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研究生(外文):Yu-yao Chang
論文名稱(外文):A leading indicator of the financial crisis to investigate the feasibility of Taiwan financial cycle
指導教授(外文):Chih-Wei Wang
中文關鍵詞:CF Filter台灣金融循環金融危機領先指標BK FilterHP Filter
外文關鍵詞:financial crisis leading indicatorsTaiwan financial cycleCF FilterHP FilterBK Filter
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本研究依據李桐豪等人(2010)之研究中,挑選出具有預測金融危機的領先指標,剔除資料長度不足變數,最後採納的資料包含台灣股價加權指數(SB01) 、貨幣供給額(M2) (MA0301)、台灣出口貿易總金額 (TC01)、西德州原油(PA16)、台灣進口貿易總金額 (TC02)、美元兌新台幣匯率(MC02)、美國道瓊工業指數(SB03)等等藉由具有領先效果、預警效果的指標、指數,參考侯德潛(2015)的做法,採用Eview 9.5套裝軟體來估算Band Pass Filter,並選擇全期非勻稱 (asymmetric)的CF Filter,探討寬頻濾波法的波動頻率探討金融危機領先指標是否具有預警效果。
In recent years, the interdependence of the global economy has become increasingly deepened, and the operation of financial transaction system has been complex day by day, resulting in an increase in the instability of the financial environment. In the history of global economic, there are lots of financial crises breaking out. Once the financial crisis breaking out, the outbreak of the global economic market will occur unpredictable damage. The financial crisis is the powerful loose cannon in the development of global economic market history. In addition to bring us the huge economic losses, the impact on the global economy is still remaining fresh memory as if still trapped in it! Particularly the 2007 financial crisis affected from the US finance to the US real economy, and then spread to countries worldwide. This caused not only the slowdown of the GDP for the developing countries, the United States, the European Union and other countries, but also derived the global inflation. The financial crisis made a quite huge effect for the future economic development to every country worldwide.

The study is based on the research of Lee, Tung-Hao et al. (2010), which selected the leading norms that could predict the financial crisis and eliminate the limited data. Taiwan Security Exchange Corporation-Weighted Stock Index(SB01), Money Supply (M2)(MA0301 ), USD Value of Export- Total- Taiwan(TC01), West Texas Interm ediate (PA16), US. Value of Imports- Total- Taiwan(TC02), The US dollar against the Taiwan dollar (MC02), The Dow Jones Industrial Average (SB03) and other leading. Referring to the ractice of Hou, De-Qian et al. (2015), estimate Band Pass Filter by using Eview 9.5 package and select the full period of non-symmetric (asymmetric) CF Filter, to explore if the fluctuation frequency of the Band Pass Filter had the warming effect to the financial crisis leading norm or not.
目 錄
第 一 章 緒論…………………………...………....…………..………………… 1
第一節 研究動機與目的…….……………….…………………….…….………. 1
第二節 研究架構………….….…………………….………………….…………. 3
第 二 章 文獻探討......................................................................................... 4
第 三 章 研究方法…..………………………………………………..………..... 6
第一節 時間序列資料處理....………………...…………….……………………. 6
第二節 Band Pass Filter理論說明.……………………………..………………. 8
第 四 章 實證結果與分析……………...……...……………………….………… 16
第一節 IPI指數驗證…………………...…..………………………....…………... 17
第二節 台灣金融循環領先指標驗證與探討………………….....…….………... 19
第 五 章 結論與建議……………………………….…………….……………….. 23
參考文獻…………………………...…………………………...…………………. 25

圖 次
圖4.1 工業生產指數IPI指數驗證………………………………………............ 18
圖4.2 IPI指數與景氣同時指標………………………………………………… 19
圖4.3 相同濾波下,台灣金融循環與工業生產指數(IPI)…............................ 21
圖4.4 台灣金融循環…………………………………………………………….. 22

表 次
表3.1 各變數的原始資料………………………………………………………… 6
表3.2 變數平穩性檢驗(unit root tests)…………………….…………….....…… 8
表4.1 台灣歷次景氣循環峰谷日期……..……………….……………………… 17
表4.2 台灣金融循環領先、落後期數…………………………………………... 22
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