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研究生(外文):I-ting Hung
論文名稱(外文):Corporate Sustainability Strategies in Traditional Industry: A Case Study of Everest Textile
指導教授(外文):Chao-Hsien Sung
中文關鍵詞:7R 修練三重底線傳統產業企業永續責任永續企業永續
外文關鍵詞:7Rtraditional industrycorporate sustainability responsibilitycorporate sustainabilitytriple bottom linesustainability
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Sustainability has become a popular and inevitable topic for companies all over the world. Although the maturity of the sustainability concept was not as complete as in western countries, doing sustainability was still a journey that is worth investing. Concerning the fact that the traditional industry has helped boost the economic miracle of Taiwan, this paper aims at researching on the development of sustainability practices and strategies of traditional industry. Previous studies showed that it is beneficial for companies to do sustainability. Consumers now prefer to invest and purchase from those who devoted themselves in sustainability activities. Studies also showed doing sustainability required continuous effort and the outcome can be seen in a long run. To give more support evidence, Everest Textile, a textile company based in Tainan, Taiwan was taken as the study object. Two interviews were conducted to understand their sustainability practices in terms of the organizational framework, planning, goals and future expectation. The findings show that Everest does adopt a certain framework to structure the personnel and look for professional advice to complete their plan on sustainability campaign. With full preparation, support from the managerial level and innovation and goodwill, Everest was able to fulfill their goal and move on to the next goal.
[ABSTRACT (Chinese)+iii]
[ABSTRACT (English)+iv]
[1.1 Research Background and Motivation+3]
[1.2 Research Goal+5]
[1.3 Research Procedure+7]
[2.1 The Definition of Corporate Sustainability+10]
[2.2 The Framework of Corporate Sustainability+13]
[2.3 The Development of Corporate Sustainability+18]
[2.4 Corporate Sustainability in the Age of Industry 4.0+23]
[2.5 An Example of Doing Corporate Sustainability+24]
[2.6 Current Research on Textile Industry+26]
[2.6.1 History and Development of Textile Industry in Taiwan+26]
[2.6.2 The Present Stage of Oversea Textile Industry+28]
[2.6.3 Case Study of Oversea Textile Industry+30]
[2.6.4 Regulation and Policy for Textile Industry+33]
[3.1 Research Design and Theoretical Framework+36]
[3.2 Methodology+38]
[4.1 Introduction of the Company+41]
[4.1.1 Company Profile+41]
[4.1.2 Corporate Culture+43]
[4.1.3 Organizational Chart+43]
[4.2 Corporate Sustainability of Everest+44]
[4.2.1 The Timeline of Everest Corporate Sustainability Model+45]
[4.2.2 The Everest Sustainability Model Framework+51]
[4.2.3 The Implementation of ESM+54]
[4.2.4 The Triple-Bottom-Line and 7R Discipline+55]
[ Economics+57]
[ Environment+62]
[ Society+67]
[4.2.5 The Implementation of Industry 4.0 in Everest Textile+69]
[4.3 Recommendations+72]
[5.1 Research Conclusions+76]
[5.2 Limitations+79]
[APPENDIX: Interview Questions+88]
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