is that in modern society, we need to better understand in so far as: how we prevent us and others from the freedom.
壹、緒論:現代政治的思考路徑 1
一、問題意識及其展開 4
二、文獻回顧 8
貳、懸而未決的時刻 14
一、勞動、工作與行動 17
二、「傳統的斷裂」與行動經驗的歸來 21
三、工匠人的挫敗與勞動動物的勝利 24
四、差異敘事與歷史事件 30
參、政治思辨的取向 40
一、詩意的政治思想 41
二、意義的闕如 46
三、共同感與眾聲喧嘩 51
四、公共領域的意義 57
肆、論政治的概念 64
一、終將消失的革命精神? 66
二、社會對政治的錯位 72
三、孤立的社會人 80
四、自由與平等的政治人 88
伍、結論 99
陸、參考文獻 101
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