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研究生(外文):Christoph Pramendorfer
論文名稱(外文):The Role of Market Research in the International Market Selection Process: Determining Market Attractiveness
指導教授(外文):David McConville
外文關鍵詞:International Market SelectionTaiwanese PVC Window MaForeign Market EntryScreeningMarket AttractivenessMarket Research
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  此論文主要之目的在於全球市場的選擇,特別是著重在篩選的階段,也就是引導企業應於何處拓展其業務。以奧地利所屬公司,全球工具企業龍頭Greiner Tool.Tec 為個案,分析型材擠出領域中的機械與系統、技術與塑膠概況,進而了解PVC窗戶在台灣的市場。此分析,尤其所得出的結果將闡述為了在國際市場選擇過程中有客觀的決策,有系統成長的市場資訊之重要性。本研究的結果顯示,台灣PVC窗戶產業對當地政府的依賴程度相當高,因為當地政府是唯一主要的顧客。在私人建設部分,大致上只需求金屬的窗戶。在台灣,南亞塑膠公司是唯一有規模的PVC窗戶製造商,所以台灣的PVC窗戶市場可以說是完全寡占。能源價格特別低也更阻礙了台灣PVC窗戶市場的發展。諸如種種因素,這份研究無法探入其深且有所受限。這也就是為何本研究中市場調查方法所展現的結果,顯現出有系統及架構的市場價值評估,以及為了使過程更加專業,將目標放置於基礎工程的重要性。
  This thesis aims to shed light on the process of international market selection, especially on the screening stage that is supposed to guide companies on where to expand their businesses to. Based on the case study of the Austrian company Greiner Tool.Tec, the world market leader for tools, machinery and systems in the area of profile extrusion, technical profiles and plastic profiles, the PVC window market in Taiwan is analyzed. This analysis and especially its critical reflection is supposed to illustrate the importance of systemically gaining market information in order to objectify decision making in the international market selection process. The research findings have revealed that the Taiwanese PVC window industry is very dependent on the Taiwanese government, since it is the only major customer. The private construction segment almost exclusively demands metal windows. As the Nanya Plastics Corporation is the only big producer of PVC windows in Taiwan, the market is not only characterized by its monopsonistic, but also by its monopolistic nature. Extremely low energy prices further impede the attractiveness of the Taiwanese PVC window market. However, the conducted market research was lacking depth and suffered from limitations. That is why a critical reflection of the market analysis approach highlights the importance of systemic and structured market attractiveness evaluation and aims to lay the groundwork for a professionalization of that process.
Thesis Verification Letter i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi

1 Introduction 1
  1.1 Problem and Motive 1
  1.2 Purpose of Thesis 1
  1.3 Research Question 2
  1.4 Structure 2
2 Literature Review - Internationalization 4
  2.1 Internationalization Strategies 4
  2.1 Models Explaining the Internationalization Process 6
  2.2 Internationalization Challenges 11
  2.3 International Market Selection 12
  2.4 Market Research 14
3 Methodology 19
  3.1 Secondary Research 19
  3.2 Primary Research 20
  3.3 Greiner Tool.Tec 21
  3.4 Approach 22
4 Analysis and Discussion 23
  4.1 Reliability and Validity 23
  4.2 Economic Situation 24
   4.2.1 General Facts about Taiwan 24
   4.2.2 Reflection 26
  4.3 PVC Window Market – General Data 27
   4.3.1 Total Window Demand 27
   4.3.2 Market Share 29
   4.3.3 Demand by Building Type 31
   4.3.4 Demand by Function 32
   4.3.5 Window Types in Taiwan 33
   4.3.6 Reflection 34
  4.4 Machinery Industry and Potential Competitors 35
   4.4.1 Industry Overview . 35
   4.4.2 Extrusion Manufacturers 36
   4.4.3 Reflection 38
  4.5 Window Manufacturers – Potential Customers 39
   4.5.1 Metal Window Manufacturer 39
   4.5.2 PVC Window Manufacturer 41
   4.5.3 Reflection 44
  4.6 Window End Users and Decision Makers 44
   4.6.1 End Users 45
   4.6.2 Designers and Architects 46
   4.6.3 Reflection 47
  4.7 Influencing Factors 47
   4.7.1 Energy Costs 48
   4.7.2 Environmental Situation in Taiwan 54
   4.7.3 Lobbying in Taiwan 58
   4.7.4 Reflection 59
5 Conclusion and Recommendation 61
 References  64
 Appendices  72
 Appendix 1   72
 Appendix 2  75
 Appendix 3   79
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