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研究生(外文):Zhi-Cheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):The effects of skeleton extract obtained from marine organisms on wound healing
指導教授(外文):Zhi-Hong Wen
外文關鍵詞:wound healingShijuemingos sepiaemacrophagetransforming growth factor-beta
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石決明(Shijueming, SJM),是一種中國傳統中藥。於清朝時期,古籍上關於SJM的記載逐漸增加。記載SJM可用於治療皮膚損傷,特別是用於治療照料不善引起的潰瘍或外傷創口。但先前的研究仍沒有通過動物模式來驗證SJM對於促進傷口癒合的功效。另外在新穎的天然物活性研究中發現海螵蛸(Os Sepiae, OS)可以治療傷口。因此,本研究利用離體和活體模型、組織切片分析和西方點墨法來評估兩種天然物對於傷口癒合的效果。先用RAW264.7巨噬細胞(macrophages)測試抗發炎活性及吞噬作用。也利用雄性Wistar大鼠評估SJM跟OS對燒燙傷及割傷癒合的作用。最後利用蘇木精-伊紅(hematoxylin and eosin)染色、天狼星紅(picrosirius red)染色和西方點墨法(Western blotting)進行分析。結果顯示,在離體模式中SJM可以促進RAW264.7生長,而OS可以促進EA hy 926細胞移行(migration)。SJM和OS均可以降低誘導型一氧化氮合酶(inducible nitric oxide synthase, iNOS)蛋白質表現和增強巨噬細胞的吞噬作用(phagocytosis)。大鼠燒傷模型的結果顯示,相較於空白溶劑(vehicle)組,給予SJM以及OS都可以顯著促進燒燙傷老鼠之傷口癒合。SJM可以降低嗜中性粒細胞浸潤(neutrophil infiltratio),促進轉化生長因子(transforming growth factor-beta 1, TGF-β1)蛋白的表現,從而增加了Ⅰ型膠原蛋白(collagen I)含量。因此我們推測,SJM對於促進傷口癒合的機轉與巨噬細胞活化有關係,而OS促進傷口癒合的機轉則是與促血管新生有關。在發炎過程中,SJM透過抑制iNOS的表現,與促進巨噬細胞吞噬作用去除嗜中性粒細胞使發炎現象緩解。此外,SJM誘導TGF-1的分泌,在組織重塑階段可以轉換膠原蛋白促使增生。
Shijueming (SJM) is a traditional Chinese medicine. Records from 1757, in the Qing dynasty, detail the use of SJM for treating skin injuries, particularly poorly managed ulcers or traumatic wounds. However, no study has yet adopted an animal model to verify the phenomenon described in these records regarding the efficacy of SJM in promoting wound healing. In studies identifying novel bioactive materials in natural products that are useful for treating skin injuries, os sepiae (OS) extract has been reported to have a wound-healing effect. Therefore, this study used in vitro and in vivo models and performed tissue section analysis and Western blotting to evaluate the effect of SJM and OS on wound healing. RAW264.7 cells were used in antiinflammatory activity and phagocytic assays. Male Wistar rats were used to evaluate the effect of SJM and OS on burn and excision wound healing. The results were analyzed through hematoxylin and eosin staining, picrosirius red staining, and Western blotting. The results revealed that in the in vitro model, SJM promoted the phagocytic activity of RAW264.7 cells and OS promoted EA. hy 926 endothelial cell migration. Both SJM and OS reduced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and enhanced macrophage phagocytosis in vitro. Compared with vehicle-treated rats, both SJM and OS significantly promoted wound healing in the rat burn injury model. Furthermore, SJM reduced neutrophil infiltration and promoted transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) protein expression, thus increasing the collagen I content. We suggest that the mechanism through which SJM and OS promote wound healing is related to macrophage activation and angiogenesis enhancement, respectively. In the inflammatory phase, both SJM and OS alleviate inflammation by inhibiting iNOS expression and removing neutrophils through phagocytosis. Furthermore, SJM induces TGF-β1 secretion, converting collagen during the tissue remodeling phase. These findings indicate that SJM is a promising therapeutic option for treating burn injury.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
縮寫表 x
一、前言 1
皮膚的組成 1
皮膚傷口癒合機制 2
臨床傷口藥物 4
傷口復原指標性反應 6
海洋中藥:石決明與海螵蛸 7
石決明 7
海螵蛸 10
石決明與海螵蛸之現代藥理機制研究進展 12
石決明 12
海螵蛸 12
傷口癒合研究之離體與活體模式 13
二、實驗材料與方法 15
(一)細胞部分 15
細胞培養 15
製備海螵蛸與石決明液 15
細胞存活率測試 15
傷口癒合細胞移動能力試驗(in vitro wound healing assay) 16
細胞樣品製備 16
西方點墨法(Western blot) 17
螢光細胞吞噬測試(phagocytic assay) 17
中性紅細胞吞噬試驗(neutral red phagocytic assay) 17
(二)動物部分 18
實驗動物準備 18
燒燙傷傷口製造 18
病理組織切片與HE染色 19
組織西方墨點法 19
實驗分組 20
數據分析 21
三、實驗結果 22
海螵蛸促進血管內皮細胞移動 22
石決明促進巨噬細胞增生 23
石決明與海螵蛸對燙傷傷口癒合速率之影響 25
石決明與海螵蛸對燙傷傷口病理組織之影響 26
石決明與海螵蛸促進燙傷傷口膠原蛋白含量之影響 27
石決明與海螵蛸對燙傷傷口蛋白質與生長因子表現量的影響 28
礦物油基質之石決明與海螵蛸促進割傷傷口癒合的效果 30
礦物油基質之石決明與海螵蛸對割傷傷口病理組織的影響 31
礦物油基質之石決明與海螵蛸促進割傷傷口膠原蛋白含量的影響 32
礦物油基質之石決明與海螵蛸對割傷傷口蛋白質與生長因子表現量的影響 32
凝膠基質之石決明與海螵蛸促進割傷傷口癒合的效果 33
凝膠基質之石決明與海螵蛸對割傷傷口病理組織的影響 33
凝膠基質之石決明與海螵蛸促進割傷傷口膠原蛋白含量的影響 34
凝膠基質之石決明與海螵蛸對割傷傷口蛋白質與生長因子表現量的影響 35
四、討論 98
五、結果總整 105
六、參考文獻 108
七、個人履歷 115
八、附錄 118
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