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研究生(外文):Yen-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):Metal concentrations in the white muscles of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
指導教授(外文):Meng-Hsien ChenChiee-Young Chen
外文關鍵詞:Heavy metal pollutionRegional differenceGender differenceFood safetyAntagonismBioindicator
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由於近年來美洲和非洲地區人口持續成長,連帶工業上使用重金屬原料提高,加上工業汙水排放處理不佳,可能使大西洋和印度洋海域的重金屬汙染提高。一旦這些重金屬汙染物排入海洋,經由生物放大作用,重金屬會累積在高營養階層的物種體內,因此藉分析高營養階層的大目鮪(Thunnus obesus)肌肉中的重金屬濃度,可一窺此二大洋重金屬汙染的情況與差異,及近年來時間序列上的差別 (2001 和 2005–2007),也可了解大目鮪的生理作用與重金屬之相關性。再者,本研究亦評估大目鮪肌肉的食用安全性。本研究使用原子吸收光譜儀及感應耦合電漿質譜儀,分析大西洋(n=53)和印度洋(n=34)大目鮪肌肉中的六種重金屬(砷、鎘、銅、鐵、硒、鋅)濃度。
結果發現印度洋大目鮪肌肉中的銅濃度呈現顯著雌高於雄的性別差異,顯示印度洋雌性大目鮪可能正值繁殖季節。此外,六種重金屬中除了鐵元素外皆以印度洋的測值高於大西洋的測值,尤其砷和鎘有顯著差異,因此經由多維尺度分析(MDS)也顯示,依此六種重金屬肌肉濃度能將大目鮪明顯分成大西洋和印度洋兩群。地理差異上,在南非和亞速爾群島附近捕獲的大目鮪含有較高的重金屬濃度。兩洋區大目鮪肌肉的鎘濃度及大西洋大目鮪肌肉的鐵濃度皆和其尾叉長呈現正相關。硒健康效益值(Se-HBV)呈現高值,表示大目鮪體內存在硒汞拮抗關係。食用安全上,只有鎘濃度在尾叉長大於145公分的大目鮪中占10.8%會超過歐盟制定的限值(0.1 µg/g 濕重)。本研究亦發現,近年來大西洋的鎘和銅濃度較過去文獻的紀錄為高,顯示大西洋鎘和銅汙染有上升的趨勢。另外,具深潛能力的大目鮪和兩洋區大目鮪的食性差異,可能導致大目鮪和其他鮪類如黃鰭鮪和長鰭鮪存在明顯的重金屬種間差異。
The heavy metal pollution in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans may differ due to several reasons such as the increasing population in America and Africa, the wide use of heavy metals in various industries, and improper disposal of industrial waste and effluent. Once heavy metal pollutants are discharged into the ocean, the heavy metals may accumulate through the food chain and become biomagnified in marine organisms of high trophic levels. As a result, by investigating the heavy metal concentrations in the muscle of bigeye tuna (BET)(Thunnus obesus), which belong to high trophic level, we can understand the status and differences in heavy metal pollution between the two oceans, and the time series difference through the past years(2001 and 2005–2007) . Moreover, the relevance between heavy metals and their physiological effects in BET can be investigated. Furthermore, the food safety of the consumption of BET muscle was also evaluated. Six heavy metals (i.e. As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Se and Zn) in the white muscle tissues of BET, from the Atlantic (n=53) and Indian Oceans (n=34), were analyzed by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) and ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry).
Results indicate that the muscle Cu concentrations in Indian Ocean BET were higher in females than in males, implying that the female BET sampling from the Indian Ocean were in their spawning period. In addition, the heavy metals (except for Fe) in Indian Ocean BET were higher than Atlantic Ocean BET, and the significant difference were especially found in As and Cd. As a result, the BET samples can be separated by Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) into two groups of Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Geographically, the BET caught near Southern Africa and the Azores Islands contained higher heavy metal concentrations in the muscles. We found positive correlations between muscle Cd concentration and fork length (FL) for the BET in the two oceans, as well as between muscle Fe concentrations and FL in Atlantic BET. High selenium health benefit value (Se-HBV) found in BET revealed the antagonism between Se and Hg. As for food safety, approximately 10.8% of the BET larger than 145 cm FL from the two oceans would possess muscle Cd concentrations exceeding the food safety limit (0.1 µg/g wet weight) set by the European Commission. Elevated muscle Cd and Cu concentrations were found in the Atlantic Ocean in comparison with the historical data, implying the increasing marine pollution of the two metals Additionally, heavy metal concentrations were higher in the BET compared with the various tuna species, i.e. albacore tuna and yellowfin tuna, which may be due to the BET’s deep diving ability for prey with higher metal concentrations and their different feeding habit.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
一、前言 1
1.1 研究生物體重金屬之重要性 1
1.2 重金屬於魚體內之作用 4
1.3 以大目鮪作為海洋環境監測指標物種 5
1.4 食用安全性之探討 7
1.5 硒對於汞之拮抗作用 7
1.6 研究目的 9
二、材料與方法 11
2.1 樣品採集 11
2.2 魚體樣品的處理 11
2.3 重金屬含量的測定 13
2.4 品保與品管 14
2.5 Se-HBV之計算 15
2.6 數據處理及統計分析 16
三、結果 18
3.1 大西洋及印度洋大目鮪肌肉重金屬濃度 18
3.2 大西洋及印度洋大目鮪肌肉重金屬和其性別、體型的相關性 18
3.2.1 肌肉重金屬濃度的性別差異 19
3.2.2 肌肉重金屬濃度的洋區差異 21
3.3 大西洋及印度洋大目鮪肌肉重金屬之相關性 23
3.4 大西洋及印度洋大目鮪肌肉之硒汞拮抗作用 24
3.5 食用安全性 24
四、討論 26
4.1 生殖對大目鮪肌肉重金屬濃度之影響 26
4.2 生態習性對大目鮪肌肉重金屬之影響 27
4.3 大目鮪肌肉中重金屬蓄積之洋區和地理差異 31
4.4 兩洋區重金屬汙染的情形 34
4.5 不同洋區大目鮪的硒汞拮抗作用 36
4.6 大目鮪肌肉食用安全之探討 37
五、參考文獻 40
六、表 49
七、圖 60
八、附錄 70
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