I.Hannah Arendt 的著作 A.英文部分 Arendt, H. 1968 Men in Dark Times,Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ──. 1972 Crises of the Republic, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ──. 1978 The Life of the Mind, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich; 1st edition. ──. 1989 Lectures on Kant''s Political Philosophy, University of Chicago Press. ──. 1998 The Human Condition, The University of Chicago Press; 2nd edition. ──. 2002 Karl Marx and the Tradition of Western Political Thought, Social Research, vol. 69, no.2, pp.273-319 ──. 2003 The Portable Hannah Arendt, Penguin Classics; Reissue edition. ──. 2004 The origins of totalitarianism (1st ed). New York: Schocken Books. ──. 2005 Essays in Understanding, Schocken; First Edition edition. ──. 2005 The Promise of Politics, Schocken; 1st edition. ──. 2006 Between Past and Future, Penguin Classics; Revised edition. B.中文部分 漢娜.鄂蘭原著,蔡佩君譯,1996,《共和危機》,台北市: 時報文化出版 ──,鄧伯宸譯,2006,《黑暗時代群像》,台北縣:立緒文化 ──,蘇友貞譯,2007,《心智生命》,台北縣:立緒文化 ──,蔡佩君譯,2008,《責任與判斷》,台北:左岸 ──,林驤華譯,2009,《極權主義的起源》,臺北: 左岸文化出版 ──,王寅丽譯,2009,《人的境況》,上海:上海人民出版社 ──,蔡佩君譯,2010,《政治的承諾》,台北縣:左岸文化 ──,施奕如譯,2013,《平凡的邪惡》,台北:玉山社 II.其他參考書目 A.英文部分 Baehr, P. 2004, Of Politics and Social Science ‘Totalitarianism’ in the Dialogue of David Riesman and Hannah Arendt,European Journal of Political Theory, vol. 3 no. 2,pp. 191-217 ──. 2010, Hannah Arendt, Totalitarianism and the Social Sciences, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA. ──. 2013, ‘The Problem of “Unmasking” in “Ideology and Utopia”:Karl Mannheim, Karl Jaspers and Hannah Arendt’, Sociologica, vol. 1,pp. 1-32 Benhabib, Seyla. 2000, The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. ──.1988, ‘Judgment and the Moral Foundations of Politics in Arendt’s Thought’, Political Theory, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 29-51 ──.2010, Politics in Dark Times.Ecounters with Hannah Arendt, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Biskowski L.J.1993, ‘Practical Foundations for Political Judgment: Arendt on Action and World’, The Journal of Politics, 55, pp 867-887 Cane, L. 2015, Hannah Arendt on the principles of political action, European Journal of Political Theory, Vol. 14(1), pp. 55-75 Canovan, M. 1974, The Political Thought of Hannah Arendt, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York. ──. 1992, Hannah Arendt: a reinterpretation of her political thought. Cambridge [England] ; New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. ──. 2000, ‘Arendt’s Theory of Totalitarianism: A Reassessment’ in The Cambridge Companion to Hannah Arendt, ed. D. Villa, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 25-43 Finlay, C.J. 2009,’ Hannah Arendt’s Critique of Violence’, Thesis Eleven, vol. 97 no. 1 pp. 26-45 Fry, K. A. 2009, Arendt: a guide for the perplexed. London ; New York: Continuum. Hill, Melvyn A. 1979, ‘The Fictions of Mankind and The stories of men’, in Hannah Arendt: the recovery of the public world, St. Martin''s Press, pp. 275-300. Horowitz, I.L. 2012, Hannah Arendt: Radical Conservative, Transaction Publishers, New Bruswick, NJ. Hull, M. B. 2002. The hidden philosophy of Hannah Arendt. London ; New York: RoutledgeCurzon. Kateb, G. 2010, ‘Existential Values in Hannah Arendt’s Treatment of Evil and Morality in Politics in Dark Times, ed. S. Benhabib, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 342-74 Klausen, J.C. 2010, Hannah Arendt’s Antiprimitivism, Political Theory, 38(3), pp.394-423 Kohn, Jerome. 2005, ‘Introduction’, in The Promise of Politics, Schocken; 1st edition. Lukes, S. 2005, Power: A Radical View, 2ndedn, Palgrave, London. Marcuse, H. 2005[1930], ‘On the Philosophical Foundations of the Concept of Labor in Economics’ in Heideggerian Marxism, pp. 122-50 Markell, P. 2011, ‘Arendt’s Work: On the Architecture of The Human Condition’, College Literature, vol. 10, pp. 15-44 Moyn,S. 2008, Hannah Arendt on the Secular,New German Critique, Volume 35, Number 3 105: 71-96 Muldoon, J. 2016, ‘Arendtian Principles’, Political Studies, pp. 1-15 Passerin d’Entrèves, M. 1994. The political philosophy of Hannah Arendt. London ; New York: Routledge. Pitkin, H. 1998, The Attack of the Blob: Hannah Arendt’s Concept of the Social, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Swift, S. 2013, “Hannah Arendt, violence and vitality”, European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 16(3), pp. 357-376 Vázquez, R. 2006, Thinking the Event with Hannah Arendt, European Journal of Social Theory,vol. 9 no. 1 pp. 43-57 Villa, D. 1996, Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. Walsh, P. 2008, ‘Hannah Arendt, Sociology and Political Modernity’, Journal of Classical Sociology, vol. 8, pp. 344-66. ──. 2011, ‘The Human Condition as Social Ontology: Hannah Arendt on Society, Action, and Knowledge’, History of the Human Sciences, vol. 24, no.2, pp. 120-37 ──. 2013, ‘Norbert Elias and Hannah Arendt on Philosophy, Sociology and Science’ in Norbert Elias and Social Theory, ed. F. Depelteau and T.S. Landini, Palgrave, London and New York, pp. 246-60 ──. 2014, ‘Hannah Arendt on the Social’ in Hannah Arendt: Key Concepts, pp. 124-37 ──. 2015, Arendt Contra Sociology: Theory, Society and its Science,Ashgate Pub. Weisman, T. 2014, Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx: On Totalitarianism and the Tradition of Western Political Thought, Lexington Books. Yaqoob, W. 2014, ‘The Archimedean point: Science and technology in the thought of Hannah Arendt, 1951-1963’, Journal of European Studies,vol. 44 no. 3 , pp. 199-224 Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth.2004, Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World, 2ndedn, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. ──. 2009,Why Arendt Matters, Yale University Press.
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