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研究生(外文):Ariana Myrah Ohana
論文名稱(外文):Successful Sustainable Competitive Advantage for Entering the US Market: A Practical Case Study of a Taiwanese Manufacturer
指導教授(外文):Shyh-Jer Chen
外文關鍵詞:alliance management capabilitiesstrategy executionsustainable competitive advantageresources and capabilitiesStrategic alliancebest-cost provider strategy
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截至現今的實例個案尚未能發展出一個完整且有系統的結構模型來提供台灣本土製造業 (世豐螺絲公司) 進一步地拓展國際商務,以及獲取持續性競爭優勢。此外,台灣螺絲產業的公司尚未透過更有效的策略聯盟管理來強化自身的資源和能力以及克服海外競爭對手的關鍵執行戰略,進而獲得持續競爭性優勢。
本研究首先介紹了台灣世豐螺絲公司與美國菲利普螺絲公司的策略聯盟,以此聯盟作為本研究的個案案例。深入地剖析世豐螺絲自身的資源,競爭能力,市場策略和策略聯盟成效如何在聯盟決策管理過程中發揮重要的作用,並獲得持續性競爭優勢。本研究透過政治、經濟、社會、技術、法律及環境 (PESTLE)六大層級,波特五力分析模型 (Michael Porter''s Five Forces Model),強弱危機分析法 (SWOT Analysis),道斯矩陣 (TOWS Analysis),
資源基礎理論(Resource-Based View,簡稱 RBV)來分析世豐螺絲所處的激烈競爭市場環境,並建構出三大發展方針。本研究依據這三大發展方針提出一個組織建構模型,著重在有效管理世豐螺絲員工,強化聯盟管理能力,改
Practical case studies to this date have failed to give a complete, systematic model
of all the necessary steps required for a local Taiwanese company, such as Sheh Fung to
further develop their business in the United States and attain sustainable competitive
advantage. Moreover, local screw manufacturers don’t have the perfect recipe for
attaining sustainable competitive advantage by managing alliances more effectively,
strengthening their resources and capabilities, focusing on being the best-cost provider,
and executing key strategies that would overcome their competitors abroad.
This paper begins by introducing Sheh Fung Screws Co. and their strategic alliance
with Phillips Screw Co. as a practical case study for a deeper understanding of how a
company’s resources, competitive capabilities, market strategies, and strategic alliance
play an important role in the strategy-making process for obtaining sustainable
competitive advantage. Then, it uses some of the most fundamental perspectives such
as, PESTEL, Porter’s five forces, SWOT, TOWS, and RBV to analyze Sheh Fung’s
competitive market environment for the purpose of formulating three-key
organizational-building actions. These key organizational- building actions revolve
around managing Sheh Fung’s employees more effectively, improving their alliance
management capabilities, refining underperforming processes, and organizing the firm’s
structure for the US branch. The proposed organizational-building model hopes to
complete this recipe for obtaining a successful sustainable competitive advantage for
entering the US market.
THESIS DISSERTATION VALIDATION LETTER .................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT (CHINESE) .................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT (ENGLISH) ..................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS. .................................................................................................. ...v
LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER I. RESEARCH INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1
Research Objective ...................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II. RESEARCH ISSUES .............................................................................. 3
Best-Cost Provider Strategy .......................................................................................... 3
Alliance Management Capability Strategy ................................................................... 6
CHAPTER III. COMPANY OVERVIEW ................................................................... 10
Sheh Fung Screws Company Introduction .................................................................. 10
Strategic Vision and Mission ...................................................................................... 11
Sheh Fung‟s Value Chain Process .............................................................................. 12
CHAPTER IV. THE JOINT VENTURE ...................................................................... 15
Phillips Screw Company Introduction ........................................................................ 15
The Alliance Internal Operations ................................................................................ 16
Strategic Functions of All Supporting Teams ............................................................. 17
CHAPTER V. COMPETITIVE EXTERNAL ANALYSIS ........................................ 19
PESTEL Analysis ....................................................................................................... 19
Dynamic Competitive Pressures ................................................................................. 21
Strategic Group Mapping of Key Competitors ........................................................... 26
Competitive Market Summary .................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER VI. INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS ...................................... 31
Resourced-Based View ............................................................................................... 31
SWOT Analysis .......................................................................................................... 37
TOWS Analysis .......................................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER VII. RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................... 41
First Action: Properly Staffing the Firm ..................................................................... 43
Second Action: Developing and Strengthening Capabilities ...................................... 44
Third Action: Structuring People and Organization ................................................... 46
CHAPTER VIII. CONCLUSION .................................................................................. 50
Managerial Implications ............................................................................................. 52
Research Limitations and Future Direction ................................................................ 53
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 54
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