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研究生(外文):Meng-wei Wei
論文名稱(外文):A study of the hydrodynamics from typhoon by using a non-structured FEM (SCHISM)
指導教授(外文):Jason C.S. Yu
外文關鍵詞:Typhoon StrengthCold WakeUpwellingNon-structural GridHydrodynamic Model
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颱風在海洋表面和上層海洋產生冷尾跡和湧升流,且容易受到颱風狀態、海洋上層結構以及海底地形的影響。本研究利用三維水動力模式SCHISM(Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydroscience Integrated System Model) ,設計一理想颱風於緯度20 度由西向東通過理想海洋,研究其產生冷尾跡和湧升流之機制,並有系統性地比較海洋在不同海底地形、颱風強度、移動速度、海表溫度、混和層深度和26度等溫線深度設定對颱風於海洋產生冷尾跡和湧升流之影響差異。其後,以凡那比颱風做為模擬的例子,並利用模式檢驗模擬結果是否與觀測現象符合。
Typhoon usually produces cold and upwelling on the sea surface and upper ocean. They are easily effected by typhoon status, upper ocean structure and seabed. In this study, we design an idealize typhoon passing thought an idealize ocean at 20˚N by using three-dimensional hydrodynamic model SCHISM (Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydroscience Integrated System Model). We study for their mechanisms and using different depth of seabed, typhoon’s strength, typhoon’s speed, sea surface temperature, mixed layer depth and 26 degree isotherm depth setting to see what will the sea surface temperature at typhoon center difference between each case. Then, we try to simulation the typhoon fanapi to see the model effective.
The result shows that the mechanism of cold wake and upwelling by typhoon.
Because of the drag force, the strong wind generate a strong flow on the typhoon’s right path. It cause an low elevation on the back of typhoon. To balance the elevation, surrounding seawater must flow into this area. But the typhoon blows out. That makes only the subsurface cold water can comes up. So, the upwelling appeared. By counterclockwise horizontal flow, that makes the upwelling reach right hand side of typhoon’s path. In addition, the maximum decrease of sea surface temperature at typhoon center was analyzed with the factors we just talk about. Analysis shows the terrain affects only found within 500 meters of the sea. The typhoon intensity and sea surface temperature showing the maximum decline exponentiation positive correlation. Movement speed and 26 degree isotherm depth setting presented a power of negative correlation, while the depth of the mixed layer and the sea surface temperature has only a little effect on the maximum decrease of the temperature at typhoon center. In this study, the maximum wind speed and typhoon movement speed has a highly correlation with it so that we can assumed an equation to connect them. We use try error method to let the equation close to our idealize result. The equation following by:
the maximum decrease of the temperature at typhoon center(〖∆T〗_core)intensify=〖10〗^(-10)×〖typhoon movement speed〗^6.3×〖typhoon maximum wind speed〗^(-1.4)
The equation are very precise when we simulation the typhoon fanapi. We find out when the 〖∆T〗_core<2.5℃ , typhoon fanapi stop intensification because of it let it’s cold wake influence itself. When typhoon go too slow or intensify too strong, it will make the right side’s horizontal flow brings the cold wake to the front of typhoon and let it stop drawing energy from the ocean.
Keywords: typhoon strength, cold wake, upwelling, non-structural grid, hydrodynamic model
謝誌 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 3
1.3 研究流程 3
1.4 研究架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 颱風生成發展與海洋條件 6
2.2 海洋對颱風之影響 11
2.3 颱風對海洋之作用 20
第三章 研究方法 30
3.1 前言 30
3.2 水動力模式:數值模式-SCHISM 30
3-2-1 控制方程式 32
3-2-2 模式特性 34
3-2-3 理想海洋場溫度設定 36
3.3 理想颱風模式 37
第四章 案例測試 39
4-1 前言 39
4-2 案例設計 39
4-3 案例分析 40
4-4 水深、地形變化 59
4-5 颱風風速及移動速度變化 62
4-6 海洋狀態變化 75
4-7 小結與回歸公式 77
第五章 實際颱風模擬 78
第六章 結論與建議 82
參考文獻 84
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