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研究生(外文):Li-Chung Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Simulation by FLOW-3D on the Wave Set-up and Run-up
指導教授(外文):Chung-Pan Lee
外文關鍵詞:numerical simulationFLOW-3Dwave run-upwave breakwave set-up
  • 被引用被引用:4
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The calculation of run-up is usually estimated by the offshore maximum wave height. Nevertheless, the higher wave height with the same period result in larger wave steepness. A wave will break earlier by the shoaling effect with larger wave steepness. On the contrary, A wave will break later with smaller wave steepness. Therefore, the major issue of this study is to analysis whether the wave result in larger run-up and set-up with larger wave steepness or not.
A computational fluid dynamics software called “FLOW-3D” is used to simulate this study. There are three kinds of slope 1/10, 1/20 and 1/30 used for impermeable bottom. An impermeable embankment is set at the end of the slope. Observe and record related data such as mean water level, run-up, etc. by changing period, wave height and slope.
According to the results of FLOW-3D, the ratio of mean water level in front of embankment to incident wave height for smaller breaking depth is larger than larger breaking depth. The most former research indicates that slope is a crucial parameter for wave run-up. Nevertheless, slope effects wave run-up slightly on a gentle slope. Wave run-up displays positive correlation to wave period on a steep slope. On a gentle slope, wave run-up is not related to wave period. The consequences of the comparison between model and experience indicate each experimental equation may show the exacter solution at specific slope.

Keywords: wave break, wave set-up, wave run-up, numerical simulation, FLOW-3D
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
誌謝 iii
中文摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
符號說明 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 1
1-3 研究流程 2
1-4 研究架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 理論解析之相關文獻回顧 4
2-2 水工試驗之相關文獻回顧 6
2-3 數值模擬之相關文獻回顧 10
2-4 FLOW-3D之相關文獻回顧 10
第三章 數值模式 13
3-1 FLOW-3D軟體介紹 13
3-2 基本控制方程式 13
3-2-1 Naiver-Stokes Equation 14
3-2-2 Naiver-Stokes Equation 14
3-3 數值模擬設定 19
3-3-1 模式建立 19
3-3-2 數據輸出 24
3-4 碎波條件數據分析 25
3-5 溯升數據分析 25
3-6 網格獨立性測試 26
3-6-1 自由液面 26
第四章 結果與討論 28
4-1 波揚模擬結果分析 28
4-1-1 不同坡度比較 28
4-1-2 不同週期比較 31
4-1-3 平均水位模擬結果與經驗式比較 33
4-2 溯升模擬結果分析 37
4-2-1 不同坡度比較 37
4-2-2 不同週期比較 42
4-2-3 溯升模擬結果與經驗式比較 46
第五章 結論與建議 54
5-1 結論 54
5-2 建議 55
參考文獻 56
附錄一、坡度1/10案例碎波相關數據 60
附錄二、坡度1/20案例碎波相關數據 62
附錄三、坡度1/30案例碎波相關數據 64
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