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研究生(外文):Hsiang-jui Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Effect of Ambient Temperature and Humidity on the Performance of Air - cooled Condenser
指導教授(外文):Yang-Chi ChangLei Yang
外文關鍵詞:Evaporative coolingAir humidifyingAir-Cooled CondenserAtomizationAmbient air temperature
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本研究主要目的是為了提高仁武資源焚燒廠,所使用之氣冷式蒸氣冷凝器(Air - Cooled Condenser)的冷卻效率,進一步增加發電機組發電量。故對ACC冷卻效率影響原因進行探討,當我們對空氣溫度記錄進行觀察時,發現空氣溫度出現30°C以上的高溫,會開始影響冷凝器的冷卻效率,並使發電機組被迫降低發電量運轉,且經我們推估空氣溫度升至34°C時,可能會損失約4兆瓦的功率輸出。
The main objective of this research is to improve the incineration efficiency of Ren-Wu refuse incineration plant, by doing so, the efficiency of Air Cooled Condenser needs to be increased, which can result in extra power-generation during summer-days.
After certain period of observation on on-site ambient air temperature, it was found that ACC condensation efficiency started to deteriorate when the ambient air temperature rose above 30°C. ACC efficiency reduction had a direct effect on the plants power generation, more than 4MW loss of power generation was observed when the ambient air temperature hit 34°C.
In this research was a solution in cooling the air temperature. The water spray system created infinitesimal water-droplets which absorbed the heat from ambient air then evaporated. Through this phenomenon, the cooling of ambient air is achievable, hence, the ACC efficiency can be improved.
The result from data analysis confirmed that water spray adiabatic cooling system can help in reducing the ambient air temperature, which can further increase the power generation during summer, extra 2.7 kW of power generation can be produced from 1 ton of steam. The result from project financial analysis also showed that the return on investment would take at least 6.9 years for the return on investment. For the project investment perspective, suitable return on investment period should be less than 5 years. Consequently, further investigation was made to find the reason for such long-due return on investment. Unfortunately, the result showed that due to the unmodifiable structure of ACC site, portions of water spray droplet were collided with the metal structure and failed to evaporate, hence result in the overall-system efficiency reduction, deviated from the design calculation.
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章:緒論 1
1.1研究背景及動機 1
1.2研究目標現況 1
1.3研究目的 2
第二章:文獻回顧 4
2.1 冷卻技術說明 1
2.2空氣冷凝器介紹 6
2.3冷凝器的主要功能影響 13
2.4溫升上升對ACC的影響 14
2.5 ACC改善方法 15
2.6多項式迴歸分析 16
第三章:研究及測試方法 20
3.1絕熱冷卻 20
3.2氣象條件 24
3.3系統設計安裝 28
3.3.1噴嘴研究 28
3.3.2系統安裝 35
3.4經濟分析 39
3.4.1設備成本分析 39
3.4.2運轉成本分析 40
3.5項目效益分析 42
第四章:試驗結果與分析討論 44
4.1試驗結果 44
4.2分析討論 49
第五章:結論與建議 53
5.1結論 53
5.2建議 54
參考文獻 55
附錄 60
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仁武廠分散式控制系統日常紀錄資料庫(2014) 仁武廠日常紀錄資料
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