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研究生(外文):Helene Festal
論文名稱:文化因素與成功的跨國併購案: 談判過程所產生的影響
論文名稱(外文):Cultural Factors and the Success of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: What is the Impact of the Negotiation Stage?
指導教授:徐士傑徐士傑引用關係Jessica Fouilloux
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chieh HsuJessica Fouilloux
外文關鍵詞:negotiation processGhauri frameworkcultural differencesinternational negotiationsCross-border mergers and acquisitions
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Over the last three decades, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have been an increasing popular business practice to the extent of dominating world economy scene. This boom contrasts with a high rate of failure and dissatisfaction. A myriad of scholars investigated on the factors causing these failures during the post-merger integration process. While they debate on whether culture positively or negatively impacts the post-merger stage, the role of negotiation in the outcome of the M&A is quite overlooked. Thus, cross-border mergers and acquisitions were analysed within the scope of international negotiations to determine whether the negotiation stage has an impact on their success.
Ghauri framework (2003) provides an excellent foundation to build upon and apply a unique international negotiation. The model embraces a lot of the negotiation’s aspects and would therefore help to come with a comprehensive analysis of M&A negotiations. Nevertheless, the model is not universally applied to all international negotiations. Hence, it has been critiqued and supported by other academics. In the light of both a literature review and a qualitative study, several answers were given on what role the negotiation stage plays in the success of transnational M&As.
The crucial role of the pre-negotiation stage can be highlighted. This time-consuming phase sets the prerequisites of an M&A success: buying at a targeted price under terms that encompass as much risks as possible. It is a two-fold stage: while the due diligence part is very technical, the relationship building requires a lot more psychology and cultural adaptability. Should these prerequisites be met, the negotiation process can bode for successful M&As.
Over the past century, the United States elaborated a negotiation model to become the most efficient and successful possible in M&A deals. Under the Anglo-Saxon influence on the business world, the model spread over other developed countries and is now reaching emerging countries. If this standardisation of the process is slightly erasing cultural specificities in the negotiation style, this model does not adapt to very different cultures and cannot overcome major environmental issues which might dramatically hinder negotiations. Thus, adding an international dimension to this already complex process results in a more expensive and time-consuming transaction and increases risks.
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Theoretical Framework 4
1. The negotiation process of M&A 5
1.1 Pre-negotiation 5
1.2 Face-to-face negotiation 6
1.3 Post-negotiation 8
1.4 Outcome 8
2. Background factors influencing the M&A negotiation 10
2.1 Objectives 10
2.2 Environment 12
2.3 Third parties 14
2.4 Negotiators 15
3. Atmosphere during the M&A negotiation 17
3.1 Conflict and cooperation 17
3.2 Power and dependence 18
3.3 Expectations 18
4. Cultural and strategic dimensions in cross-border M&A 20
4.1 Time 20
4.2 Individualist/collectivist 21
4.3 Communication 21
4.4 Personal relations 23
4.5 Strategic factors 23
Conclusion 25
Chapter 2: Empirical Framework 27
1. Methodology of the empirical study 27
1.1 Methodology selection 27
1.2 The sample 28
1.3 The interview form 31
1.4 Processing of data 31
2. Findings 33
2.1 The essential role of the pre-negotiation stage 34
2.2 The impact of cultural differences on the negotiation process 43
Discussion & Conclusion 54
1. Theoretical and managerial contributions 54
1.1 Adaptability of Ghauri’s framework 54
1.2 How to be a successful international negotiator 56
1.3 Defining success 56
1.4 Future of the global M&A market 57
2. General conclusion 58
3. Limits and perspectives for future research 60
3.1 A non-exhaustive research 60
3.2 A French research 61
3.3 Focus on the pre-negotiation stage 61
References 63
Appendices 69
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