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研究生(外文):An-Lou Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Key Factors on Development of Mobile Payment – The Case of Wechat Wallet
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chen Yang
外文關鍵詞:Herd behaviorE-walletDiscountTechnology acceptance modelPerceived securityMobile payment
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中國大陸是世界上使用行動支付人數最多的國家,隨著物聯網的發達,中國人出門只需要帶一隻手機,任何事情都可以用手機執行,行動支付漸漸已成為大陸人民不可或缺的工具。當科技技術已經準備好時,相較於其他亞洲國家,行動支付在台灣的發展比較緩慢, 消費習慣仍舊停留在現金與信用卡,因此,本研究將以中國大陸的微信銭包為範例,探討行動支付發展的成功關鍵因素,為將來投入台灣行動支付市場的借鏡與參考。

With technology advanced, people tend to consume more and more time on mobile phone. The paying tool has been diversified from barter, cash to mobile payment. The method of payment has been transformed to mobile. It brings much convenience to people. China has become the largest and fast-growing market for mobile payment. Wechat is the most popular social application in China. Since Chinese people began accepting mobile payment, Tencent Company has been successfully leveraging users to Wechat wallet. In this research, Wechat wallet is a case to discover key factors for consumer’s acceptance and to find out which factors make impact on mobile payment for Taiwanese market.

The research contributes to technology acceptance model. Perceived security, herd behavior, discounts are added as extra variables for further analysis. These variables are discussed the effect for behavioral intention to use and actual use. The collection of survey was conducted through the Internet and social media platform. The valid survey samples are three hundred and sixteen. Hypotheses are verified through SPSS and PLS software. According to the result of data analysis, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived security, herd behavior, discounts are positively related to behavioral intention to use and actual use.
Chinese Abstract..................................................................................................................................ii
English Abstract..................................................................................................................................iii
Figure of Content...............................................................................................................................vii
Table of Content...............................................................................................................................viii
Chapter 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background............................................................................................................1
1.2 Research Motivation and Objectives......................................................................................2
1.3 The Procedure of Research...................................................................................................3
Chapter 2 Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………4
2.1 Mobile Payment.....................................................................................................................4
2.2 Technology Acceptance Model..............................................................................................4
2.3 Discount.................................................................................................................................7
2.4 Perceived Security.................................................................................................................7
2.5 Herd Behavior........................................................................................................................7
Chapter 3 Methodology................................................................................................................9
3.1 Hypothesis Framework..........................................................................................................9
3.2 Survey...................................................................................................................................10
3.2.1 Survey Design....................................................................................................................12
3.3.2 Survey Measurement.........................................................................................................12
3.3.3 Channels for Data Collection..............................................................................................13
Chapter 4 Data Analysis..............................................................................................................14
4.1 Data Collection.......................................................................................................................14
4.2 Descriptive Statistics..............................................................................................................14
4.3 Data analysis.........................................................................................................................19
4.3.1 Reliability Analysis..............................................................................................................19
4.3.2 Convergent Validity.............................................................................................................20
4.3.3 Pearson Correlation...........................................................................................................22
4.4 Hypothesis Testing................................................................................................................23
4.5 Mediation...............................................................................................................................25
Chapter 5 Conclusion .................................................................................................................29
5.1 Research Conclusion.............................................................................................................29
5.1.1 Relationship between Perceived Usefulness and Behavioral Intention to Use..............................................................................................................................................29
5.1.2 Relationship between Perceived Ease of Use and Behavioral Intention to Use..............................................................................................................................................29
5.1.3 Relationship between Discount and Behavioral Intention to Use..................................... 30
5.1.4 Relationship between Perceived Security and Behavioral Intention to Use..............................................................................................................................................30
5.1.5 Relationship between Herd Behavior and Behavioral Intention to Use.............................30
5.1.6 Relationship between Behavioral Intention to Use to Actual Use.......................................31
5.2 Theoretical Implications.........................................................................................................31
5.3 Managerial Implications.........................................................................................................32
5.4 Limitation and Future Direction..............................................................................................33
Appendix 1: Survey......................................................................................................................40
Appendix 2: PLS..........................................................................................................................55
Appendix: Bootstrap....................................................................................................................56
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